Tool Tanrek from the Colorado potato beetle
- The effectiveness of the drug Tanrek
- Use of the drug Tanrek
- Tool Tanrek from the Colorado potato beetle
Those who grow potatoes in the garden have to struggle every year against the most voracious pest eating them and damaging the plants. When no folk and chemicals Do not help, it is worth trying one of the last generation insecticides - Tanrek from the Colorado potato beetle.
Components and drug action
Tanrek VRK is a water-soluble concentrate that is an insecticide of organic origin of systemic action. Its main poisonous component is imidacloprid, obtained by extracting tobacco shoots, which are able to penetrate into the tissues of other plants. After eating poisoned tops, pests are infected with systemic poison, which paralyzes their nervous system, leading to death.
On a note!
It is worth noting that poison destroys not only the Colorado potato beetles and its larvae, but also aphids, potato shovels, tsadok, worms, ground flies, false shields, locusts, weevils and many other parasites that eat the leaves and shoots of plants.
The action of this tool is based on the good ability of imidacloprid to be absorbed into the shoots and leaves of potato bushes. As a result, it is not washed off by rain and is not affected by other external factors, but effectively poison only pests that massively die within 2-3 days.Its toxic properties persist for another 2-3 weeks, during which no additional processing is necessary.
Advantages and disadvantages of means Tanrek
This drug has the following advantages compared with other chemical agents:
- destroys all the larvae and adults colorado beetles;
- gives long-lasting protection to plants;
- has a systemic effect;
- non-toxic to humans, odorless;
- consumed economically, compatible with other insecticides and fungicides;
- its application allows to reduce the number of sprays of potato bushes;
- it is not washed off by a rain or at watering, efficiency does not depend on temperature;
- does not accumulate in potato tubers;
- has a complex effect on many pests of garden and ornamental plants.
The disadvantages noted by users:
- needs to reapply another insecticide, since it does not affect insects that hide in the soil;
- can not be processed in sunny weather due to possible burns on the leaves;
- it is dangerous for bees and other beneficial insects;
- has a toxic effect on some indoor crops;
- The bottle lacks a measuring scale.
During the summer season it is possible to carry out not more than the 1st treatment with the Tarnek agent from the Colorado potato beetle. Its regular use can cause insects to get used to it, so it is recommended to use it alternately with other insecticides.
Release form and price
Tanrek is available in 2 forms:
- a pack of 10 ampoules of 1 ml each - designed for processing small landings, the price is about 40 rubles;
- large bottles of 100 ml can be used on large areas of potato plantations, the cost is about 250 rubles.
Shelf life is 3 years.
On a note!
On sale Tanrek is on sale in 2 types: means against the Colorado beetles and for destruction of aphids. However, the composition and effect of both drugs are the same, only the method of preparation and the concentration of the prepared solution differ.
Tanrek: instructions for use from the Colorado potato beetle
In order to carry out spraying, you must first prepare a working solution of the required concentration. In accordance with the guidelines provided on the packaging, to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, 1 ml of the product must be diluted in 10 liters of water.The prepared solution is prepared only in the right amount and can not be stored.
For the destruction of the Colorado beetles will need 5 liters per 1 hectare garden with potato bushes. Spraying can be done only windless cool weather, preferably in the early morning or evening.
For those who do it for the first time, you need to know exactly how to breed Tanrek. First, the contents of the ampoule or vial is diluted with a small amount of water, mix well, and then pour the liquid to the desired volume. To improve the adherence of the substance to the leaves, it is recommended to add a little liquid soap with a neutral reaction.
On a note!
Tanrek is also used for pest control on tomatoes, cucumbers and other garden crops. It can be used in greenhouses, for which the solution is prepared at the rate of 5 ml of the substance per 10 liters of water. However, the consumption will be more: 2 buckets for 1 weave landings. It should be borne in mind that the procedure of spraying this tool is carried out no later than 20 days before the start of harvest.
Precautionary measures
The drug Tanrek belongs to the substances of the 3rd class of toxicity with respect to man and the 2nd - according to its stability in the soil, i.e., its complete decomposition in the earth will occur only in 70-200 days.It is also poisonous for fish, therefore it is prohibited to treat them with crops near water bodies.
The toxic components of Tanrek are also dangerous for bees, birds, insects and earthworms, which can cause their death.
It is better to prepare the working solution in the open air, making sure that there are no pets and small children nearby.
A person who sprays Tanrek is recommended to use protective measures in the form of putting on special clothes, a respirator and gloves. After working with the solution, be sure to wash your hands and face, rinse the mouth.
If a poisonous substance gets on the skin, it is removed with a cotton pad, then rinsed with water and soap.
Combination with other insecticides
The drug Tanrek can be combined only with products that have a neutral pH reaction, with acidic and alkaline solutions can not be used.
Experts recommend combined use with the following insecticides: Arrivo, Omite, Topaz, Skor, Skor to achieve a general effect against insect pests.
The use of chemicals in your garden is a necessary measure in a situation when other methods do not have the desired effect. Judging by the reviews of Tanrek, this tool quickly enough allows you to destroy the Colorado potato beetles on potatoes and save the next harvest.
Potatoes are planted annually, and fight with the Colorado potato beetle always long and laborious. This year, the Tanrek remedy helped a lot: pests died fairly quickly, in 1-2 days. In addition, the next 3 weeks were calm, because the poison continued to operate. This helped us save our strength and money.
Lily, Moscow
For many years I have been growing potatoes in the garden, and the fight against the Colorado potato beetle already tires me a lot, and if I don’t do anything, there will be no harvest. Therefore, it is necessary every year to carry out not only the manual collection of the pest, but also to spray the planting chemicals. This year, we acquired Tanrek and were pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness and durability. Practical for the third week, as the Colorado disappeared, the bushes are clean and green. It is very happy.
Vladimir, Penza
I have a sick farm, plant and a lot of potatoes.To get a good harvest, I use only effective insecticides that do not adversely affect the crop. Tanrek was perfect for me, since it is sold in an economical package, which is enough to handle a large landing area. And, most importantly, pests die and do not eat the bushes for another 2-4 weeks, which has a positive effect on the crop.
Basil, Smolensk