Description and photos of mosquito larvae
- Mosquito breeding cycle
- Larvae of the Anopheles mosquito
- Larvae of the common mosquito (bloodworm)
The life cycle of mosquitoes consists of 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult or imago. It takes several days for the mosquito larva to appear from the egg. In the larval stage, the insect spends more time and already leads a rather active lifestyle. It is able to move and eat independently.
How is the development going
Over the entire period of maturation occurs only 4 molts.During this time, individuals increase in size several times. In the photo, the mosquito larvae resemble small caterpillars or worms. Depending on the type, they may differ in colors and structure. The abdomen consists of 10 segments.
You can find out what a mosquito larva looks like without recourse to literary sources. They can be found in the summer in almost any cottage barrel or other container with water that is rarely changed. They will appear small worms hanging on the surface. If they get close to them or try to catch them, the larvae will actively begin to dive into the depths, in search of shelter. Their oxygen smell lasts for 15 minutes, after which they will have to return to the surface again.
On a note!
After all stages of molting and reaching a certain size, the mosquito larva turns into a pupa. It is clearly different in appearance and more like a small tadpole. Pupae are more mobile and I can move in rapid jumps.
Where dwell
Various mosquito species choose different places of laying eggs. The determining factors for them are:
- Light level.
- The presence of nutrients.
- Water temperature.
For egg laying, the female chooses small reservoirs with stagnant water, where there is a large number of microorganisms and the ability to mask themselves from predators.
Temperature range is 10-35 degrees Celsius, but optimally when this indicator is at around 25-30 degrees. Mosquito females rarely choose large bodies of water for their offspring. In them, the larvae will be difficult to resist all natural enemies.
Despite the low demands on the environment, the larvae cannot live in too polluted waters. So, if the water contains a high content of petroleum products, then almost all individuals die. Oil film formed on the surface, does not give full breathe. This does not apply to those species that use oxygen dissolved in water for respiration.
Habitat determines the characteristics of breathing. In some species, it is oxygenated from the air. For this, there is a breathing tube at the end of the calf. Individuals are attached to the surface of the water and spend most of the time in this state. They change their position only in case of danger.
Those types of mosquitoes that use oxygen dissolved in water absorb it all over the surface of their bodies.Species that live at the bottom of reservoirs have special gill filaments, which allow to obtain the required amount of oxygen.
What to eat
Food mosquito larvae is very diverse. They use everything that the power to process a tiny body. Most often, the larvae feed on various microorganisms that are in the water space. Given the fact that they choose standing bodies of water for existence, then there is no shortage of food.
On average, each mosquito larva filters about 1 liter of water per day.
Also in the course are small particles of rotting plants, which are sufficient in water. There are among them predators. This is the larva of anopheles mosquito of the species Anopheles barberi. They eat the larvae of other mosquito species.
Almost continuously, the larva passes water through its oral apparatus. There she has a special filtration system that allows you to capture nutrients.
Who are the bloodworms
A separate group is represented by representatives of the Chironomus family. They are better known as bloodworms. Other names: mosquito dolgunets, mosquito-bell, chironomid.Crank is the larva of the most common mosquito. They prefer to settle at the bottom of the reservoir.
In 2 weeks in the larvae stage, individuals grow to 15-16 mm. Mosquito larvae living at the bottom of the lake feed on silt sediments and microorganisms. Breathing occurs due to the presence of gill filaments. They can also absorb it all over the body.
On a note!
The crank has a bright red color. This is due to the large amount of hemoglobin. The high iron content in the body allows it to survive even in conditions of acute oxygen deficiency. Often the mosquito larva is called motyle not only of the specified species. This statement is incorrect.
Larva of the Anopheles mosquito
Characteristic difference offspring malaria mosquito is the absence of a breathing siphon. The result was that the individual for gas exchange is attached to the water surface with the help of special bristles located in the anterior part of the abdomen. The position of the body relative to the water surface is parallel. Body sizes depend on water temperature. The colder it is, the smaller the worm.
Role in the biocenosis
Mosquito larvae play an important role in the development of the entire biocenosis of stagnant water bodies. They are valuable links in many food chains of insects, amphibians, small fish and birds. Such goods are sold in specialized stores, so they are actively used as feed for aquarium fish.
Different species of fish, gulls, geese, hedgehogs, crustaceans, frogs and toads feed on larvae. There is even a separate species of fish, the galambius, which feed mainly on mosquito larvae. Fish can switch to another source of food only in case of shortage of the main delicacy. This feature is often used to control populations. Gambusia even helped to fight malaria epidemics in Russia and some other countries.
Fungi and bacteria parasitize on the individuals themselves.
Thus, in their short period of life, mosquito larvae, like mosquitoes are necessary in nature. Without them, many animal species would be left without food. But if they were used for household purposes for fishing or as fish food, it is worth being very careful with them. With the wrong content, you can quickly get adults that are dangerous in their bites.