Why do some bugs bite and others don’t

Bed bugs - parasitic insects, from the presence of which in the house can not be insured even the most clean mistress. Pests can get in bedwhere a person sleeps, since he is the source of food for the parasites. Most people think that bloodsuckers carefully choose a victim for themselves. So staying in one apartment, one person may suffer greatly from the bites of bloodsuckers, another will not even notice their presence.Why bugs do not bite all people, and how can we explain their food selectivity, try to understand this article.

Do preference bloodsuckers

Statements like: “some people bite bugs, others don’t”, “don’t bite everyone in the family” or “don’t bite a certain blood type” - just speculations that have no evidence. Blood is the only source of nutrition for pests. They are forced to bite, so that any person sleeping can become their victim. After all, bloodsuckers hunt and bite only at night. Then the question why insects bite someone more, and do not touch someone at all, arises by itself.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

Strange as it may sound, the parasites have their own preferences, according to which they choose their prey. This list primarily includes those who do not recognize pajamas and prefer to sleep without blankets. The proximity to the human body - the food source explains this selectivity: the bloodsucker simply does not have to bother searching for an open area of ​​skin. He easily attacks the sleeping victim.

Next on this list can include children, as they are more often the victims of insects.And the smaller the baby, the higher the risk of being affected. The fact that bugs bite children more often can be explained by examining the physiological structure of the skin - in children it is much thinner and softer than in adults.

Bedbug bites in children
Bedbug bites in children

Women's skin is the next object to attract the attention of pests. Although she is not so thin as a child, but still not so coarse as a man. Due to the thin skin of children and women, parasites more quickly sense the smell of their blood and find a victim.

Now it becomes clear who the bugs bite more often. With the presence of a child or a woman in the bedroom, the pests will give preference exclusively to them. Who does not bite the bugs in this situation, so it is a man. The absence of these food sources will force the hungry insects to go over to any person, regardless of gender. However, most men simply don’t feel their skin rough. parasite bed bites. This is what explains the fact that bloodsuckers bite only one person.

The myth is also the statement of what type of blood bugs love. Neither blood type nor individual human smells are important for parasites.Simply, most people are owners of the most popular first and second blood groups, in connection with which the statistics of bites correspond to this data.

What are dangerous bloodsuckers

It is very simple to distinguish the bedbug bite from the bite of another insect - a “path” of red spots indicates its presence on human skin. The insect does not make single bites, it affects the skin in several adjacent locations. For most people, the affected area itches a lot. Therefore, many are combing the bite site, which is impossible. This can be the cause of infection in the wound, the consequence of which becomes the inflammatory process, the occurrence of pain.

Bedbug bites
Bedbug bites

To relieve itching after a bite, it is necessary to wash the damaged area with soap and water. After that, it should be applied soothing ointment or natural oils, it can also be treated with an alcohol-containing drug or tincture. Antihistamine medications (Diazolin, Suprastin, Dimedrol) can help reduce the inflammatory process. When appearing allergic reaction to bites it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Often the attacks of parasites are people who go on vacation or on a business trip. To avoid becoming a victim of bedbugs, it is necessary to do a thorough inspection of the room where overnight accommodation is provided. This should especially be considered when selecting the most budget housing.


I never thought that bugs can sort out. Now I understand why they bite only me, but they don’t touch my husband at all.

Veronica, Alushta

A sister came to me and began to argue that the apartment was infected with parasites. In the mornings she woke up all cleverly. Even one crushed parasite showed. For a long time I could not understand how the bugs eat, but they do not bite me. I turned out to be apparently tasteless for them.

Andrey, Voronezh

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Bed bugs

