At what temperature bugs die

Bed bugs are small insects. They live in people's apartments, they feed on blood. They are unpretentious, do without food for a long time, resistant to toxic substances. They are afraid of heat and cold, at a certain temperature the bugs die.


First bed bugs and their eggs appeared in caves in the Middle East.Their food was the blood of people and bats. The first mention of them dates back to 400 BC. In Europe, they appeared in the 11th century, in America - in the 16th.

Ideal living conditions

For life, bedbugs need:

  • food (human blood);
  • comfortable climatic conditions (+20 - 30).

In such conditions bed bugs multiply actively. At high temperatures, reproduction becomes more active, the larva develops faster. They need abundant nutrition, and their life cycle is reduced.

The death of bedbugs
The death of bedbugs

When the heat is too high, the bugs die rather quickly. Short-term exposure to cold (below 0) is tolerated by them normally. Prolonged cold can destroy them.

At +15 and below, the reproduction process stops, larva freezes in development.

Life expectancy for bedbugs depending on conditions

Climate conditions affect life expectancy:

  • In ideal living conditions, the larva develops to an insect in 35 days. Lives 1 individual for about a year.
  • Under conditions of elevated temperatures (up to 32), the development of an adult individual from the egg becomes faster. Life expectancy is reduced by 2 months (10 months).
  • At temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, bugs can live up to 15 months.
  • When below 15 heat bed bug does not develop. Adults fall into anabiosis. The cold for them is destructive.

Interesting! Being in a state close to anabiosis, bugs can do without food for up to 1.5 years. Wake them up can smell the blood.

At +50 and above, the bugs live for a couple of minutes, then die. With +45 - no more than half an hour. An egg in such temperature regimes lives up to one day.

At a temperature of minus 10, they fall into hibernation. At -15 and below, they will die, but on condition that such a regime will last from 3 days and longer. At -20 death will come in a few hours. The egg exists for two days, the cold kills him.

Process with boiling water
Process with boiling water

A good option for destruction is boiling water (+50 and higher). It is more difficult to freeze parasites.

Temperature ways to deal with bedbugs

Knowing at what temperature the bugs die, we define methods by which you can get rid of insects:

  • Thermo cannon. One of the effective methods of destruction is a thermogun, used in the installation of a stretch ceiling. It must be placed indoors, and the air must be warmed up to + 60 ° C.In such conditions, the parasites die. After 30 minutes, you can forget about adults;
  • Steam generator Steam Generator Processing You can clean the room of any area. Hot steam destroys individuals and larvae instantly;
  • Washing. All clothes, bedding, clothes should be washed in an automatic washing machine at +90 degrees (insects are afraid of hot water);
  • Ironing. Every thing must be ironed iron, with the highest possible temperature on both sides, especially the seams. Bedbugs start to die quickly;

    Ironing things
  • Boiling water. Bedbugs fear boiling water. With the help of boiling water you can destroy them in baseboards and in the cracks in the floor;
  • Ultra-violet rays. If the day was sunny and hot, things and furniture can be taken out on the street, under ultraviolet rays. Such processing can make individuals die quickly;
  • Frost. Whether bugs are afraid of cold - yes. In the North, to destroy them is simple: just open the windows in the apartment for a couple of days and let in the cold air. Things and furniture in which the parasite lives are brought to frost.

Things of small size can be put in the freezer at the maximum temperature for a week or more and freeze - insects will begin to die;

  • Drying machine. In a tumble dryer, adults begin to die within a few minutes (at maximum temperature);
  • Car. In summer, the car heats up to + 65 ° C. Having placed there things, we can expect that the insect will start to die;

    In the car in the heat
    In the car in the heat
  • Thermo. Thermo is suitable for processing furniture and things. At +70 degrees the parasites begin to die in a few minutes. This is the best way. kill bedbugs in the nests.

At what subzero temperature bugs die:

  • at -16 in 80 hours;
  • at -20 for two days.

Eggs are able to survive with a drop to -30 ° C, if it was short. At -7 degrees, they begin to die after 1.5 months. At +50, they are able to live for 24 hours.

The best option for destruction

When using steam, at + 100 ° C, the bugs begin to die instantly. At +40 degrees, they can live long enough. It has a deadly effect on the eggs, burning them outside and killing live embryos. You can destroy them with an ordinary household steam cleaner with a maximum temperature of +60 and above. It is better to wrap the nozzle with a cloth so that the pressure of the steam is diffused so as to prevent the steam from simply blowing away the parasites.Steam exposure is necessary for several minutes.


Safety rules in the fight against bedbugs temperature methods

At what temperature the bugs die, we figured out. Now let's talk about the safety rules in the fight.

  • Using a steam generator, from which parasites begin to die faster than fast, you can not send it to people or to wooden, lacquered coatings, to wallpaper.
  • When processing a room with a temperature of +70, all plastic items should be removed from it.
  • It is impossible to install a degree of processing with high humidity in the steam generator - this deforms the furniture.
  • Adult individuals may die at sub-zero temperatures. But you can not do it in the room in which the sewage and heating.

The bugs and their larvae die under the influence of heat generators. These machines heat the room to an average of + 65 ° C. The advantage of the method is that it is not necessary to find the nests and process them pointwise. Heat generators themselves are expensive and are used by special companies. This method of destruction is called hot mist from bedbugs.

Adults are afraid of high and low temperatures.Now you know all the proven ways to deal with them. You can use not only special methods - each home method can help get rid of bedbugs.

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Bed bugs

