Remedies Clotiamete from the Colorado potato beetle

The potent insecticide Clotiamet from the Colorado potato beetle was created relatively recently using modern technologies of the chemical industry. Due to its high efficiency in the fight against agricultural pests, the drug is in demand both among summer residents and among specialists in the agronomic field.


The tool belongs to the third class of hazard toxicity. It consists of the active substance Clothianidin, which belongs to the group of neonicotinoid chemicals. Its concentration is quite high - 500 g per kg of the drug. But unlike nicotine, this substance is poison only for insects, for humans and animals, it does not pose a serious danger.

On a note!

Available tool in ampoules of 0.5 grams. The price of Clotiamet is about 30 rubles per ampoule.

Mechanism of action

Insecticide Clotiamete from the Colorado potato beetle
Insecticide Clotiamete from the Colorado potato beetle

Clotiamete poison is used to spray the tops of potatoes and other crops. During processing, chemicals enter the plant through the pores and are distributed to all its tissues. Penetration of insecticide into the body Colorado potato beetle carried out in three ways:

  • through direct contact, falling on the body of the beetle;
  • through the digestive system when an insect eats a leaf of potato;
  • through the respiratory system of the pest.

By penetrating the body, Clotiamet paralyzes the Colorado pest's nervous system, which leads to paralysis of all organs and death.Within a few hours after application, all insects die.

Mode of application

To prepare the solution against the Colorado potato beetle does not take much time. High concentration facilities allows you to use only 0.5 grams for processing two hundred hundred potato beds. The contents of one vial should be diluted in 2 liters of water. The resulting emulsion is diluted with water to 10 liters of volume.

On a note!

Treatment is recommended to be carried out in the morning in windless dry weather at an air temperature not lower than 15 degrees Celsius.

The finished solution is poured into the tank of the sprayer specifically designed for these procedures. Use an insecticide right after preparation. Spraying the solution on the green tops of plants, you need to leave the garden and try not to go to him for 5 days. The protective effect of the Colorado potato beetle lasts about 2 weeks.

Precautionary measures

Clotiamet from the Colorado potato beetle
Clotiamet from the Colorado potato beetle

Processing the garden with Clotiamet is a dangerous occupation and requires a responsible attitude on the part of the person:

  • Before starting work, the instructions for use should be carefully read;
  • Clotimet can be used only once during the growing season;
  • All actions for the preparation of the solution should be carried out in the open air;
  • a person engaged in gardening should apply personal protective equipment: wear a mask, respirator, heavy clothing, gloves, rubber shoes;
  • upon completion of the procedure, clothes and shoes are cleaned, face and hands are washed with soap.


Clotimet is a serious hazard to bees and bumblebees. It is strictly prohibited for use by aviation.

Insecticide has a high concentration in the soil for 3-4 months. Therefore, the treatment should be carried out at the beginning of the summer, so that by the harvest period the availability of the drug in the ground and in the roots is minimal.


We have a big family, in order to feed everyone we have to plant potatoes with most of the garden. Collecting Colorado beetles from such an area by hand is impossible! Therefore, it is necessary to use insecticides. Recently stumbled upon Clotiamet, which costs a penny. My husband and I processed the entire plot, the beetles were instantly gone. Harvest us pleased and fed until spring.

Rimma, Krasnoyarsk

Every year struggling with leaf beetle different ways. I try to change them so that insects do not develop immunity. Recently I read reviews of the tool Clotiamete from the Colorado potato beetle. I decided to buy 2 ampoules, I offered one to my neighbor. Together processed our potato beds. Neither me nor my neighbor had a single pest for the entire season.

Maxim, Volgograd

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