Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Boreas

Borey from the Colorado potato beetle is a modern insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. Destroys adult individuals, larvae of different ages. Saves toxic properties for about 28 days. Does not affect the growing season of the plant, does not harm the environment when used properly.


The poison from the Colorado potato beetle Boreas is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Packed in 1 liter bottles.Before use it is required to prepare a solution, having dissolved the necessary amount of a concentrate in cold water. The finished product has a slight peculiar smell. Colorado potato beetle processing, tomatoes, eggplant, carried out by spraying.


In the composition of Borey two insecticidal substances - imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin. Both substances belong to the group of insecticides with a wide spectrum of action. The drug is low toxic to humans, deadly for bees, amphibians, fish.

After processing the plant, Boreas accumulates in the leaves, stems, and partly in the roots. For complete absorption it takes 2 hours. The effectiveness of the drug is not affected by the sun's rays, nasty rains, but gradually the poison splits, completely neutralized in 28 days.

Into the body of the insect drug enters the contact-intestinal way. Active ingredients disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. In minutes, paralysis, death. The larvae almost instantly perish when a poison enters the chitinous cover during spraying.


It is necessary to work with insecticidal agent in rubber gloves, respirator, trousers, long-sleeved jacket.The poison on the skin causes irritation, allergic reaction, penetration into the respiratory tract is dangerous by poisoning of varying severity. The first signs are headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea.

Borey vs Colorado
Borey vs Colorado

Preparation of the solution

How to breed an insecticide to kill the Colorado potato beetle is indicated in the instructions. The standard scheme is 200 ml per 10 liters of cold water. Initially dilute the concentrate in 1 liter of water, mix thoroughly, add the rest. Ready solution Borey is poured into a household spray. Consumption rate per 1 hectare area of ​​400 ml of funds.

On a note!

Prepare the solution immediately before use. It can be used for three days if stored in a dark place.

Usage guide

Instructions for use means Borey is extremely simple.

  1. It is necessary to sprinkle potatoes in the morning or in the evening in dry, calm weather.
  2. Spray hold so that the spray flew in the direction of the wind, in the opposite direction from the person.
  3. Efficiency decreases if heavy rain has passed within 2 hours after treatment.
  4. Treat the plant should be 2 weeks before flowering or after it. Poison kills bees.
  5. Repeated spraying is carried out, if necessary, not earlier than 45 days after the first. It is forbidden to poison the Colorado potato beetles 20 days before harvesting.

In the ground, the drug Borey persists for about 3 months, it is undesirable to use on summer cottages.

Boreas from the Colorado potato beetle
Boreas from the Colorado potato beetle


You can see the result in a few minutes. Larvae die almost immediately. To destroy the entire population colorado beetles on the site takes about 5 days. According to reviews, Boreas is one of the most effective tools.

Last year in the garden so many Colorado beetles appeared, never such an invasion is not observed. Poisoned by means of Boreas. The husband worked in gloves, but without a respirator. The pests were poisoned the very next day. Her carelessness was bad for her husband - she had a headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Next time will wear a respirator.

Marina, Moscow

In the evening they slayed the Colorado beetles, in the morning all the larvae were already lying under the bushes. Beetles fell to the end of the day. One treatment at the beginning of the summer was enough for the whole season. Harvested excellent.

Irina, Voronezh

Buy Boreas from the Colorado beetles can be in a specialty store or ordered online at sites. A bottle of professional tools with a capacity of 1 l costs about 3,800 rubles.Should be stored away from sunlight, need to be used within three years from the date of manufacture.

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