How to breed Apaches from the Colorado potato beetle
- Apaches from the Colorado potato beetle
- Apaches from the Colorado potato beetle
- The remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Apache
Operating principle
Apache is actively used for treating plants in wide agrotechnical complexes, as well as in small private areas. The effectiveness of the means is achieved due to the presence of clotianidine. This is a special poison, which is contained in the drug in the amount of 500 g / kg.
Apache - triple action drug:
- Contact All pests on which the remedy has been applied during the treatment, die within 30 minutes. The drug easily penetrates the insect through the chitinous layer and paralyzes the work of the internal organs.
- Intestinal. The poison enters the body of the Colorado potato beetle in the process of eating potato leaves and activates irreversible processes leading to death.
- Systemic After spraying the potato, the active ingredient Apache quickly penetrates into the cells of the potato and spreads throughout the plant. As a result, the insecticide retains its strength throughout the warm season.
On a note!
Japanese poison is widely known in many countries of the world and appeared in Russia relatively recently.
Advantages and disadvantages of funds
One of the key benefits of the tool is its low toxicity to humans and a targeted effect on insects. Also, the Apache poison from the Colorado potato beetle has the following advantages:
- Quick action Mark doom Colorado potato beetle possible in less than an hour.
- High degree of protection. Due to the fact that the insecticide penetrates deeply into the plant and spreads in all its parts, only 1 treatment per season is sufficient.
- Provides protection against various types of aphids, thrips, whitefly.
- Efficiency. One spraying will be enough for effective protection against the Colorado potato beetle. No re-treatment of plants.
- The lack of stability of the Colorado beetles to the components of the tool. The drug is not addictive.
- Not washed off by rain. It is enough to withstand the drug for an hour after processing without precipitation and the highest degree of protection will be achieved.
Among the shortcomings were noted:
- High danger for bees. This is the main and very important feature that should be considered before using the tool. It is forbidden to process Apaches near the apiary.
- Relatively high cost compared to domestically produced drugs. The average price is 120-150 rubles.
- Not effective against ticks.
Consumption For processing 10 acres is 1 sachet of funds of 2.5 g. Using 20-25 g of Apache is enough to provide protection for 1 hectare of land.
Application procedure
Detailed instructions on how to breed Apaches from the Colorado potato beetle, is in each package means. It should be carefully studied before applying insecticide. It is necessary to prepare the solution in exactly the quantity that is necessary for the section that has it. The prepared liquid is not intended for long-term storage, it must be consumed on the day of preparation.
Instructions for use Apache sets the following stages of solution preparation:
- Dilute 1 sachet of product in 1 liter of water. To stir thoroughly.
- Then, dilute every 250 l of the prepared solution in 10 l of water and process the plants.
The convenient form of release in granules makes the process of preparing the working mixture is very simple and convenient. Powder Apache is easy to pour into a container of water.This eliminates the possibility of dust formation and the ingress of funds into the respiratory tract of a person. You can also buy Apache in ampoules or large containers that are conveniently used for processing large agricultural land.
To get rid of other pests, the recommendations on how to dilute the powder are somewhat different:
- To cultivate the soil before planting, it is necessary to dilute 1 g of insecticide in 1 liter of water.
- To poison thrips and whitefly, the solution is prepared from 2 bags of Apache and 2.5 liters of water.
On a note!
Given the limited action of Apache against the Colorado potato beetle, it can be mixed with other drugs that will help protect the plantings from ticks.
Security measures
Despite the 3rd class of toxicity, the user guide warns of the need to observe precautions while working with the agent. Recommended security requirements:
- Perform spraying in the morning or in the evening after 18-00.
- Do not handle in windy weather.
- Avoid contact with open areas of the body.
- Always use protective clothing.
- After finishing work, be sure to change clothes and wash the protective equipment.
- It is forbidden to drink, eat or smoke while working with Apaches.
Confirm action Apaches are capable of numerous positive reviews. Among them, it is also possible to meet a certain percentage of neutral opinion, when users could not fully achieve the promised results.
We decided to try the Japanese tool and did not lose. Insecticide really meets all the stated requirements. We had one spray and that's it. We didn’t remember about the Colorado beetles until the very harvest. I recommend now to all friends.
Iraida, Moscow
Poison Apache helps us for the second season. Like the ease of use. We do not prepare the stock solution. Immediately add a bag of money in 5 buckets of water and just enough for our entire area.
Oksana, Magnitogorsk
A neighbor in the country poisoned the Colorado potato beetle with the help of Apache. I was pleased. I also decided to buy it. Spread them according to the instructions and sprayed the potatoes with a conventional spray. Zhukov was less in 1.5 hours. A month later, a small amount of pests reappeared,so I had to re-process.
Elena Svyatoslavovna, Mytishchi
So the Japanese remedy against the Colorado potato beetle met the expectations of many users. The rather high cost is fully covered by the effectiveness of the tool, and the lack of ability to adapt to pests will allow using this insecticide for many more years.