Taboo remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
- Taboo remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
- Methods for treating tubers with Taboo
- Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle
- Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle
The tabu-protectant from the Colorado potato beetle is a new means that is used to control pests already at the stage before planting potatoes in the soil and have a long duration.
Components and their action
For many years, gardeners have used various chemical and folk methodstrying to save the potato crop from the invasion of overseas guests. Manual methods of collecting insects were used, and regular spraying with poisons of hated pests, which took a lot of time, effort, and financial means.
In recent years, import means for the treatment of tubers even in the process of preparation for planting, called seed dressers, have been marketed. They greatly simplified fighting the Colorado potato beetle, however, were quite expensive. And then came the domestic drug Taboo VSK from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm, which is produced by the company Augustus, which produces pesticides and insecticides.
The main active ingredient Taboo - imidacloprid, belonging to the class of neonicotinoids, which are able to provide long-term protection of treated plants for the period before the intensive growth of young leaves. The concentration of Imidacloprid is 500 g / l.
The composition of the poison Taboo also added special substances (dyes, thickeners, surfactants), which facilitate the work of the person conducting the spraying, and improve the adherent properties of the drug.
After pollination of tubers, the active substance enters all tissues, forming a protective film on the surface. Then, along with the growth of the aerial parts of the plant, the poison spreads to the trunk and leaves, which become poisonous to insects. When eating colorado beetles leaves imidacloprid penetrates their body, negatively affecting the nervous system, which leads to digestive, motor and respiratory paralysis and insect death, which occurs within 24 hours
Insecticidal Taboo protects potato shoots not only from the Colorado potato beetle, but also poison wireworm, protecting plants during the entire period of growth and maturation.
The duration of the protective action of the Colorado potato beetle Taboo is up to 45 days, during which the plant passes the most important vegetative stages of development: the formation of above-ground green shoots, their growth, tying of young tubers. At the end of this time, pest raids are no longer so dangerous for a developed and strong potato bush.
On a note!
The duration of the protective period for potatoes does not depend on weather conditions. Due to the fact that the poison is inside the plant cells of the foliage, it can not be washed off by rain or other adverse methods of exposure.
Drug release form and price Tabu
The Russian company produces this product in the form of a liquid emulsion and offers for use 2 types of packaging:
- bottles for single use with a volume of 10 and 50 ml, costing from 130 rubles;
- cans with a capacity of 1 or 5 liters for processing large quantities of planting material, the price is respectively 900 and 4500 rubles.
In order not to be mistaken with the calculation of the required amount of Taboo, it should be borne in mind that 10 ml is intended for spraying about 120 potato tubers.
For the convenience of gardeners, the developers of Tabu made it possible to visually distinguish the already processed tubers: after spraying, the rind of the potato acquires a reddish tint, thanks to special components.
Tuber processing methods
In accordance with the attached instructions for use Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle, there are 2 ways of spraying potato tubers:
- processing using the prepared solution of planting material;
- a solution of tubers pollinated with a solution, which are put into holes or furrows during planting.
Both methods have the same efficiency and show a high impact on the Colorado beetles. What is the difference between these two methods, in what concentration and how to dilute the working solution, let us tell in more detail.
Method number 1: spraying tubers before planting
The most common traditional method of using Taboo: the treatment of tubers before planting.
The manual on the use of funds indicated:
- Dilute 8 ml of emulsion in 1 tbsp. water, shake well, then add liquid to 1 l. This volume of solution is enough for processing 100 kg of potatoes.
- Tubers are pre-laid evenly on a horizontal surface, spreading a tarp or polyethylene.
- Shake the resulting solution and pour it into the sprayer.
- Spray with a means, then mix the tubers, the degree of processing will be clearly visible by the color change.
- Allow the tubers to dry, after which they become suitable for planting, which is best done on the same day, sincethe active substance under the action of sunlight can volatilize.
Method number 2: handling during landing
Another method of applying the insecticide Taboo against the Colorado potato beetle saves time for growers, allowing you not to do a separate spraying procedure. The proposed method is recommended to apply only in dry and windless weather, it consists in the following:
- Dilution of the emulsion at the rate of 4 ml of product per 10 liters of water, which is designed for sprinkling dug holes with potatoes on an area of 1 hectare.
- For good quality of the solution, the emulsion is first stirred in 1 l of liquid, shaken well, then diluted with the remaining 9 l of water.
- In the prepared holes or furrows lay tubers, well sprayed with the prepared solution at the rate of 30-35 ml for each potato.
- Next, fill the hole with earth. With this method, the harm from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm will be neutralized for 60 days after treatment.
Taboo and other disinfectants containing imidacloptride also protect potatoes from the attack of aphids and other pests. However, it is completely harmless to bees and other pollinating insects, which is an important advantage compared to the action of other sprayed substances.
Important features of Taboo action
The use of the Taboo poison against the Colorado potato beetle has some peculiarities:
- the drug does not have an anti-fungal effect on the plant, therefore it is recommended to combine it with anti-fungal diseases for the treatment: Vitaros, Bunker, Vial, Trust, and the others are not recommended;
- processing should be done on the day of planting potatoes, because the effectiveness of the poison decreases during exposure to air or by light;
- Taboos can also be used to spray on other crops: corn, sunflower, beet, wheat, etc.
Human Precautions
Although the active substance belongs to the class of moderately toxic to humans, but to reduce the possible harm to a person from Tabu, it is recommended to take special protective measures:
- food preparation can not be used to prepare the working solution;
- during work with the drug it is recommended to wear special clothes, a respirator or face mask, rubber gloves;
- during the work with the solution you can not smoke, drink liquids or eat food;
- spraying should be carried out away from the place of cooking, children and pets, artificial and natural reservoirs;
- after treatment, it is advisable to take a shower, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth;
- treated tubers should not be eaten;
- Store the product in a dry, dark place, away from children, food and drugs.
According to numerous reviews about Taboo and vigorous discussions of its advantages and disadvantages on the forums of gardeners and farmers on the Internet, this tool is actively used both in individual gardens and in large agricultural enterprises. Most users note the high efficacy of the drug and other benefits.
After applying Taboo, I finally managed to take a break from the tedious and laborious daily collection of Colorado potato beetles from potato bushes. True, the rest lasted only 1.5 months, but thanks for that. Then I already collected the “Colorado” manually. Bushes have grown strong, I hope the harvest will be good.
Larisa, Smolensk
For many years I have been engaged in “collecting” the Colorado potato beetle from potato bushes and did not know that there are fundswhich are used before planting tubers in the ground. Moreover, the poison does not poison the crop itself, since it is located in the bush tops. This year, for the first time I tried the Taboo product and was pleasantly surprised by its long action. Now I know how to poison at least for the time of these beetles.
Inna, Volgograd