Why do mosquitoes in nature
- Mosquitoes
- Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes - these are not only small insect-eating insects that are designed to annoy a person and spoil all the rest in the summer. Their purpose is much more significant and larger. The reasons why we need mosquitoes, quite a lot. After all, they play an important role in the natural balance, and without them the world could not remain in the form in which there is at the moment.
What benefits do they bring to man and nature?
Annoying midges are an important link in many food chains.Without them, the entire flora and fauna would change completely. Even human life would have undergone major changes.
- The benefits of mosquitoes begin long before they turn into adults. Some amphibians choose their eggs and larvae as the main nutrient.
- Mosquito larvae have a high ability to filter water. In just 1 hour, one individual can pass about 1 liter of water through itself. They also help to clean the reservoirs, as they feed on the decomposition products of plants and algae.
- When considering the question of why mosquitoes are needed, they also talk about their role in providing nutrients to the land and herbalists. Mosquitoes benefit even after their death. After being turned into an adult, the pupa takes with it from the reservoir a huge amount of trace elements, which, after death, enrich the soil.
- Males are needed in nature and for active reproduction of plants. They, unlike females, lead a herbivore and do not use warm-blooded blood as food. Males pollinate plants, and contribute to their development.
Mosquitoes are useful even for medicinal purposes.In some countries of the East, mosquito therapy is practiced for treatment. Its essence is based on the ability of bloodsuckers to find weak and sore spots on the human body.
If mosquitoes and midges begin to disappear, the human, plant and natural world will be forced to adapt to the new conditions of existence on the planet. The use of mosquitoes was laid by nature from the very beginning and it is impossible to interfere with this system.
The benefits and harm of mosquito bites
Many are familiar with the harmful effects after meeting mosquitoes. The main and most unpleasant consequences are:
But these are only the most common situations. Sometimes a mosquito bite can cause severe allergic reactionif larvae of worms or a dangerous malaria virus enter the human body if the abuser was anopheles mosquito.
But sometimes mosquito bites able to benefit man. During the attack on the victim, the bloodsucker injects a special substance under the skin. It is designed to thin the blood and not allow it to curl until the insect is full. Such an effect cannot be compared with the reaction to banal Aspirin, but light therapy is present.
Also, scientists have recorded interesting fact about mosquitoes: often insects sit on the sick areas, as they emit more heat energy. They are able to eliminate small capillary blood clots and improve blood circulation.
But even these arguments can not be the reason to voluntarily expose your body to a whole horde of hungry bloodsuckers. Indeed, such a therapy may not be safe for everyone. Therefore, it is better, recovering in nature, to take care of the availability of special mosquito repellent for humans and pets.
What is the world without bloodsuckers
If we imagine hypothetically the situation that all mosquitoes have become extinct, then the world will cease to exist in the form in which it is at the moment.
Mosquitoes, though very small insects, which can only be considered in detail under the microscopebut numerous and play an important vital role for many sentient beings and even humans.
What happens if the mosquitoes disappear:
- Along with them will disappear some species of fish that feed only on these insects. One of the most famous is the mosquito. She prefers to use the malaria mosquito larvae as the main food source.Not all species will die, but the survivors will have to look for other food.
- Will die or significantly decrease the population of fauna, who eat mosquitoes: toads, frogs and bats. As a result, they will have to look for a new object for eating and change the number of butterflies, caterpillars and other organisms.
- Changes in the plant world. Many plants simply disappear, because their pollination occurs precisely because of the mosquito males, because mosquito diet is in direct proportion to the floor. And if females need bloodthen males feed on nectar. The number and representatives of flora, which could be fully developed thanks to fertilizers after the work of insect larvae, will be reduced. This will not cause significant damage to agriculture, but certain representatives of the flora will die out irretrievably.
- Birds. The absence of mosquitoes will not cause the birds to die. But they will have to look for other options than to eat. In the cities, finding food sources will be very difficult for representatives such as swifts and swallows. Their populations will be significantly reduced. Also, the birds will have to leave the urban areas.
- Deer relocation. These animals are afraid of mosquitoes and do not live where there are a large number of bloodsuckers. The disappearance of mosquitoes will expand the ranges of deer, which will put a significant load on other biocenoses.
- Solving problems with some diseases. Mosquitoes are carriers of disease: malaria, larvae of filarias, etc. People will become less likely to get sick and die.
- Increase the area of development. Some lands are still uncultivated only because a huge number of mosquitoes live there. If they disappear, a person will be able to master new lands, which will necessarily affect the balance of the entire living world.
Thus, the role of mosquitoes in human life and nature is determined by natural laws since the creation of the world. A person should not confront them or try to change. It is important to preserve the existing harmony.