Mosquito repellent in the car

Summer is a time of rest and adventure. It is convenient to use a car for this purpose: both as a vehicle and as a place to sleep. But there may be another problem - mosquitoes, midges and other insects that live in the forest, will very quickly be in the car. They become especially active in the dark. Rescue in such an environment car fumigator from mosquitoes.

Means description

Car fumigator is a small device with a heating element, complete with which is used insecticidal tablet or liquid. Under the influence of temperature, the device begins to emit toxic substances in the car's interior. Insecticidal components affect the nervous system of mosquitoes, leading them to paralysis, and subsequently to death. It is enough to put this unique mosquito repellant in the car and insects will not disturb you at night.

Below are some popular car fumigator models.

Car mosquito fumigators
Car mosquito fumigators

Universal car fumigator against mosquitoes 12 V

Portable tool for the car, designed to destroy annoying insects, including mosquitoes. A ceramic heater is placed in the plastic device, there is also a plug with a contact group. Two parts of the auto fumigator are connected by a bending tube. Means for the destruction of annoying insects in the machine can be used in combination with insecticidal solution or plates.

The method of using this mosquito fumigator in a car is quite simple:

  1. Opening a bottle of liquid, it is screwed into the flange of the device so that the bottle is in a vertical position.
  2. With the help of a plug, the device is plugged into the cigarette lighter socket, which is indicated by two illuminated indicators.
  3. At the end of the neutralization process, the insecticide bottle should be unscrewed from the device flange and screwed on with the factory cap.

Not much different way of operation when using the plates.

  1. After freeing the insecticidal plate from mosquitoes from the packaging blister, it is inserted into a special opening (between the protective gratings of the housing and the surface of the heating element).
  2. After that, it remains only to connect the device to the cigarette lighter socket, the power in which is 12 V.
  3. The plate is terminated as it discolors. In case of uselessness, the plate that has worked for less than 10 hours should be packed in a sealed package.

The result of the operation of the fumigator in the car becomes noticeable after 15-20 minutes. The cost of the device is within 300 rubles.

Fumigator for cars from mosquitoes DICK-6 12V

Fumigator for cars from mosquitoes DICK-6 12V
Fumigator for cars from mosquitoes DICK-6 12V

A device of this type, designed to kill mosquitoes in the car:

  • in the car - by 12 V;
  • in a truck - by 24 V.

The device, equipped with a light display, has a similar principle of operation. Used with liquid or pills. The effect is observed after 10-15 minutes of operation of the device (the result may also depend on how wide the windows are).

On a note!

Using vehicles of this type with the windows closed is strictly prohibited!

You can buy DIK-6 fumigator in a store or order it via the Internet (cost 220-270 rubles).

Xiaomi MiJia Portable Mosquito Repeller

Xiaomi MiJia Portable Mosquito Repeller fumigator provides excellent protection against mosquitoes, both inside the car and in the fresh air. Powered by a portable battery.

Due to the presence in the miniature case of a fumigator for a thermistor machine, a constant temperature is kept inside the device. The heating element is made of stainless steel, which ensures stable heating. The polycarbonate case, which incorporates glass fiber, prevents the device from overheating, making it safer to operate.

A simple principle of use is another advantage of the fumigator of this model. To access the connector for the repellent plate, you need to turn the device cover to the left.When connected to a portable battery, the indicator lights up, indicating that the device starts working. When not in use, the cover of the fumigator should be turned to the right so that the slot for the plates is closed.

Get rid of mosquitoes in the car will help and Thermacell gas fumigatorwhose dimensions do not differ from the dimensions of a mobile phone. If there are no anti-mosquito devices, the scarer will help out from lemon and cloves.

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