Tool Executioner from the Colorado potato beetle

Among a huge variety of pesticidesdesigned to combat malicious insects, the most famous means of executioner from the Colorado potato beetle. Insecticidal drug is used not only for potato processing, but also other vegetable and greenhouse crops, for example, a tomatoas well as berry bushes and flowers planted on the open field.

About properties

The preparation Executioner is a modern insecticide of contact, intestinal and systemic action, the basis of which consists of: potatin, thiamethoxam and thiabendazole. Toxic components act on the nervous system of pests, resulting in the death of insects. Moreover, the poison is active not only in relation to adults, it has a negative effect on the larvae. Getting into the esophagus of the Colorado potato beetles, the poison blocks the respiratory tract and affects their nervous system, resulting in the inevitable death of insects.

The Executioner tool against the Colorado potato beetle is included in the list of highly effective means, due to several advantages:

  • high speed of action on various gnawing and sucking insects (aphids, whitefly, ticks);
  • resistance to precipitation, high temperatures and wind;
  • long residual effect of the composition lasts for 30 days;
  • effectively protects plants from brown spot, wet rot and late blight;
  • toxic composition is not addictive in pests.

On a note!

The insecticide Executioner for the Colorado potato beetles is produced in the form of water-soluble granules, placed in ampoules (2 g each).One package containing 5 ampoules costs about 20 rubles.

Tool Executioner from the Colorado potato beetle
Tool Executioner from the Colorado potato beetle

Rules of application

To obtain the desired result, the toxic composition is used in accordance with the manual (instructions for use of the Executor are available on each package). According to the description, 1 ampoule is intended for preparation of a solution with a volume of 10-15 liters. The duration of the effect depends on the concentration level of the working compound: the higher it is, the longer the protective properties of toxic substances will be maintained.

On a note!

Poison Executioner can also be used for pickling planting material. Prepared potato tubers are sprayed with a solution that is prepared at the rate of 10 g of product per 0.5-0.7 l of water.

What you need to know

The use of toxic chemicals requires compliance with the simplest security measures. The use of personal protective equipment (overalls or a long-sleeved robe, headgear, goggles, rubber gloves and a respirator) will help prevent toxic components from reaching mucous membranes and skin.

Executioner to fight the Colorado potato beetle
Executioner to fight the Colorado potato beetle

Evidence of the effectiveness of pesticides are numerous reviews of the Executioner, left by consumers in various forums.


Applied the Executioner in his garden. The result shook. Not only adult beetles, but also larvae. Cool. Recommend.

Gregory, Taganrog

Tried fight the colorado beetles folk remediesbut the effect was temporary. Over time, the number of pests only increased. Treated the beds with potatoes the Executioner only once, and the harvest is saved! I advise.

Oksana, Kaliningrad

Such an influx colorado beetles as this year I do not remember in my lifetime. I did not want to, but I still had to use chemistry. The neighbor advised the Executioner. We decided to try it. Were very pleased with the effect. Recommend.

Maria Sergeyevna, Tula

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