
Calypso remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Calypso remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
Calypso remedy against the Colorado potato beetle

The threat of infection by harmful insects of vegetable crops remains relevant from year to year. And so that green plantings do not hurt and give a full-fledged harvest, garden work amateurs use various pesticides. Such agents come in the form of powders and tablets, concentrated emulsions and granules.Citing reviews of Calypso from the Colorado potato beetle, many gardeners include this drug as a list of well-proven drugs. The features of the composition of this drug, as well as the rules for its use, will be discussed in this article.

The composition and principle of operation

Calypso from the Colorado potato beetle is a sustainable, highly effective insecticidal drug used in the fight against garden and garden pests. The active component in it is thiacloprid, a powerful systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, the mass fraction of which in 1 liter of a concentrated suspension is 480 g. Penetrating into the body Colorado potato beetle, the active component blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes the imminent death of leaf beetles.

The advantages of the composition

The toxic properties of the drug Calypso extend not only to the Colorado beetles, the poison is also effective against moths and onion flies, whiteflies and thrips, leafworms and weevils.

On a note!

The effectiveness of the pesticide is observed already during the first hours after spraying. In relation to the treated culture means is not toxic.

A long period of protection is another advantage of the Calypso product. Under favorable conditions, the prolonged effect lasts for almost a month. The composition does not pose a danger to the beneficial fauna, including insect pollinators. It is preferable to use Calypso on plants during the growing season, when the first signs of the presence of Colorado beetles are found.

Calypso price

Calypso remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
Calypso remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Insecticidal agent is produced in 2 ml capsules, 10 ml vials, and also in liter containers. The price of Calypso also depends on the volume of the preparation. The minimum dosage is in the range of 30-40 rubles. Buy chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle can be in specialized stores or ordered online.

Rules of application

Used Calypso concentrated suspension for spraying not only potato, but also tomatoes, cabbage, onion, garlic and eggplant. Poison is also used on apple, cherry, cherry and peach. It is from this that the concentration of the working composition varies (Calypso instructions for use are available on each package of the product).

  • For spraying potato or tomato beds from the Colorado potato beetle, the solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of toxic composition per 5 liters of water. The specified volume is quite enough for the processing of a plot of 100 sq. M. m
  • The same proportions are followed when processing fruit trees or shrubs.
  • A more concentrated solution is prepared for spraying onions and garlic (2 ml of product for 5 l of water).

Prepare a working solution by combining a concentrated emulsion with a small amount of water. After thorough mixing, the volume of liquid is adjusted to the recommended.

On a note!

The use of Calypso can be combined with other insecticidal drugs and plant growth stimulants. It is not recommended to combine it with compounds containing copper.

Calypso remedy against the Colorado potato beetle
Calypso remedy against the Colorado potato beetle

What you should know

Means Calypso from the Colorado potato beetle belongs to the 3 class of danger. Subject to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the composition does not pose a danger to pollinating insects, so it can be applied close to an apiary. But, despite the safety, the drug can cause intoxication of the human body.In this connection, the ingress of toxic substances on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is unacceptable. You should also ensure that insecticides do not fall into the pond. Not safe to graze animals in the treated areas.


So many Colorado beetles like this year have never been before. Harvest potatoes thanks to Calypso. I also liked the fact that the composition can be applied not only to vegetable but also to fruit trees. Now I advise the drug to all your friends.

Yaroslav, Chernigov

And I used Calypso for indoor plants, when the midges unknown to me appeared on them. I recommend as an effective and inexpensive tool.

Inna, Mirgorod

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