Plots and prayers from bedbugs in the apartment
- Bugs in the apartment
- Conspiracies
- Plot from bedbugs
- Church candles
- Nikolai Ugodnik
Bed bugs - blood-sucking insects that get settled in the apartment for some time, and then begin to make their bloody meal.Moreover, the parasites can penetrate into any room, regardless of its sanitary conditions. From time immemorial in Russia, the most effective means was considered to be a conspiracy from bedbugs, which did not require any additional means from the host for the destruction of domestic pests.
Conspiracy definition
Now there are many chemical means to combat bedbugs in the apartment, but the plots have been tested for centuries and do not require any professional knowledge and experience from a person. A conspiracy is a kind of rite, which requires attention and a certain sequence of actions.
The plots used against bedbugs are simple and, according to ancient linguistic beliefs, can rid the apartment of pests.
The text of the plot, which was used in the early twentieth century:
Fleas, bugs, cockroaches and all creatures.
Here I come to you, guest;
My body is like a bone;
My blood is like tar;
Eat moss, not me!
My word is strong. Key lock
Amen, Amen, Amen.
What is different from the conspiracy prayer
Many people confuse conspiracy and prayer, but they have distinctive features:
- conspiracy - a strong verbal formula that calls for natural and natural forces,more like a demand that affirms the will of the person uttering these words, and is full of conviction in a positive outcome;
- prayer - the request of a person who appeals with humility to God, saints and spirits, the highest light forces, the petitioner is completely absorbed in the process of prayer, and its result is the highest manifestation of a miracle.
On a note!
The difference between the conspiracy and the prayer is in the sense of the text itself and the different attitude of the applicant to the result, which he expects or demands. Both ceremonial actions have their own rules of use, which cannot be violated.
Rules for the person who conspires:
- the conspirator, who can be both a man and a woman, should not drink and smoke;
- the plot itself must be done to solve the problem posed and with a clearly stated goal;
- during the ceremony you can not laugh and joke, it is important to fully focus on clarifying and solving the right question;
- it is best to conduct the ceremony in the morning on an empty stomach;
- while reading the words you can not stumble and stray;
- after the ceremony, it is necessary to clean the apartment, and sprinkle the corners in all the rooms with holy water, then take a shower.
Often, magical attributes are needed to perform the ritual: incense with a floral scent, thread, water, candles from wax, etc., which will help increase the effect of the spoken text.
Conspiracy structure, its strength
Plots from bedbugs for the purpose of their destruction are used much more often than prayers. Therefore, you need to consider their rules in more detail. The conspiracy structure consists of 3 parts:
- an introduction in which a person addresses a higher power;
- the main text part with a simple plot is a request from a person to an insect to leave;
- consolidation: “So be it,” “Exactly,” and others. It is uttered with great confidence in the successful final of the petition, because these phrases trigger the course of all events.
In order for the words to work, the conspiracy must be believed very strongly and unconditionally. After all, the power of magical phrases consists in firm faith and conviction in a positive ending. When the plot does not work, the reasons may be in the wrong attitude to the ritual.
There is another way to expel parasites using runes. Working with them requires concentration of attention and care in order not to harm.One of the ways is the runic formula that helps in the fight against parasites - “From unwanted living creatures in the house”. However, the runes from bedbugs with improper use can cause the opposite effect - the number of parasites will increase.
Most popular conspiracies
Below are the most effective conspiracies that are applicable in apartments, houses.
Rite with a matchbox for the expulsion of insects from the apartment
Caught bug bedded in a box of matches, add bread crumbs and salt, and then say:
Bedbug, bug, here's your salt and a piece of bread.
Go how you live in the field.
There and wait for your brothers in the wild.
And I do not see bedbugs anymore!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After this, the boxes with the bug are taken far from the house or apartment and left.
The ritual of getting rid of parasites in the apartment using a cat
The easiest way to kick out bedbugs:
- bring a cat to the apartment;
- when trying to get out, the animal is released and the words of a conspiracy are being demanded that the bugs go after the cat;
- in the finale it says: "So be it!"
Ancient plot
An old conspiracy from bedbugs: you bugs, bedbugs, do not bite me. Your teeth are decay, and my body is cream.Bugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. Leave you home and never return. As said, it will come true. Amen (repeat 3 times).
Rites of removing bedbugs from an apartment with church candles
A plot against bedbugs in the apartment with the help of a church candle. Fire and church candle are very effective attributes of magic. You need to buy 2 candles, first put in the church and read a prayer with an appeal to the saints: ask for help in getting rid of insects. Bring the second one home and light it, go around the whole apartment with it. By the intensity of burning and by the sign, when it starts to smoke and smoke, you can identify the places of bedbugs in the apartment.
Before the start of the ritual, open all the windows and doors. The plot text is as follows:
Burn it, fire it out, drive it out! The windows are open, the doors are open,
Any ways, any paths. Run the creatures out of my house,
Without looking back, without regret. Here you have no place, no shelter.
My blood is not good for you. Burn a candle, a bright flame, burn-ignite.
As your flame is bright, as my words are strong, So together we will cope with the creatures.
Let it be so!"
Close the windows, doors.Again read the words: “I shut, close, seal! From harmful insects, from the forces of the dark. My home is protected, My home is under a shield! No one can get into it without permission, not secretly get through! Amen! ”When the candle burns out, collect the rest of it and throw it into the toilet.
Insect Prayers
Prayers from bedbugs in the apartment should be read 3 times, it is better to add “Our Father”.
- The most popular one is the appeal to Nicholas the Pleasant: “Nikola, a saint of God, an assistant of God, you are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, part and save from all evil. Amen".
- In places where the bugs live (in the bed and under it, under the furniture), you need to spread out the poisonous grass of tansy, and then say a prayer: , from all walls and corners, from floors, and ceilings. Your teeth, Klopovnitsa, soft, and the body of God's slaves (name) flint. Do not whittle you my body, do not bit my skin. They do not exhale my flesh, my bones will not bite, my eyes will not suck. Yes it is said that it will come true. Amen (3 times). "
- Magic rite, for which you want to catch a living bug in the apartment, tied to a string.Coming out of the house, drag the bugs along a long straight road and repeat the words: “Bugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts, go to a long road, and overseas to water. I, the servant of God (name), will lead you from my house, I show you the way, but I am ordering the way back. Leave you home and never return. As said, it will come true. Amen (3 times). "
What kind of bi power did not magical phrases and spells have had, and the modern inhabitants of apartments and houses rely more on insecticides and help of exterminators in the destruction of parasites. From bedbugs in the house different forms of drugs are produced: aerosols, concentrates, emulsions in the most different price category. For 1-2 treatments chemical agents will completely clean the apartment from the invasion of blood-sucking insects.