In which countries and cities there are no mosquitoes
- Mosquito-free countries
- Mosquitoes
The most common insects on the planet are mosquitoes and midges. Bloodsucking creatures have adapted to live in rural, urban areas. In the conditions of wildlife feed on the blood of animals, on the territory of megalopolises people become victims, pets. Territories where there are no mosquitoes are not suitable climatically or there is no food.
Mosquito-free countries
Annoying little bloodsucking creatures rather annoy most people in the warm season. To combat parasites, many different ideas have been invented. mosquito repellent, appliances. But there are countries where there are no mosquitoes and blackflies.Experts attribute this fact to the lack of proper living conditions, but sometimes all requirements are met, and bloodsuckers are not met.
In which country there are no mosquitoes, I want to know to everyone who plans to spend a relaxing holiday without bitesgoing to different pretty places on the planet.
- There are no mosquito and mosquito species in Iceland. The reason for this phenomenon has not been established. Experts suggest that insects are absent due to frequent climate change - sudden alternations of cold in summer and thaw in winter.
- Fejer Islands, which are part of Denmark, can also rest easy.
- Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve attracts many tourists annually, it is surprising that there are no mosquitoes. The reserve is located on the territory of the Greater Caucasus. The main reason is unsuitable mountainous terrain. There are no pests not only high in the mountains, but also in the lowlands. There are no ponds that insects need for reproduction, shelving larvae.
- Choosing a trip to the sea, you can safely choose Turkey. There are few mosquitoes in this country. With the windows open, blood sucking parasites do not fly into the apartments.The insects are scared away by the breeze near the sea. but mosquitoes in turkey still occur.
- Virtually no insect data in Finland. Experts explain this by the absence of standing bodies of water in the country. Rapid water does not allow insects to multiply, lay eggs. Insects love wetlands.
Many wonder why there are no mosquitoes in Germany. The climate is quite comfortable - constant dampness, heat, a lot of water, forests. This fact is explained by careful sanitization of wildlife from these insects. In the world there is no country that can compete with Germany in scruples. On the territory of this country there are no debris, rotting trees, abandoned water bodies. Thanks to the right actions of people, they achieved the desired result.
Mosquitoes in our area
Every year with the onset of warm days, the population of our country thinks about how to protect themselves, their pets and their home from blood-sucking insects. No mosquitoes in Russia only in certain regions.
Most mosquitoes in the taiga, are carriers of dangerous diseases.The abundance of insects in the southern regions of the country, where temperature conditions correspond. In Moscow, it is necessary to fight parasites every year, pests do not leave alone people living in St. Petersburg. It is all about the marshland, on which the largest cities of Russia are located.
- No midges in the central regions of the country.
- The problem is not in the Astrakhan region.
- Only near the rivers there are pests in Cherepovets.
- In the Tver region there are mosquitoes, midges are absent.
There are no parasites in the south of the Great Caucasus, in other regions of the country to some extent they are found. In the Crimea, mosquitoes feel at ease, but there are areas of the peninsula where bloodsuckers are rare. According to numerous reviews on the forums where this issue is discussed, everything is known in comparison. Someone thinks that there are no mosquitoes, if they are not available in the apartment, someone means calm rest in nature.