Protection from bedbugs at home
- Bed bugs
- Bedbug eggs
- Professional processing
- Bed Spray
- Scotch against bedbugs
Bed bugs there are millennia, amazing vitality and ways of adaptability of these blood-sucking to adverse living conditions affects everyone who has ever come across this phenomenon. The insect feeds only on blood and breedsif the female bug has access to human or animal blood.In the absence of a food source, it falls into a state of suspended animation and for more than one year remains viable without visible signs of life. When hit in a favorable environment instantly comes to life and restores all its functions. Prevention from bedbugs in the apartment will help avoid unpleasant "neighborhood".
Features of the parasite
Since the main food is human blood, the bugs are trying to settle near the place that is closest to their source of life. Usually detect nests possible in upholstered furniture, books, in beds under mattresses, in parquet cracks, behind baseboards, on the back walls of furniture, behind carpets and even in electronic equipment.
Bed bugs are night hunters, so during the day in the apartment they are very difficult to detect. They behave very actively from two to five in the morning, as a person cannot defend himself during sleep. Very rarely the victim can feel bug bite: during the puncture of the skin with its proboscis, the insect injects a substance that prevents blood from clotting and has an anesthetic effect.
During the day, one female bug can lay up to five eggs.
For the entire period of her life, the female is able to set aside about 500 eggs. It is enough for a bloodsucker to eat blood once in 5-7 days. Insects are very sensitive to environmental conditions:
- the optimum temperature for their existence should be in the range of 18-25 degrees;
- at very high and very low air temperatures, they die.
Ways to migrate bedbugs
To protect yourself from the invasion of uninvited guests is almost impossible. And not because the house or apartment is not in perfect order - it does not matter at all. Bedbugs are not bred in dirty premises, although there it is easier for them to find a secluded corner, but they follow people to their homes in different ways:
- through apartment communications;
- moving from neighbors;
- in things and bags that have been in places infected with parasites;
- through old furniture or bedding;
- on pet hair.
Ways to fight insects
Now it becomes clear that it is difficult to avoid bugs, but still it is worth trying to do it. Insects can bite only at night. You need to be able to protect yourself, so for some time you can get up between two o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the morning, turn on the light in the apartment and inspect the bed,to understand: bite mosquitoes or bedbugs.
The specific aroma, similar to the smell of sour raspberry, a shell after shedding and the accumulation of black spots on furniture, underwear or under wallpaper are obvious signs of bedbugs. If these parasites are found in the house, then the question of how to protect against bedbugs becomes especially relevant.
In Moscow and in other large cities there are special services that deal with the issues of prevention and disinsection. They will offer way to handle housing depending on the degree of infection. Only need to advance prepare the room for disinsector work: pack toys and dishes, remove food, and most importantly - not be in the apartment after disinsection for a day or a few hours. During this time, all chemicals will have time to disappear.
Why were bedbugs in a country house with a friend, it remains a mystery, because the house was empty for a long time. She found the address of the nearest SES on the Internet and asked for disinsection and prevention. The service arrived quickly. Did processing about an hour. The bugs are gone and no longer appear.Still, you need to trust this business professionals.
Tatyana, Moscow
Protection against bedbugs at home and prevention can be carried out on its own. In this case, you need to be patient and get some information about modern insecticides and the rules for their use in the apartment. They will be quite effective if you strictly follow the instructions. All these tools must have a contact action and stay on surfaces that have been processed for a long time.
These modern substances include:
- powdered dusts;
- spray products;
- gels and pastes;
- insecticide crayons, pencils;
- microencapsulated drugs with a deterrent effect.
It is only necessary to remember that during work with insecticidal preparations it is necessary to apply means of protection: masks, gloves, special clothes.
In the apartment there were bedbugs. Noticed at night on the handle of a child. The next day we went to the nearest household chemicals store and asked what could be taken to remove bedbugs. True, they did not say that it was with us. Somehow it was a shame. The seller advised to take drug Clean HouseA: easy to handle and the effect is good. Sprinkled in the apartment wherever they could. We left for the village for a few days, in order to exterminate these parasites. After returning, we carried out cleaning and prophylaxis as indicated in the instructions. More bugs are not yet visible, I hope that we said goodbye to them forever.
Olga, Bryansk
Preventive measures
After a successful struggle, the prevention of the appearance of unexpected “guests” is urgently needed, because if there are blood suckers' eggs somewhere, they will again appear in the apartment. For this purpose, you can call professionals, but self-prevention from bedbugs is always possible.
There are three types of it:
- folk remedies, not to destroy, but to scare away insects;
- effective insecticides for the destruction of bedbugs;
- bed bug traps (you can make yourself).
In order to permanently get rid of the problem, you need to make a quality repair, as protection from bedbugs at home and prevention largely depend on how reliably blocked the migration routes of these lovers of food with blood. If it is impossible to make repairs, it is necessary to repair all the cracks in the windows, doors, walls, baseboards and floors. Change sockets, close all ventilation ducts with a fine mesh.
After a complete disinsection and prevention of the apartment from bedbugs, which multiplied so quickly that we did not even have time to understand how and why this happened, I, on the advice of experienced people, covered all the gaps in the windows and walls. Changed the old parquet to laminate. The bugs no longer appeared.
Nikolay, Cheboksary
Each apartment owner can protect furniture from bedbugs by treating it with insecticidal agents. It is necessary to fix all the existing damage in it and patch up the holes so that the insects could not hide there. Do not bring into the house someone else's furniture from the street.
You can protect yourself from bedbug bites with the help of traps. The legs of the bed should be placed in the center of the adhesive tape and if the insect wants to reach you, it will stick to the adhesive base. Can also be used bite ointmentmade from plants. To protect yourself will help odorous herbs that do not like parasites. These include:
Careful prevention of bedbugs in the apartment will make life more comfortable, and a good night’s sleep will keep you healthy for many years.