Mosquito repellent sounds

Nature has given blood suckers a powerful sense of smell, which makes it possible to feel the sacrifice even for several kilometers. This feature is in most cases used when mosquito control. Also, these insects have a keen ear and the ability to pick up certain sound frequencies. This fact also allowed the development of special remedies for bloodsuckers.A mosquito repellent sound must be found in a certain range so that it can recognize it.

Sound Effects

Mosquitoes They are representatives of a large family and their number is enormous. Each species has not only external features, but also internal ones. That is why different mosquitoes have varying degrees of sound perception. This explains the fact that, for some, ultrasound at 6 kHz is already fatal, and for others it will not even cause mild discomfort.

There are different opinions regarding the effectiveness of scaring bloodsuckers with ultrasound. Manufacturers claim that the method works flawlessly and offer all new developments of special devices, and scientists are trying to find a reasonable explanation for this. As a result, millions of people buy various repellents and use them to protect against bloodsuckers.

Ultrasonic mosquito repeller
Ultrasonic mosquito repeller

The main advantages of ultrasonic control:

  1. Safe for humans. Repellers do not have to put on the body, smear the skin, handle clothes. As a result, the risk of allergic reactions and other severeconsequences.
  2. Reusability. Special repellers operate on mains or batteries, so they will work for a very long time. After that, simply replace the battery and continue to operate the device.
  3. Wide range of. Online stores and retail outlets offer a huge variety of ultrasonic repellents. They can have different dimensions, design and functionality, which makes it possible to choose the device to your own taste.

On a note!

You can also make a mosquito repeller do it yourself. This will require a minimum of skills, a user manual and a small supply of materials that will be in the house or will cost a penny.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  1. High price. Ultrasonic mosquito repeller cost more than the usual cream or spray.
  2. Doubtful effectiveness. There is no unequivocal opinion regarding the effectiveness of this method of protection. Scientists could not 100% confirm this fact. Also, the degree of efficiency depends on the ability to choose the right frequency.

Ultrasonic devices that have several work programs and are capable of scaring off not only insects, but also small rodents are also on sale.

Types of scarers

Mosquito repeller
Mosquito repeller

A device that will make a sound against mosquitoes may have such variations:

  1. For use at home. These are small boxes that need to be plugged into an outlet.
  2. For use in nature. Scarers will emit ultrasound, working on batteries.
  3. Portable. Devices in the form of bracelets, key chains and other small accessories that are easy to carry around.

On a note!

A wide range allows you to use the sound of mosquitoes at home, in nature and while traveling.

What sounds scare mosquitoes

To determine what frequency sound is needed to repel mosquitoes, a lot of research has been done. But all of them not only failed to identify the necessary values, but also questioned all the arguments that ultrasound can help in the fight against insects. The minimum value of 4 kHz, but even it can not be equally applied to various representatives of the fauna.

Employees of the same radio station also suggested using mosquito ultrasound. In addition to the musical composition, they turned on the ultrasound. The hearing aid of most adults cannot catch it, but the bloodsuckers had to stay away.Music from mosquitoes was supposed to give residents the opportunity to relax in nature or to do garden affairs without annoying midges.

Mosquito repellent sounds
Mosquito repellent sounds


Known in the world, the company producing home appliances LG has released a whole series of air conditioners that have a device for repelling mosquitoes using ultrasound.

The opinion that mosquitoes are afraid of ultrasound is often used for selfish purposes by many entrepreneurs. Some offered mobile phone users to download a special ringtone for themselves, the range of which was supposed to scare off bloodsuckers.

Some developers have offered to purchase devices that mimic the sounds of dragonflies. These insects are one of the worst enemies of bloodsuckers. Dragonfly can eat almost unlimited number of mosquitoes, and therefore they will try to avoid meeting with it. But it is scientifically proven that the sound of dragonfly wings is in the range of 20-170 Hz, which is significantly lower than the device offers.

Separately popular was the development of Soviet scientists. This is a special multivibrator equipped with a frequency selection function.Thus, users could set the killing sound for mosquitoes depending on the region of residence.


Mosquitoes have many natural enemies, and some developers choose to use the croaking of frogs to recreate a frightening sound.

Thus, scientists could not find a hundred percent confirmation that buzzing, beeping, croaking or any other sound at any frequency can help fight mosquitoes. It was even more difficult to find the same range of desired sound vibrations. Therefore, to combat blood suckers it is better to use proven and effective mosquito repellent.

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