The most effective poisons and poisons from the Colorado potato beetle

The poison from the Colorado potato beetle is one of the most effective methods of control. Processing is carried out by spraying planting material, plants during the growing season. For the destruction of pests are used chemicalbiological products folk remedies. Valid poison for the Colorado potato beetle from 7 to 60 days, depending on the active ingredient.


Poison for the Colorado potato beetle based on modern insecticides is the most effective means. The most active ingredient is imidacloprid. The action of this poison can complement cypermethrin, tetramethrin, etc.

On a note!

The best poison from the Colorado potato beetle in addition to the toxic component contains growth stimulants, substances that enhance the immunity of the culture during the growing season. The drug helps to recover from the attack of the Colorado potato beetles, protects against diseases, fungi.


The most effective poison from the Colorado potato beetle disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses. In a few minutes, paralysis of the muscles, death. Penetrates into the body by contact through chitin cover, respiratory organs, in the process of feeding. Mass destruction of larvae of different ages, adults, occurs in a few days.

The maximum effect is the poison from Colorado potato beetles for 5 days, retains toxic properties when spraying the green part of the plant for 30 days, planting material - 60. The product accumulates in the leaves, stalks, root system, partly in the roots.Finally neutralized during the month. Do not use a chemical for 20 days before harvesting. In most cases, one treatment per season is enough to protect against the Colorado potato beetle.


To work with insecticidal substances need to use personal protective equipment. Failure to comply with this rule leads to irritation of the skin, allergies, poisoning of varying severity.

Effective means

Poison from beetles on potatoes
Poison from beetles on potatoes

The poison from beetles on potatoes is produced in the form of concentrates, in the form of powder, emulsion, liquid, granules. Before use it is required to prepare solution, having diluted a concentrate with the specified amount of water. The names of poisons against the Colorado potato beetle are impressive variety. When choosing an effective drug, you should pay attention to the following brands:

  • Euphoria or Euphoria. Two-component poison is made in the form of a concentrated emulsion, Packed in 5 l cans. The active components are insecticides of a broad spectrum of action - thiamethoxam, lambda-cyhalothrin. The poison is not addictive, valid for 30 days.
  • Poison Cosmos.Insecticidal agent is used to treat potatoes, other plants from the Colorado potato beetle, other flying, crawling pests. The poison is produced in the form of a suspension. 1.5 ml of the concentrate is diluted in 8 liters of cold water. This amount is enough for the processing area of ​​100 square meters. The protection lasts at least 3 weeks. Efficiency is not affected by the sun's rays, torrential rains. The death of the larvae occurs almost immediately, the Colorado beetles stop eating for 20 minutes, the mass death is observed throughout the week.
  • Ato beetle + Gulliver. Modern poison of triple action with an additional growth stimulant, protection from diseases, fungi. It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion. For processing potatoes from Colorado potato beetle diluted with 1.5 ml in 5 l of cold water. From this norm, the required amount of poison is calculated for the entire plot. 5 liters of the finished product is enough to process two acres.
  • Stozhar. Systemic effective insecticide. Good poison from the Colorado potato beetle. You can see the result within 1 hour after spraying the plant. Valid for at least 21 days.The effectiveness of the poison is not affected by sunlight, high humidity. Kills larvae during processing. The active ingredient is acetamiprid. It is produced in powder form. Maximum action - 3 days. During this time, the entire pest population dies. Poison resistance is not developed. Potatoes should be processed only 1 time during the growing season.
  • Connect Modern poison from the German company Bayer. Innovative poisonous agent contains imidacloprid. It is used for spraying planting material, plants during the growing season. In the soil, it retains its properties for up to 60 days, it lasts about a month on leaves. Packed up the drug in different containers from 1 ml. To prepare the solution from the Colorado potato beetle, dissolve 5 ml of the concentrate in 5 l of water. This means is enough for processing two hundred parts.
Sprinkling potatoes from beetles
Sprinkling potatoes from beetles

New poison from the Colorado potato beetle in 2018 provides quick results, long-lasting action, protection from diseases. It stimulates growth, helps to recover the culture after the invasion of pests. Insecticidal products from different manufacturers are available.Poisons of a domestic production differ in reasonable price, cheaply costs the Ukrainian poison.


Reviews of the poison from the Colorado potato beetle confirm the high efficiency of chemical agents. You can notice the effect of any drug in half an hour. The larvae die, the adults cease to feed. The next day, all the potato bushes are clean.


We buy for processing potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle Colorado. Effective tool with economical consumption. Kills pests in a matter of days. During the season we carry out only one treatment. Enough action to the end of the season. Always collect a great harvest.

Marina, Moscow


If you need to quickly destroy the Colorado beetles, I immediately buy poison. I liked the way the action Bushido. I sprayed in early June, I don’t see any pests by the end of July. In August, digging potatoes. The harvest is wonderful without much effort. Effective poison from the Colorado potato beetle and other pests.

Maxim, St. Petersburg

Buy a chemical drug from the Colorado potato beetle can be in a specialized store, business departments, ordered on sites on the Internet. Price per ampoule in 1 ml in the range of 10-100 rubles.

Biological products

Means are considered safe for humans with proper use. Used for spraying the green part of the plant. The result is noticeable during the week. The maximum effect of biological agents is 14 days. Reduce the efficiency of heavy rains. Preparations are made in the form of powder, pressed tablets. Before use, the contents of the bag must be poured into cold water.

Biologicals against Colorado beetles
Biologicals against Colorado beetles

The active ingredients are natural insecticides, there are no hazardous compounds in humans. Get into the body of insects by contact, when sucking the juice from the leaves. Death is observed after a few days, as the accumulation of poison in the body. The mechanism of action is identical to insecticides - disrupt the work of the nervous system.

Among the effective biological products emit:

  • Colorado;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Bio spark;
  • Bicol;
  • Acarin;
  • Actovegin.

The price of one bag from 20 rubles. Store the tool no more than 12 months in a dark place.


Potatoes in the garden sprayed with poison. Separately, we plant a potato bed to eat young in June-July.This bed is treated with phytopreparations. Every time we buy different, act the same. Fully insects do not kill, but the number of Colorado beetles decreases significantly. In large areas to use biological products ineffective, costly for the price.

Olga, Moscow

Biological products are sold in specialized stores, economic departments of supermarkets, can be ordered via the Internet. Spraying is carried out twice a month throughout the growing season.

Folk remedies

At home, prepare the poison from the Colorado beetles with their own hands. Homemade drug is used in two ways - for the treatment of tubers before planting, spraying plants during the growing season.

  • Wood ash. Fall asleep in cold water, dip potatoes before planting in the ground. When spraying, soap is added to the solution. Processing is carried out every 3 days.
  • Potassium permanganate. 10 g of water consumes 1 g of the product. The solution is used for the treatment of seed from the Colorado potato beetles, other pests.
  • Boric acid. Safe for humans, deadly to insects.Dilute the powder in cold water, add laundry soap. Spray the plant or process potatoes before planting.
  • Copper sulfate. Apply to the impregnation of tubers. For each liter of water requires 1 gpreparata. Additionally, the solution protects against diseases, fungi, bacteria.

Poison from the Colorado potato beetle is prohibited to use during flowering. The poison is deadly for bees. In this period of time used folk remedies, if this is an urgent need. Spraying should be done in dry, calm weather, after work, wash your hands with soap and water, throw the suit in the wash.

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