How to protect your apartment if the neighbors have bugs

At the beginning of the 20th century, bugs in apartments and communal apartments were a natural disaster and they lived in entire invincible colonies in old houses, furniture, books, under wallpaper, and under plinths. They fought with them systematically and in an organized manner. For a while they disappeared, they began to forget about them, and suddenly bed bug appeared again. This parasite, if you have time to multiply, will become a headache not only for one apartment, but also for the whole house, as it is able to migrate from one place to another, trying to avoid death.Therefore, the question of whether bugs can move from the neighbors, becomes simply rhetorical. If time does not stop the massive movement of parasites - tenacious and unpretentious insects will long run across from one room to another, postponing the eggs and infecting all the territory in its path.

How to determine the source of bedbugs

Bedbug bites
Bedbug bites

If there were suspicious black dots on the wallpaper, walls, under the carpet or smeared blood on the sheet, and in the morning it seems like an allergy, as the whole tracks of itchy red spots appeared on the body - we can safely say that bugs came to the apartment. Feverishly you start thinking: what to do. Source of infection can be both you and your neighbors. Quickly analyze the latest events in the house:

  • whether any of the inhabitants of the apartment went on business trips, to rest with a stop at a hotel or a motel;
  • whether new or used furniture, mattresses, blankets, things;
  • whether guests came to the apartment overnight;
  • were places visited with possible parasite infestation;
  • Has the dog brought in the bloodsucker's fur?

If the answers to all questions turned out to be negative, the conclusion suggests only one: the bugs climb from their neighbors.

Insect control methods

The first thing to urgently do is to visit the next apartment and try to find out if they have this problem. If the inhabitants of the apartment are not recognized, and the smell of poison is felt in the room, then the fear that the bugs are crawling from their neighbors has been confirmed. It is necessary to immediately begin the processing of its territory.

First, it is necessary to determine the strategy: get rid of bedbugs yourselfusing effective insecticides or seek help from professionals. In Moscow and other large cities, there are special sanitary services, which leave for citizens on call and carry out processing apartment.

Professional processing
Professional processing

On a note!

The most correct decision will be to negotiate with all residents of the house and wipe out parasites at the same time, as this will provide an opportunity to protect themselves from re-infection.

If such a scenario is impossible, and the neighbors stubbornly do not want to cooperate, it is necessary to find an organization, often SES,to complain about them and ask for the protection and assistance of an official state body in resolving a conflict situation. Bedbugs at the neighbors - shock for the whole house. Sanitary and epidemiological station is obliged to respond to the statement and take appropriate action. If the conflict is not resolved peacefully, the SES should tell where to complain further in order to protect themselves from the negligent inhabitants of the neighboring apartment.

In our state there are still no such laws capable of protecting a person in ambiguous situations, if the neighbors have bugs. Given that insects can move from one apartment to another along ventilation paths, crevices, joints, holes, it is necessary to cover all these places with mortar or make a quality repair. If possible, replace the old parquet. In extreme cases, if the gaps are small, just use a safe sealant.

On a note!

Bedbugs from neighbors migrating through ventilation pipes can be stopped using barrier protection microencapsulated insecticidesthat act for a long time. On the vent exit should be put lattice, closed fine mesh.It is also necessary to carefully process the balcony door in the warm season, because parasites can pass from the neighbors of the lower floor along the walls of the house and crawl into the dwelling through the open door.

Modern antiparasitic drugs are very effective and not as toxic as the drugs of this series, which were produced earlier. Even if bedbugs are found in the hospital, the treatment is done insecticide odorlesswhich are not dangerous to human health.

Bugs in the apartment
Bugs in the apartment

It is hard enough to avoid bugs lifespan of parasites calculated in months. They can live for more than a year, maintaining their viability, in the most unfavorable conditions for themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically conduct preventive measures, so how to protect your apartment from the invasion of pests one more time and relive the repeated sanitation is difficult and uncomfortable.

Preventive measures

To prevent re-infection by parasites, you need to systematically check the status of mattresses, furniture, cabinets, hard-to-reach places in the apartment. Carrying out preventive examinations will allow time to notice the appearance of uninvited guests.

It is advisable to periodically process dust or another anti-parasitic device of the place next to the communication channels. But, if you do not want to do it yourself, you already know where to turn if bugs or other insects appeared in an apartment from neighboring apartments. Having some experience in dealing with parasites, you can even give advice on what to do if neighbors poison bugs. And may your home always be clean, cozy and comfortable. After all, it is not without reason that there is a saying - “my home is my fortress”.

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Bed bugs

