Farewell squeak mosquito bracelet
- Mosquito bracelet Farewell squeak
- Mosquito repellent
Mosquito bracelet Farewell squeak - products of domestic manufacturers. Differs in high quality, reasonable price. Available in three sizes - for women, men, children. Soft waterproof silicone bracelet is suitable for use in all conditions.
Bracelet structure
Products Farewell squeak is an accessory for putting on the arm, leg. There is a fixed clasp. The length of the product is indicated on the packaging.You need to pay attention to this when choosing a suitable bracelet.
Silicone tight to the skin, does not slip, does not irritate the epidermis. In the middle part of the product there is a special opening where the capsule with the active component is placed.
Rules of application
The means of farewell squeak has several contraindications that relate to individual intolerance to the components and the possibility of an allergic reaction. Can not use during pregnancy, feeding, children up to 3 years. But you can put side by side, hang on a stroller.
Use anti-mosquito bracer It should only be outdoors. The range is 60 cm. Adults are allowed to wear several accessories at once on the arm, leg for greater effect. Wearing without removing is allowed 7 hours in a row. Keeps properties Farewell squeak 4 weeks. Protection extends to bloodsucking insects.
On a note!
It is possible to adjust the concentration of the active component. The ampoule with the active substance is pierced with a needle.
Stored in a bag with a locking clasp. Failure to comply with this rule reduces the effectiveness of the bracelet.
Active ingredient
The accessory with repellent properties acts on the basis of the natural component - citronella oils. The substance favorably affects the nervous system, improves brain function, stimulates memory, attention. Mosquitoes feel sharp aroma, scatter in different directions. Reviews about the bracelet from mosquitoes Farewell squeak confirm the effectiveness of the tool.
I bought myself and my child for evening walks on warm summer evenings. Smell pleasant to man mosquitoes are afraid. Because I saw them circling over the child, but they do not risk landing. I clung not to the handle, but to the clothes. On a pocket, for a belt. Applied mosquito repellent after one year. No allergic reaction is not noticed. She wore 2 accessories at once.
Inna, Moscow
The usual bracelet from mosquitoes, but the reasonable price pleases. Do not mind throwing that kind of money. The only drawback is that it is not possible to adjust the strap. Children have different handles, it is difficult to accurately pick.
Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don
Price where to buy
With the onset of heat, mosquito bracelets. Farewell squeak is sold everywhere.You can buy in a pharmacy, on the market, a specialty store, ordered online. Mosquito repellent quite affordable - the price of one bracelet with 1 capsule is in the range of 150 rubles.