People signs - why bugs appear in the apartment
- Bed bugs
- Klopovarka
- Quarreling
- Parasitic bugs
- Bed bugs
Bedbugs are no less ancient insects than fleas. Their appearance is millions of years old. Ancestors bed bugs fed on pollen and sap of plants. There are about 4,000 in the world species of bedbugsthat inhabit land and water, all continents. They are found in Greenland and Chukotka. But only one family pursues people.It was they who brought signs to life - what the bugs can appear in the apartment.
Signs of the peoples of the world
Americans, putting their children to bed, wish them: "Good night, sleep well and the way you do not bite bugs." These small signs of bloodsucking insects are associated only with the negative - quarrels, poverty, anxiety and anxiety.
Residents of Germany in the XVI-XVII century believed that the parasites bring quarrels and squabbles among the household to the house. The French and Italians associated with the appearance of bedbugs restless sleep and nightmares.
In Russia, these blood-sucking parasites have always been the heralds of the coming hard changes in life - poverty, illness, family quarrels:
- it was believed that if the bugs were bred in a house or apartment, the tenants would be faced with monetary losses, poverty;
- to see a white bug means someone from close relatives will die soon;
- Bugs are infested in the apartment - it means the husband "goes to the left."
If you analyze people's signs, why do bed bugs appear in the apartment, it turns out that they are based on real experiences and sensations that these insects cause. A sign is confirmed - in homes where there is overcrowding, dirt, disease, and blood-sucking insects appear. Gradually, the association is consolidated - poverty, diseases - bedbugs.
Signs about the connection of nightmares and restless sleep with the "vampires" are also explicable - it is difficult to sleep peacefully if the "hordes" of bloodsuckers are outraged in bed. Omens do not appear from scratch, they have a close relationship with reality.
It is more difficult to associate the sign of the appearance of bedbugs with marital infidelity, but even here, with a stretch, we can assume that by “traveling” on someone else’s beds, a traitor brings other people's parasites to the house.
Medieval medicine considered bedbugs a cure. The invention of the lush four-poster beds was dictated by the quite prosaic goal of protecting the sleeping from the "rain" of blood-sucking insects falling from the bedroom ceiling. The fashioned mahogany furniture was so popular because there were no signs of crushed bloodsuckers on it. At the court of the French Sun King, perfume was one of the most popular, driving away the aroma of bedbugs. In the 17th century, a klopovarka was invented and was in great demand - a device with which it was used to “couple” insects in furniture.
But not all people were negative about bedbugs. Buddhists and the righteous considered them "God's mercy."The first ones did not exterminate the works of God, and especially the “enlightened ones” literally swarmed with insects. And the righteous believed that to feed the blood-sucking parasites is the possibility of atonement for sins and the Christian feat. Saint Simeon the Stylite fed them with his own blood. On his body under a special leather lining, on top of which leg shackles were put on, there lived 20 huge bugs that ate the blood of the saint.
Old dream books about bedbugs
Folk signs of the appearance of bedbugs would be incomplete, if not recall the old dream books, interpreting the appearance of bedbugs in a dream. It was in the interpretation of dreams that the quintessence of all those signs that are found in scattered fragments among different peoples of the globe was.
Small Velesov Dream interpretation
This dream book says that:
- watch the swarming bugs - to boredom, meeting and forced communication with people who do not like and annoy, to minor troubles;
- to see the parasites - to the money, but to get them will not be easy, troublesome;
- look for bedbugs in bed or clothes - to serious financial losses, senseless money spending;
- swallow - in a short time, a quarrel or scandal is waiting for a person;
Dream interpretation of Simon Canaanite
This dream book claims that in a dream, the appearance in the apartment of a bug means to meet in reality with the energy vampire - a person who is unpleasant, communication with him takes away strength and energy. It echoes signs about people in the environment, bringing discord, trouble, quarrels.
Female dream book
For a woman to see these insects in a dream means in a short time to quarrel with a close person, to break off relations with him. Also closely adjacent to the sign of treason and quarrel.
Love Dream
This publication claims that the parasites in the apartment are the forerunners of the fact that the beloved will turn out to be an unreliable, deceitful and two-faced person.
Dream Miller
The most authoritative publication among this sort of literature claims that the "bloodsuckers" dream of a long and severe ailment, which can end in death. But this is not necessarily related to a sleeping person. The victim may be a blood relative. And the more insects in a dream in an apartment, the harder the outcome.
The same dream book warns that if in a dream to crush the "bloodsucker" and not see the blood, then this is an accident or an accident.
But there are also flip-flops in which to see "vampires" in your apartment - to wealth and unexpected profits. Unpleasant encounters in a dream with insects, many dream books are advised to treat as dreams, warnings, and not harbingers of imminent misfortunes and misfortunes. Psychologists believe that sleep is the release of the subconscious. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the environment, your own obsessive thoughts, vain experiences.
The bugs give a person a lot of trouble, which means that the signs associated with these insects do not promise anything good.
Esoteric about bedbugs
Bedbugs in the esoteric also did not earn anything good. With their appearance in the apartment they associate the “pollution” of the aura of a person and the energy field of the apartment. Everything connected with domestic problems, and the appearance of synanthropic insects is a household problem, subject to the Moon - the planet responsible also for the emotional state of the residents. Esotericists are advised to take a closer look and analyze family relations, because quarrels, conflicts, discontent with family pollutes the astral space of an apartment. "Vampires" feel this dirt and settle in such a house.
According to the statement of esotericists who have something in common with national signs, bugs settle in the dwelling of a person who has some kind of addiction - alcohol, drugs, gambling. Parasites are sensitive to the “raging” passions in man. Moral principles are violated in such houses, there are treason, betrayal, anger and irritation. This sign is true already because dependent people have no desire to keep order in the apartment, this is what the parasites occupy.
Bedbugs are very sensitive to changes in the state of the "food object". They are not attracted to any particular blood type or gender. They feel a change in body temperature, even by one degree, they feel blood flow. With emotional stress, the body releases stress hormones into the bloodstream, which cause the heart to contract more quickly, push the blood more intensively through the vessels. This is what the "bloodsuckers" feel. Their oral apparatus is designed so that the blood fills the body itself, and with increasing pressure in the circulatory system, this happens much faster and easier.
Scientists have confirmed the fact that a person in a state of psycho-emotional arousal often bites bugs,than calm and balanced. The opinion of psychics about bedbugs is no better than the “people's love” for these bloodsuckers. For centuries, household magic has created and accumulated various conspiracies, magical rituals aimed at combating synanthropic parasites.
Magical cleaning of the apartment
Psychics advise before starting poison bugs modern by chemical means, to carry out energy cleaning of the apartment:
- using a candle flame, Thursday salt or Epiphany water;
- it is possible to fumigate a dwelling with smoke of herbs, consecrated in the church on the Trinity;
- in order to avoid quarrels in the family, psychics advise sprinkling the shoes of everyone living in the apartment with poppy seeds consecrated on Makovei with shoes;
- in order to neutralize the signs associated with poverty, you can put in the apartment a bouquet of moon seed, thistle and wormwood. One transparent "coin" of a lunerosemyanik should be put in a wallet and carried with you always.
An esoteric or magical view of the presence of parasites in a house, folk omens or the clue of dreams - all of them confirm the fact that it is necessary get rid of bedbugs. It doesn’t matter why “invaders” could appear, but their presence is connected with the troubles they deliver to a person. Mages and esotericism say that the parasites in the apartment are a reason to look around, to change something in themselves, their relationships and to start a big cleaning of the apartment, their thoughts, their environment.