Means the Commander from the Colorado potato beetle
- Means the Commander from the Colorado potato beetle
- Use of the drug Commander from the Colorado potato beetle
- Commander against the Colorado potato beetle
Commander of the Colorado potato beetle - a modern insecticidal drug of systemic action. It destroys the larvae of different ages, adults, protects against re-invasion of pests for about 30 days. It also stimulates plant growth, prevents diseases, helps to recover from vital activity. colorado beetles.
The poison Commander from the Colorado potato beetle is produced in the form of a concentrated liquid. Before use, you need to independently prepare a solution by diluting the specified amount of the product in cold water. The drug has a slight peculiar smell, which quickly disappears.
Packed concentrate in ampoules, vials. The minimum volume of 1 ml, the maximum - 10 liters. Means from the Colorado potato beetle Commander is allowed to use in the suburban areas, large gardens, fields with potatoes. The broad-spectrum insecticide kills not only the Colorado potato beetles, but also the polar bear, caterpillars, potato moth, aphids.
On a note!
There is another drug with the identical name Commander, but there is a prefix "maxi". The drug is different form of release - granules, the concentration of the active component. The rules of application are identical.
The poison Komandor works on the basis of a modern broad-spectrum insecticide - imidacloprid. Means after spraying planting material, the green parts of the plant accumulate inside for 2 hours. In the future, the effectiveness of the poisoning agent is not affected by the sun's rays, heavy rains. Neutralized gradually over 30 days.
Additionally, the Commander contains mineral additives that accelerate germination, growth. Contribute to the restoration of plants after the attack of the Colorado beetles. A poisonous substance, when properly used, does not harm a person, environment, but is deadly for bees, amphibians, fish.
The active ingredient enters the body of the insect by contact, intestinal. The bulk of pests die at the time of spraying, when the poison falls directly on the chitinous cover. Further destruction of colorado beetles occurs due to the accumulation of poison in the leaves. The poison enters the esophagus in the process of feeding.
The minimum dose of poison the Commander leads to disruption of the functioning of the nervous system, slowing down the transmission of impulses. Almost instantly, paralysis, death. For the complete destruction of the population of the Colorado beetles on the land required 14 days. No need to re-process.
Preparation of the solution
How to breed Commander, there are clear rules. To prepare the solution should be immediately before spraying the culture.In this case, the maximum concentration of poison is maintained. Manufacturers allow the use of the finished product for three days, provided it is stored in a dark place.
The consumption of funds for processing potatoes during the growing season - 5 liters per 100 square meters. m. For preparation requires only 1 ml of concentrate. Initially, the product is diluted in 1 liter of cold water, thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes until completely dissolved. Then add another 4 liters of water. Mix, pour into a household spray bottle, a bottle with a spray.
Usage guide
Commander of the Colorado potato beetle - instructions for use, provides for compliance with certain rules.
- Work with the drug should be in rubber gloves, respirator. On the body should not remain open areas of skin - wear a jacket with long sleeves, pants. If an insecticide comes into contact with the epidermis, irritation, an allergic reaction, penetration into the respiratory tract appear, the esophagus is threatened with poisoning of various degrees of severity.
- It is necessary to spray the planting material 2 hours before putting the potatoes inthe holes. In this case, the poison remains valid for about 45 days, does not require re-treatment during the growing season.
- Treat the plant should be early in the morning or in the evening. Otherwise, the active sunlight can burn the leaves through the remaining droplets of poison.
- To carry out the work you need in dry, windless weather. Hold the sprayer in such a way that the spray flew in the opposite direction from the person. With great care sprayed large bushes, paying particular attention to the back of the leaves. It is there that the eggs of the Colorado potato beetle, the larvae of the first age, are concentrated.
- It is forbidden to poison insects during the flowering of potatoes, 20 days before harvesting. In special cases, re-processing is carried out not earlier than 45 days after the first spraying.
You can see the result in half an hour. The next day, the Colorado beetles will lie dead on the ground, the culture is restored within a week.
Reviews about the Commander found different. All buyers note fast, long-lasting, safety.When using a respirator, rubber gloves poisoning cases are not observed.
We process potatoes 3 years by Commander An effective drug kills the Colorado potato beetles in a few hours. Repeated spraying is not carried out. Insects can be seen again at the end of August, but they no longer threaten the culture. Harvest is always a good harvest. It is also possible to dilute more insecticide if there are many insects.
Hope, Moscow
Commander copes with the Colorado in a few days. Harassment without a respirator, never poisoning was not. I just try to keep the spray on me. Sprayed in early June, until the end of the season there was no insect invasion. Periodically met on the bushes. Convenient to use - just dilute with water. You can find in any specialty store, affordable price, valid for a long time. An effective remedy not only from the Colorado beetles.
Maxim, Voronezh
The price of Commander depends on the capacity. A vial with 1 ml of concentrate costs 15 rubles. Bottle with a capacity of 10 ml - 95 rubles. You can buy the tool in a specialized store, business department, retail outlets in the market. It is possible to order via the Internet.Store in a dark place, use within three years from the date of manufacture.