Is it possible to process potatoes from Colorado beetles during flowering

WITH colorado beetle - a real scourge of potatoes and eggplant every lover of garden works has to face his site during the summer period.Some gardeners are trying to get rid of pests by collecting them manually, while others use for this purpose chemicals. Many novice farmers are puzzled by the question whether it is possible to kill a beetle when potatoes are in bloom.

Spray equipment

Chemicals (insecticides) are recognized as the most effective in the fight against Colorado beetles:

  • Spraying potatoes in the period of mass appearance of pests effectively Aktellik. Equally effective properties Aktara, means apply from the moment of emergence of the first shoots and to the blossoming.
  • For repeated spraying of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetles is intended colorado drug. It is used with each appearance of insects, but no later than 3 weeks before harvest.
  • The absence of a negative impact on the roots differs Confidor Maxi.

Why not sprinkle potatoes during flowering

Potato processing during flowering
Potato processing during flowering

However, experts do not recommend poisoning during the flowering of potatoes with all of the above preparations. This is explained by the fact that during this period the culture becomes very vulnerable to toxic chemicals, as it begins the active formation of tubers.

On a note!

It is undesirable to spray the crop during flowering and because poisonous components can poison the pollinating insects. Chemical treatment can be applied only before the formation of inflorescences and after the flowering of potatoes.

What to do if beetles appeared on potatoes during flowering

Often, gardeners are faced with the fact that when the potato begins to bloom, a lot of beetles appear on it. The ideal option in this case is to collect insects by hand. With a large accumulation of pests, it is possible to process potatoes during flowering only with biological preparations:

  • Akarin;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Bicol;
  • Agravertin.
Preparations for the fight against the Colorado potato beetle
Preparations for the fight against the Colorado potato beetle

It is preferable to carry out the treatment with the appearance of the pest in the larval stage. For maximum effect, after 7 days, re-treatment is carried out using folk remedies. To do this, often use:

  • Wood ash. 0.5 kg of raw material is poured over 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. After a day, 50 g of soap is added to the resulting infusion to enhance the fixing properties.The composition is adjusted to 10 liters volume, after which they can sprinkle plants from the Colorado potato beetle.
  • Tobacco. To prevent young potato shoots from attacking harmful insects, they should be sprayed with tobacco infusion. In 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of dry tobacco is infused overnight, then laundry soap is added to the composition.
  • Tar solution which is prepared by mixing 10 liters of water with 100 g of raw material.
  • Infusions of various plants (walnut, poplar, wormwood, etc.).

Is it worth fighting the Colorado potato beetles after the flowering of potatoes

The question whether the treatment with chemicals is necessary after the inflorescence falls off is one of the frequently asked. Agronomists say that during such a period of attack, insects no longer pose a serious danger to the aboveground part of the plants, since from that moment the tops begin to wilt gradually, and all the juices of the culture are directed to the development of tubers. And the use of pesticides, which subsequently accumulate in tubers, will not bring benefits to human health.

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