Means Bi 58 against the Colorado potato beetle

The whole summer season is a fight of a man with various kinds of pests and insects. Colorado beetle able to cause serious damage not only to the potato crop, but also to other crops. To correct the situation will help the timely response of the person and the choice effective means to fight. The BI 58 has proven itself well from the Colorado potato beetle, which is distinguished by its fast action and high efficiency.

Benefits means

The effectiveness of BI-58 due to the presence of dimethoate.This insecticide has a systemic effect. After the insect comes into contact with the components of the agent, irreversible processes begin in its body. The substance is absorbed into the juice of the plant and enters the victim's body. The cumulative effect and redistribution of BI-58 in culture allows you to extend the effect of the tool.

BI 58 against the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes also has a contact action. If a pest is hit during processing, the components of the product penetrate deeply. After this, paralysis of all organs and inevitable death occurs.


The tool has a high concentration of the active substance, so its use in violation of the recommended dosage can lead to burns of plants. It is allowed to use BI-58 for potatoes together with fungicides and pyrethroids.

Application features

Means Bi 58 from the Colorado potato beetle
Means Bi 58 from the Colorado potato beetle

In order for the new BI 58 to give the maximum result, you should be sure to read the instructions before use. Only full compliance with the dosage and following the recommendations can effectively protect the crop from the pest.


To prepare the solution, use only clean and soft water.Any silt impurities, putrid substances and other impurities can modify the concentration of the product.

Insecticide is available in the form of ampoules or large bottles of 10 liters. Each ampoule contains 5 ml of funds and costs 60 rubles. This amount is enough to prepare 10 liters of solution.


  1. Shake the package with the product.
  2. Open the ampoule with the concentrated substance.
  3. Pour the insecticide into a container of water and stir it regularly.

The dosage of the consumption of drugs is calculated separately for each type of treated plant. For potatoes, it is 2-2.5 liters per 1 hectare. The required dose of funds for other cultures is indicated in the instructions in BI-58.

Spraying is recommended in dry, windless weather, when the air temperature is between 12-35 degrees. Low temperature conditions can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the means of the Colorado potato beetle.

What do users say

Means Bi 58 against the Colorado potato beetle
Means Bi 58 against the Colorado potato beetle

Numerous positive reviews of BI 58 not only emphasize the effectiveness of the tool, but also help to more thoroughly understand the features of its use.

Processing from the Colorado potato beetle is an integral part of my summer season. The pest has never bypassed my site. The standard recipe BI-58 has always admired the results. It works even with a strong infection. I take for processing tomatoes and peppers.

Inga, Stavropol

60 rubles per 1 ampoule of money is quite an adequate cost for such a strong drug. Among all tried BI-58 left the best impressions. It is easy to prepare the solution, so I always do the processing myself. Separately, I want to note the fact that the tool is perfectly fixed on the plant. If it does not rain on the day of treatment, you can be sure of a great result.

Elena, Lipetsk region

The first thing that attracts attention during use is the specific smell. My nose starts to feel it even before working with the solution. Therefore, before work, always have to wear a protective mask. There are no claims to the quality of the insecticide. In my personal rating, the BI-58 gets the highest score in all categories: efficiency, usability and price.

Andrey, Krasnodar

While working with the BI-58 from the Colorado potato beetle, children and domestic animals should be excluded.on this site. If the product comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with water and consult a specialist.

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