Bangstop Mosquito Bracelet

The Bugstop mosquito bracelet is a modern deterrent against blood-sucking insects with a deterrent effect. Acts on the basis of natural ingredients. The products were originally manufactured in Italy by the company Zobele IC. It gained high popularity in the shortest possible time. Over time, production capacity expanded. Bangstap bracelets from China are delivered to our country.

Action features

The active component is citronella oil. They are impregnated with a microfiber base. The substance, in contact with the human body, begins to evaporate. Aroma feel mosquitoesThey do not hurry to come closer, especially to sit on the human body.

The Bugstop mosquito bracelet is made for adults and children. There is no significant difference between the models - a different size of the bracelet. According to the manufacturers, the active ingredient is 170 hours with proper use and storage.

Bugstop Product Policy

The product is removed from the packaging immediately before use. Put on the arm, leg. Two buttons on the strap make it easy to adjust the length of the product. Leave for impact can be for 8 hours, after which the protective mosquito repellent hid again in a plastic bag with a clasp.

Bangstop mosquito bracelets
Bangstop mosquito bracelets

Full storage of Bugstop products ensures the safety of properties and prolongs the period of operation. Package should be placed away from direct sunlight.

Kids bracelet is a children's product, which is allowed to use from 3 years. Fear is associated with the development of an allergic reaction in young children. Essential oil is a strong allergenic product.

On a note!

Bugstop bracelet is used for children from birth, if you tie it not on the body, but on the stroller. Leave mosquito repellent for children up to one year old can be no longer than 8 hours.

Manufacturers recommend to use Bugstop from mosquitoes only for protection against insects in the open airmust not be used indoors. Allowed to wear at the same time 2 accessories on the arm, leg.

Precautionary measures

The only contraindication to the use of Bugstop natural mosquito repellent is individual intolerance to the components. It is possible to check its presence only in the process of using the product or by dripping citronella oil on the elbow bend.

An allergic reaction can occur within 12 hours after using the bracelet. Observed redness of the skin at the site of contact, rash, itching, burning, swelling. Further use of mosquito repellent becomes impossible.


Children's mosquito bracelets
Children's mosquito bracelets

Bugstop is used daily during an evening walk around the city, in nature, while working in the country. Oil begins to act 5 minutes after putting on the accessory. Mosquitoes fly around, but do not bite.

On a note!

Natural drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Fits absolutely everyone. Does not cause side effects. Eliminates the need to use mosquito spray, aerosol, cream.

The tool is allowed for sale on the territory of our country, there is relevant documentation. High quality of the drug and its fast action are confirmed by manufacturers, doctors, and buyers.

Product range

Manufacturers offer a wide range of products for the whole family. Differ in colorful bright packing, for children are on sale with a toy. Sold by the piece or in boxes of 20, 40 bracelets.

  • Ball (Bol);
  • Nomi (Nomi) children;
  • Fixiki mosquito bracelet with a toy;
  • BugStop (Bugstop) FIXIC x2 - contains 2 accessories and as many toys;
  • RING;
  • KIDS & TOY with a toy;
  • BugStop (Bugstop) KIDS & TOY x2;
  • Strong for adults;
  • FAMILY - 2 bracelets for adults, 1 for children;
  • KIDS;
  • ACTIVE MEN - male for athletes, fishermen, hunters;
  • KID + MAMA.

You can buy products through the Internet on the official websites of manufacturers, distributors. Sold individually, in bulk. Periodically there are promotions, discounts are offered when you buy a few pieces.Cost may vary. The average price for 1 accessory is 150 rubles. A set of 3 bracelets will cost 275 rubles.

Insect repellent
Insect repellent


Reviews of the Bugstop bracelet are ambiguous. Mommies leave their opinions on the forums, since products are often bought to protect young children from annoying insects.

I bought a set, wore 2 bracelets at once. The effect of them is zero. Mosquitoes bite even directly near the Bugstop security accessory. Threw money down the drain, and even what. With the same effect, you can drop a few drops before walking. essential oil cloves or citronella, cheaper. Razvodilovo scary!

Alina, Moscow

Our bracelet worked, bought a set for myself, a child. At the expense of a long action for 170 days, it's hard to say. We used the whole month intermittently. There are no mosquitoes in cold evenings. But the price is too high!

Svetlana, Krasnodar

I bought for a child of 1 year. Krepila bracelet to the pocket, hood. Where it was possible, but not at hand. I bought mosquito repellent for a child over 1 year. Krepila bracelet to the pocket, hood. Where it was possible, but not at hand. Mosquitoes were flying around but bites after the walk I did not notice. Bugstop tool is valid. Kept according to the rules. Enough for us all summer.

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

Essential oils long used as mosquito repellent. In the cosmetics shop you can buy with any smell. It is easy to make a microfiber bracelet and soak it. I studied information about fashion mosquito bracelets and made it myself. It turned out much cheaper, I recommend!

Inna, Voronezh

Mosquito repellent in the form of a Bugstop bracelet is convenient, safe and effective. But more suitable for an evening walk through the city, but not for visits to the forest, wildlife.

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Bed bugs

