What the bug bites look like in a child

Many parents, noticing the redness in the skin of children, are often confused with the manifestation of allergies or mosquito bites. Therefore, it is necessary to have an elementary idea of ​​how to distinguish the bug of a bug from other blood-sucking insects, because bedbugs are often found in kindergarten.

Why bedbug bites are dangerous for children

Bed bugsbiting a person, they leave a path of small red specks. Some simply do not notice them, while others begin to comb the bite site, suggesting that he was the victim of a mosquito. Small children are especially sensitive to them. The place of insertion of the bloodsucker becomes red, induration appears, the child does not experience pain, but begins to constantly comb the affected area of ​​skin.


The body of children with allergies will react to the bites more strongly, starting with an increase in body temperature and ending with anaphylactic shock.

Bedbug bites in children
Bedbug bites in children

Allergic reaction - This is the body’s standard response to insect attacks. If the baby's skin is sensitive to mosquitoes, then the same reaction will be on bedbugs. The main thing is to know what the bites of bedbugs look like in a child. An insect at one meal pierces a person’s skin several times, leaving a trail of tracks, unlike mosquitoes, who drink blood in different places.

Given this, it can be easily distinguished when the bug was caused by a bug from another blood-sucking insect. Sometimes parasites manage to bite newborns, then, in addition to rashes on the skin, their behavior also changes, they become restless, sleep poorly in a crib, constantly turn and cry.

When the child was bitten by bugs:

  • the area of ​​redness increases;
  • the baby begins to scratch not only the place of attachment of the bloodsucker, but also absolutely healthy skin;
  • the bite becomes hard, in the center you can see a subtle blood plug;
  • spots appear only after a night of sleep.


In the mornings she began to notice that her daughter was waking up every time with new red blisters on her body. Since it's warm outside, I thought it was mosquitoes. I put a remedy for them at night, but the situation has not changed for more than a month. The child became whiny, whimsical and constantly itched. While walking in the street, a friend, looking at the spots, said that it was bedbugs and advised me to carefully examine the bed. Lifting the mattress, I was horrified: there were about twenty insects on it. Immediately called pest control for bed bugs destruction. A week later, the child slept a sweet dream, and the insects are no longer met.

Julia, Peter

One of signs of bedbugs in the house - This is a peculiar smell, exuding insects. It resembles the fermentation of fruit or missing raspberries. You must carefully examine the upholstered furniture and the mattress in the children's bed. If small black or brown spots are found, plus the smell and the path of the bites on the child’s body, it can be said with certainty that the bugs are in the apartment.

Symptoms that appear in a child after bedbug bites

Bedbug bites in children-1
Bedbug bites in children

It is impossible to predict how children will react to insect bites. Some may develop anaphylactic shock, while others will run as if nothing had happened, only occasionally scratching small red dots on the body. Characteristic symptoms and photos of bedbug bites in children will help determine the cause of health problems with accuracy.

In addition to itching, reddening of the skin, more serious symptoms appear:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, which quickly decreases, if you give any antipyretic agent;
  • headaches;
  • along with allergic redness, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and sore throat;
  • abdominal pain and indigestion.

These symptoms are similar to the common cold, so only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis.

Bites of bed bugs in children can cause more severe symptoms, for the relief of which it is necessary to call an ambulance:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylactic shock, manifested by severe swelling of the face, neck, loss of consciousness;
  • when the bug managed to sting the child badly, iron deficiency anemia develops due to blood loss.

Bugs in kindergarten

Finding insects in his house, everyone is surprised and begins to use all available means capable kill bedbugs. But everyone is outraged when bugs appear in the kindergarten and bite the child during a quiet sleep. Here, no educator admits that there is such a problem. Parents will have to guess for themselves why the children had an incomprehensible rash on the body, and they are actively scratching it.


A week took my son to the kindergarten and every time he came with an incomprehensible rash. He is not allergic, so the reason for the diet is not even looking for. Taking from the garden, I noticed that other children were also with the same spots. The teacher kept silent until I noticed the bug in the locker myself. Our children were eaten by bugs, and the head of the garden did nothing. Immediately complained to the relevant authorities. Bedbugs poisoned, but the desire to give the child to such irresponsible people anymore.

Svetlana, Voronezh

To establish the cause of bedbugs is very difficult. They are found not only in rural gardens, but also in prestigious preschool institutions of the city of Moscow.They could bring a child from home on their clothes or shoes.


Failure to comply with sanitary rules, poor processing of bed linen also causes breeding bedbugs.

Appearing in the same group, they are instantly transferred throughout the preschool institution. Parents who have found bites on the body of a child after attending kindergarten should notify the caregiver and the head of this. If measures have not been taken, it is necessary to inform the sanitary-epidemiological station, whose employees will come and carry out room treatment. In another way, to remove bedbugs from a large garden will not work.

How to alleviate the symptoms in children after bedbug bites

Allergy to bug bites in children
Allergy to bug bites in children

When a beloved child has become a victim of insects, parents should be ready for any succession of events, because, in addition to the usual itch, serious allergies can begin, so you need to know what to do if a child has been bitten by bugs:

  • to begin to provide first aid using drugs or folk remedies - if you follow simple rules, a child in 15 minutes will not feel itching and discomfort;
  • when the baby occasionally scratches the skin, an ice cube is applied to the sore spot;
  • quickly relieves inflammation, redness and itching of cooked gruel of soda and water: add a little water to a teaspoonful of soda, mix and apply on the skin;
  • Prepare a decoction of chamomile, train, sage and lubricate the inflamed skin.

If the child is worried about severe itching, he becomes restless, the spots grow, become hot, the temperature rises, you must give any antihistamine medication:

  • Loratadine;
  • Fenistil;
  • Eden;
  • Citrine.

Apply gel to skin:

  • Fenistil;
  • Afloderm;
  • Psilo Balm.
Bite Gels
Bite Gels

If necessary, give antipyretic:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen

The children's organism, due to the immaturity of the protective functions, reacts sharply to insect bites. Bedbugs can live not only at home, but also in kindergartens. Confirm the conjecture of the presence in the institution of insects will be able to parents of other children who were also attacked and were bitten. It is necessary to fight with uninvited guests as quickly as possible and only special sanitary services will help in this.

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Bed bugs

