Birch tar from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm

In the course of unequal fighting with pests, gardeners are looking for all new means that would allow them to get a crop without loss and not be poisoned by chemistry. Invented many folk recipes from all types of insects that can be encountered in the garden area. Most of them usually intersect and act on different types of pests.Relatively recently, birch tar from the Colorado potato beetle was tested. The American aggressor unexpectedly turned out to be sensitive to the substances contained in the extract from birch. Gardeners use this drug in all garden crops, including even strawberries. Although not everyone likes the garden berry with the smell of a similar substance.


"Clean" birch tar in the garden can be used in a mixture with water. But such a remedy has a drawback: it does not mix with water and clogs up sprays. Therefore, spraying the plants with this drug is impossible.

Recipes mixes vary:

  • 30 ml per bucket of water;
  • 2 spoons per liter;
  • 1 spoon on a bucket.

Each gardener finds the optimal ratio of tar and liquid independently by experiment.

Birch tar from the Colorado potato beetle
Birch tar from the Colorado potato beetle


This drug does not kill pests, but scares them. The Colorado invader flies to the smell of potatoes, but if the smell is “choked up” by the fumes of birch tar, the insect will not find the planting it needs. The application of tar against the Colorado potato beetle is based on this.

Processing rules

To get the crop you need to start process from the Colorado potato beetle not even the plants themselves, but also tubers at planting. Tubers before planting are “bathed” in tar water solution (a tablespoon of money for a bucket of water). When planting the same tool shed grooves. Such measures help against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

During the growth period, potato bushes are watered from a bottle of similar composition. From the bottle, because, as already mentioned, the oily substance clogs the spray nozzle. Therefore, for the tar water mixture they take an ordinary plastic bottle and make holes in its lid. You can use a watering can. Processing is carried out every 3 days from the moment of emergence and until the beginning of harvesting.

Soap solution

Due to the fact that birch tar is an oily substance that is not miscible with water, it is inconvenient to use it. It is very unevenly distributed over the beds: all the oil can be poured in the first liter of the mixture. It is much more effective to use tar soap from the Colorado potato beetle, which will allow you to properly spray the plants without harming the spray bottle. And the effect will be the same as with pure birch preparation.

Tar soap from the Colorado potato beetle
Tar soap from the Colorado potato beetle

To scare away Colorado potato beetles and their larvae make a soap solution according to the usual recipe. But instead of economic diluted tar soap. Potato tops are treated as usual. This method will evenly distribute the birch preparation in all beds and will last longer than the water mixture.

Although the gardeners reviews about birch tar from the Colorado potato beetle are mostly positive, but they all note the difficulty of using the drug because of its oiliness.


I tried using birch tar from a potato pest, but I had to spray it with a broom. And I have a feeling that everything useful on that broom is left. A broom stank, and the bugs sneeze on my efforts like. But when I tried to dilute tar soap, it turned out that all the pests had fled from the garden.

Maxim, D. Vishnevka

With tar tar I prefer to water the beds of slugs and wireworms. Try to put it on the tops of a dead room. But in the ground it works quite well, you just need to constantly “beat” the mixture. But for the "vershkov" I use soap on the basis of tar.Spraying the top and watering the bottom saves me from all insect pests.

Ksenia, Kurgan

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Bed bugs

