People with which blood group are most often bitten by mosquitoes
- Blood type and mosquitoes
- Blood type and mosquitoes
The fact that some people are attacked by mosquitoes in whole flocks, while others are practically ignored, makes us think about what attracts blood suckers. To detect the victim, the females use all of their receptors. But on what basis do they choose their victim? It is also believed that insects relate differently to people who have different blood composition. To determine which blood group mosquitoes like, it is necessary to study features and groups for a bit and find their differences.
Classification features
To prove the scientific fact that the blood of people is different, the scientist Karl Landstein succeeded in the distant 1901. He came up with his own classification, which today is already presented in a slightly different form.
Each species is characterized by the content of a special antigen. Representatives of the first do not have it at all. The second is characterized by the presence of protein of certain categories. All these features determine the physical parameters of the biological fluid that mosquito females hunt. Also, the classification is different set of other substances that determine the indicators of biological fluid.
In order to obtain reliable information and answer the question, what kind of blood do mosquitoes like and not like, a lot of experiments have been carried out with ordinary people in different parts of the world.
Most beloved
To confirm the fact that mosquito females do fly to the blood group, numerous studies have been conducted. They involved a variety of people who had different blood counts. As a result, most blood suckers have bitten the first category carriers.
This is the most delicious blood for mosquitoes.It completely lacks proteins, and this fact plays a certain role in its consistency. In it, red blood cells have a smoother surface.
On a note!
Also noted that the most attractive people with the first group and the negative Rh factor. Mosquitoes and blood type number one, but with a positive Rh - no less frequent union. But experiments have shown less interest of bloodsuckers to positive rhesus than to negative ones.
Also, insects are more likely to bite the "second group". They had a little less mosquito bitesthan the owners of the first. But the fact that mosquitoes initially fly precisely in order to feast on the first group has been confirmed several times.
What type of blood do not like and why
The owners of the third and fourth groups are less likely to be attacked by bloodsuckers. When the first and the fourth people were sent for a walk, there were practically no bites on the second. At the same time, the rest of the bites turned out to be very much.
On a note!
Mosquitoes do not bite and people with a third. They will choose them last. Therefore, if you go on a walk together with your friends from the "first group", you can save a lot on repellent.
More accurate and validated information why mosquitoes do not bite all people, scientists can not provide.
What else beckons bloodsuckers
To attract bloodsuckers can and some other factors. Moshkars and mosquitoes discover their prey by the following indicators:
- The amount of carbon dioxide. It is secreted by man while breathing. Especially this opportunity insects use at night when people are resting.
- The smell of sweat. Attracts bloodsuckers at very long distances. The more a person sweats, the more insects he can attract. This confirms that trying to escape from the mosquito flock is simply useless. During activity, the sweat glands will work more intensively and the victim will become more vulnerable.
On a note!
Of great importance and color of clothing. Therefore, going to nature,
it is better to give preference to things of lighter shades. Also, insects prefer people who consumed alcohol or bananas. It is not recommended to use in nature citrus and floral perfumes, they will also be able to attract bloodsuckers.
Thus, mosquitoes and midges really prefer to drink blood in which there are no antibodies of both types, but this does not mean that a strong hunger will prevent them from biting a person with any other.Numerous other factors also contribute to the fact that some people are more attractive to insects, while others are practically not interesting. Scientists have failed to substantiate this fact scientifically.