
How to protect and protect eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle

Chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle
Plants deterrent Colorado potato beetle
Means for dusting eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle

Eggplant is one of the most healthy and tasty vegetables, which is preferred by many gardening enthusiasts. Blue-rich carbohydrates are also quite nutritious, so it’s easy to satisfy hunger with dishes made from them.However, with equal appetite, the Colorado potato beetle eats eggplants. Especially the pests attract the young leaves of the plant, the consequence of which is very often the death of seedlings. And taking into account the fact that up to 3 generations of insects can appear on the earth in one season, many gardeners have questions about what to water or how to process the eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle.


There are many ways to fighthow to protect eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle. The most effective method to protect eggplants from pests is the use of drugs that contain insecticidal components. And most often the processing of blue ones is carried out by the same means that are used for spraying potatoes. An example of such can be:

All these drugs are used in accordance with the instructions. Treatment with insecticidal compositions is carried out before flowering plants.

On a note!

Eggplants can also be processed before planting, or rather seedling roots, by means of Aktara. In the prepared according to the description of the solution is soaked the roots of seedlings for 7 hours, after which they are planted in the ground. Referring to numerous reviews of the solution for eggplant, carrying out such a procedure is an excellent plant protection throughout the growing season.

Chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle
Chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle

Folk recipes

Despite the fact that chemicals in the fight against insects are more effective, more and more gardeners are trying to use folk remedies. Below are the most popular ones.

Hand picking

Despite the complexity of the process, one of the oldest effective ways to save the eggplant from the Colorado potato beetles is to collect insects by hand. It is only necessary to regularly inspect the plants and, as the pests appear, collect them in special containers.

On a note!

You should not kill the beetles, as well as their larvae directly in the garden. It is preferable for this to use a concentrated salt solution, kerosene or diesel fuel.

The fight against the Colorado potato beetle on eggplants in this way will be effective if the area of ​​the site is small.For large plantations, this method is unacceptable.

Dusting plantings

Protect the blue ones from Colorado will help the method of dusting seedlings:

  • Wood ash. Sifted raw materials carefully sprinkle plants at the rate of 10 kg per one hundred square meters of land. It is preferable to carry out such a procedure in the morning when there is dew on the leaves or after precipitation, which will contribute to better adherence of the wood composition. Before the flowering of seedlings, pollination is carried out 2 times a month; in subsequent times, 1 treatment per month is enough.
  • Cornmeal. Colorado beetles eaten with eggplants sprinkled with such a composition will start dying from digestive problems. This is due to the swelling of corn particles in the esophagus of insects.

To enhance the effect, you can scatter between the beds not only wood ash, but also pine or birch sawdust, the smell of which will scare off insects.

Means for dusting eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle
Means for dusting eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle

The use of infusions

Eggplants can be processed without chemicals and herbal infusions. For their preparation use:

  • tobacco or onion peel;
  • wormwood or celandine;
  • walnut shells and leaves;
  • dandelion or white acacia;
  • garlic.

Raw materials pour boiling water and insist in a dark place for 2-3 days.

On a note!

For better fixation, they add crushed laundry soap to the resulting composition. Spraying eggplant is preferable in the evening with no wind and cages.

Scare plants

Save the eggplants from the attacks of the Colorado potato beetles will help and their joint cultivation with plant repellents, which include:

  • celery;
  • calendula;
  • dill;
  • marigold;
  • coriander;
  • nasturtium;
  • sagebrush.

Planting the above plants between the beds of eggplant, will serve as a good protection against pests.

Plants deterrent Colorado potato beetle
Plants deterrent Colorado potato beetle

Shelters and traps

It is possible to secure blue seedlings planted in the soil from the Colorado through the construction of shelters that will impede access to plants. To do this, they often use a small mosquito net, plastic wrap or plastic cans cut from below, each of which should be protected by a separate planting bush.

Traps - another method of saving blue seedlings from the Colorado beetles.Enough at the bottom of the jar, the edges of which are smeared with sunflower oil, put a little potato peel. The aroma of your favorite delicacy will attract the attention of insects, but only they will not be able to get back along the sliding walls.

If you want to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle on eggplants, you should weigh the pros and cons. In the early stages of infecting the beds, it is still preferable to use traditional methods, which, if used correctly and regularly, are very effective. With a large accumulation of pests, it is better to use by chemical means.


I try to do in the garden without chemistry. To get rid of the Colorado beetles often use ash. I pour it not only on the beds, but also in the aisle. Simple, cheap, and most importantly completely harmless. Recommend.

Anna, Rostov

Soak the roots of seedlings before planting in Prestige. For 30-40 days you can not think about pests. After trying to collect beetles by hand.

Valentine, Saratov

I protect eggplants from the Colorado mosquito net. I pull it on the pegs hammered around the vegetable beds. Such a structure very well helps.

Igor, Slavyansk

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