An effective remedy on the spot from the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado beetle - an insect, whose presence at the dacha gives a lot of trouble to gardening enthusiasts. The vegetable parasite eats the leaves of potatoes eggplant, tomatoesthat often leads to the death of crops, and, ultimately, to loss of harvest. Pest Control will not be ineffective if you use an effective remedy for the Colorado potato beetle On the spot.

Features of the tool

The drug on the spot from the Colorado potato beetle is a concentrated suspension, the basis of which is two insecticidal components:

  • Alpha-cypermethrin (10%) - a substance that acts on the nervous system of an insect, contributes to the destruction of the cell membrane. The consequence of which is pest paralysis.
  • Imidacloprid (30%) is an insecticide whose effect on the acetylcholine receptor interferes with the passage of nerve impulses. What eventually causes damage to the nervous system.

A leaf impregnated with toxic ingredients becomes poisonous for both adults and insects in the larval stage.

Means on the spot from the Colorado potato beetle
Means on the spot from the Colorado potato beetle

Due to the two-component composition of the means of the Colorado potato beetle Napoup has several advantages:

  • High efficiency. Toxic composition begins to act after a few hours after treatment. The maximum effect is observed in the event of 48 hours.
  • Extensive field of application.The composition is active not only against the Colorado potato beetle, but also moths, weevil, rapeseed beetle, moth, bugs and other agricultural pests.
  • Long residual effect. For 3-4 weeks the plants are fully protected from the Colorado potato beetle.
  • Resistance to precipitation.
  • The tool is not addictive in insects.
  • Low cost. The price of the package, which contains 6 ampoules of 2 ml, ranges from 20 rubles.

Rules of application

For the preparation of the working solution, the concentrated emulsion is diluted in accordance with the dosage specified in the manual (instructions for the product from the Colorado potato beetle are absolutely available on each package).

With a slight degree of plant contamination, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 9 liters of water. With a large number of adults and larvae using a more concentrated composition (1 ampoule of poison in 6 liters of water). This volume of solution is sufficient for processing a plot of 2 weave. It is applied in a plentiful layer on infected cultures with a sprayer. For more effective absorption of toxic components, it is preferable to treat the plants in dry, calm weather.


Due to the fact that the drug belongs to the 3 class of danger, it cannot be used for spraying plants during their flowering, as this may entail the death of pollinating insects. Also, after processing the site with a means, it is necessary to carry out manual work no earlier than 10 days after an incident. For mechanical work make a break for 4 days.

What you should know

Use of the drug on the spot against the Colorado potato beetle
Use of the drug on the spot against the Colorado potato beetle

Treatment with toxic composition requires compliance with elementary security measures. To prevent the poison from getting on the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, it is necessary to use a respirator and goggles during processing. At the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands with running water.


A very effective drug against various pests. Its composition can be used for spraying virtually all garden crops, not only potatowhich is very convenient. I recommend it on the spot as the best tool.

Polina, Stavropol

Means on the spot not for nothing has such name: really, after processing the Colorado beetles themselves fall on the spot. I recommend the drug now to all my friends.

Natalia, Kislovodsk

What kind of remedies for colorads did not try: both in the form of powder and in tablets were taken. The effect was negligible. Loved the drug on the spot. Pests disappeared from the garden after one spraying.

Svetlana, Belgorod

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