Means of Euphoria from the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle is one of the worst enemies potato. The danger to culture is not only adults, but also their larvae. Insects damage leafy plates and stems of plants, which prevents their growth. The result is a low yield. Therefore, all lovers of garden works are actively fighting pests, using various toxic chemicals. So one of the most effective is the drug Euphoria from the Colorado potato beetle.

Features of the composition

Means Euphoria is a concentrated suspension, the basis of which are:

  • Thiamethoxam is an insecticidal substance of systemic, contact and intestinal action, acting on the nervous system of insects, which leads to paralysis;
  • lambda-cyhalothrin is a contact-intestinal insecticide that, when it enters the body Colorado potato beetle has a detrimental effect on its nervous system, resulting in a violation of calcium metabolism in the body of the pest, the final result - paralysis of the muscles of the insect.

A number of Colorado beetles die almost immediately after treatment with this composition. After some time, the same fate befalls the rest of the individuals who regaled on the poisoned leaves of the plants.

Ephoria remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
Ephoria remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

The drug Euphoria is in great demand among consumers, as it has many advantages:

  • high efficiency provides a combination of two powerful insecticidal components,ingestion of insects into the organism causes their instant death;
  • the composition affects both adults and insects in the larval stage;
  • wide spectrum of action - poison Euphoria is effective not only against the Colorado beetles, but also other leaf-eating, sucking and secretly living pests;
  • insecticidal suspension does not respond to temperature changes, so the spraying of the solution can be carried out in sunny and cloudy weather;
  • poison has a long residual effect, which extends to 30-40 days;
  • preparative form - ready-to-use product does not require additional preparations, which creates ease of use;
  • subject to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the product will not harm human health.

On a note!

The cost of means of Euphoria from the Colorado potato beetle varies depending on the region in the range of 900-1100 rubles per liter capacity.

Rules of application

Euphoria insecticide is applied against the Colorado potato beetle at the first signs of plant infection. Most often used for this sprayer. The protective properties of the composition are maintained for 40 days,after which the plants need to be re-treated with the agent (except for cereals that are treated with Euphoria once per season).

Poison Euphoria is consumed in accordance with the standards specified in the manual (instructions for use of the product are on each package).

Use of the drug Ephoria for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle
Use of the drug Ephoria for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle

What you should know

Since the drug Euphoria belongs to the moderately toxic group of agents, when working with the composition, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (maximum closed clothing, respirator, goggles, gloves, headgear).


The toxic composition is toxic to pollinating insects and aquatic creatures, and therefore cannot be used near apiaries and water bodies.


Euphoria is an excellent universal remedy. Insects are dying almost before our eyes. Recommend.

Svyatoslav, Odessa

I spent only one treatment with Euphoria before the flowering of potatoes and the Colorado was no longer disturbed. Very efficient stuff. I advise.

Andrey, Moscow

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