Cleaning after disinsection from bugs

With the invasion bed bugs many owners of private houses and apartments in multi-storey buildings face. Their presence does not speak about the carelessness of the owners, they appear everywhere where there is a source of food - people. Parasites are found when they reach a significant number. At first the man tries poison bugs yourself, but a number of unsuccessful attempts force him to contact the health service and conduct professional processing the premises. The specialist processes chemical rooms, upholstered furniture, cabinets, baseboards, ventilation grilles, and other hard-to-reach places. At the end of the procedure it is important to have a minimal idea of ​​how to wash the apartment after processing, because the efficiency of the work done depends on it.

What is pest control and what is it

Disinsection is a type of room disinfection when insects are destroyed using chemical, biological agents and hot water with steam.

There are two ways to disinfect bedbugs:

  1. Prophylactic. The goal is to prevent the appearance of parasites. It takes less time and is cheaper.
  2. Fighter or current. Task - destruction of bedbugs and other pests in the house. Before processing, they identify places of accumulation and the degree of contamination of housing.
Professional processing
Professional processing

After the harassment of bugs on the walls, furniture, floor, all surfaces, there are particles of chemicals, so it will take a lot of strength to clean up the room. Regardless of the type of work performed, chemicals are used, therefore,cleaning after disinfection from bedbugs is mandatory, the main thing is to comply with safety measures and strictly adhere to expert advice.

Why bugs do not die immediately

Many believe that after the destruction of the bugs, the insects instantly disappear and upon seeing them again, they begin to call the sanitary service and demand an explanation. After what time the bugs die after disinsection, depends on the chosen method and insecticide. Today, they use disinfectant solutions of the third and fourth class, which belong to low-hazard substances, thanks to which all family members can return to the apartment in a few hours and not worry that their health will be harmed.

The solution applied to the surface continues to work from 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, new ones appear. maggots of deferred eggs. The insecticidal film has a contact action, so when it comes into contact with the surface, the blocking of nerve impulses begins, and then the death of the bug.

How to clean up the apartment

The key to the absence of bed bugs in the future is the observance of simple rules upon completion of disinsection.Answer the question when to return home after treating the apartment from bedbugs, only a specialist can, mostly in 3-8 hours.

Chemicals are not dangerous to people and animals, but the odor remains. If you are indoors immediately after work, poisoning may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment for half an hour and start cleaning. How to clean the apartment after the treatment depends on what means the disinsection was carried out, you can basically limit yourself to ordinary cleaning and detergents.

Cleaning after processing
Cleaning after processing

How to clean the apartment:

  • wash dishes with detergent;
  • wash the surfaces with which daily contact occurs with soapy water: tables, door handles, chairs;
  • bedding washable in a machine at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • after three days, vacuumed upholstered furniture, carpets, walls, baseboards, if the bag is disposable, it is better to throw it away, if not, it is good to shake it and wash it in hot water.

Many ask whether it is necessary to wash the apartment after treatment. Specialists are allowed to wash the floors only after seven days.General cleaning is carried out a month later, washing out baseboards, walls and furniture. The effectiveness of the treatment of bugs will depend on how long the chemical composition will be on the surfaces.

Before leaving a specialist, you should ask when, how and what to clean the apartment. Indeed, depending on what means are used, the sequence of cleaning may differ.


In the apartment there were bedbugs, caused a specialist to process everything, because I do not believe in the effectiveness of ordinary chemical preparationssold in the store. Disinfection cost quite acceptable. The treatment was performed using cold fog. Before leaving, the exterminator explained in detail when it was necessary to clean the apartment, so as not to wash the poison from the walls. Allowed to wash everything only in a month. The processing helped, the insects no longer met.

Zinaida, Taganrog

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Bed bugs

