Birch tar from mosquitoes
- Birch tar from mosquitoes
- Tar from mosquitoes and midges
Tar from mosquitoes and midges is used by residents of the marshland, where a huge number of blood-sucking insects are found. This confirms that the tool is not just effective, but extremely effective. Tar is used by special rules, there are several recipes for home-made drugs.
Action features
The product of dry distillation, obtained from birch resin, is composed of phenols, resinous substances, flavored carbohydrates. Thanks to these components, birch tar has a sharp, persistent odor. Mosquitoes feel it from a distance of more than 1 m, try to hide away from the source of the "stench."
Birch tar from mosquitoes is used in several types:
- Fatty. The raw material for obtaining funds is birch bark. Used for agricultural purposes, animal treatment, protection from mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. The drug has a fatty consistency, long retains the smell. However, when applied to human skin, it causes clogging of the pores. To remove it from the epidermis, it is necessary to take a bath for an hour, wash with soap or bathe in the bath.
- Heavy tar. Produced from birch resin. Oily dark color with a specific pungent odor suitable for protect dogs from mosquitoes.
- Special tar is mined from various tree species, but the main material is birch bark. The drug is sold in a pharmacy, used to treat skin diseases, colds. This tool is often used to protect people from mosquitoes. In comparison with other types of product, the repellent property is weaker, the smell disappears faster. To extend the effectiveness, come up with different recipes.
Raw materials for the production of the product are extracted from old birch stumps, which are about 9 years old. Gather after they make a pitch. Stumps located on a hill much more valuable than those located in the lowlands.
Apply tar from mosquitoes and midges can be undiluted, but in this case, the protection lasts about 2 hours. The recipe for making repellent remedies is extremely simple:
- In 1 liter of water at room temperature, dissolve 2.5 ml of pharmaceutical birch tar.
- Stir, process the body.
- After 2 hours, you can repeat the procedure. However, you will have to prepare a new solution.
How to use the drug to effect enough for a long time, is also known. Melt 100 g of butter in a water bath. Add 1 ml of birch tar, stir. When the mass has cooled slightly, they apply a dot on the wrist, calves, neck, all places not protected by clothes. The oil base does not allow the aroma to quickly evaporate, the protective properties are maintained for 6 hours or more.
Birch tar from mosquitoes is mixed with sunflower oil, olive oil. Rub into the skin point. Folk remedy protects against insects, helps to quickly deal with bites.
On a note!
The tar against mosquitoes can be cooked on your own at home. Birch bark is harvested at the beginning of summer. For distillation using a bucket, a steel plate with holes. Cover the container plate, covered with clay edges, turn upside down. Install on hot bricks, the time of forcing 2 hours. To obtain tar water, the resulting product is mixed with a liquid in a 1: 2 ratio.
Reviews of residents of wetlands, where in the warm season there is no end of mosquitoes, they say that the remedy works better insecticidal drugs. It does not harm health, has a therapeutic effect when applied to the skin. Medical tar is used to treat dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
My experiments began with a trip to the veterinary clinic. When the dog was bitten by mosquitoesI brought my pet there. The vet prescribed treatment and advised against ticks, fleas, and other bloodsuckers to use tar. Followed the advice, began to spray the hair of the animal. The smell still remains for three days. But the effect is amazing. Began to add a product to the shampoo - wool became shiny, smooth.I decided to protect myself from mosquitoes and other nastiness. At this experience with the application is not over. Made soap. The skin became incredibly smooth, inflammations went away, pimples, mosquitoes fly away, but not as much as we would like. From ticks works better.
Irina, Voronezh
We gathered in the village for berries. When asked if she has a good grandmother repellent, she shook her head affirmatively. She brought oil with tar, began to rub our hands, neck. Then she sprinkled water from a bottle with a spray. The smell is terrible, but nowhere to go. In the forest, berries were quietly gathered, insects buzzed over their heads, but not one mosquito bite not found.
Olga, Moscow
Good insect repellent in the wildI cook it myself. I often go hunting, watering my pet and myself. Mosquitoes do not climb, did not drag a tick with them.
Maxim, Tver
To enhance the properties of homemade birch repellent is allowed to add mosquito essential oilsgeraniums carnationslavender citronella. Scare off the drug will be longer.