Mosquito trinkets

Products from blood-sicking insects in a warm season are in special demand. Manufacturers supply the proven, studied means to the market for a long time, delight customers with novelties. The trend of the season - mosquito repellent. The little bauble is nothing but ultrasonic repeller.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Small appliances are available in the form of trinkets.They are hung on clothes, accessories, keys, bags, backpacks. Some devices are additionally equipped with a compass.

Principle of operation

Repellers function from the energy of the solar battery, battery, conventional batteries. To keep the charge accumulated during the day from the sun's rays, the devices are capable of up to 2 days.

Keychain mosquito repeller emits ultrasonic waves that the human ear does not catch. The radius of their impact in the room is 15 square meters. m., in the open air - 5 square meters. m


Ultrasonic waves repeat the frequency of flight of dragonfly, sounds of bats, males mosquitoes. After fertilization to the female blood is neededto be able to lay eggs. She is looking for a power source and in every way tries to avoid meeting the male.

Mosquito trinkets
Mosquito trinkets

Ultrasonic mosquito keychain repels insects, does not affect human well-being, is a safe, environmentally friendly product.

Best products

Mosquito - keychain light. In appearance, the device resembles a miniature flashlight. It works from a single battery, there is a clip on the outside for easy mounting, like a pen for writing.

The device has a large radius of exposure - up to 10 square meters. m. Protects immediately a group of people from the attack of insects. Convenient to use against mosquitoes in nature, during a picnic, to tourists, hunters, fishermen.

Products manufactured in Hong Kong. The instruction manual is attached to it. Validity from manufacturers 3 years. During application it is necessary to ensure that no water gets on the device. The cost of about 3 thousand rubles.


I love nature, especially fishing. Mosquito bites for me is a huge problem. TO insecticidal products I am negative, I do not like the specific smell on clothes, body. I decided to buy an ultrasonic keychain. But not just a trinket for 1 m of exposure, but an effective thing. Acquired Komarin. Reviews of key chains of this brand are mostly positive. Pinned the keys, went to the lake. Mosquito darkness. Turn on the device, after 15 minutes he was sitting quietly fishing. It is not for nothing that I spent a lot of money;

Maxim, St. Petersburg

Ultrasonic repeller S 310

Portable mosquito repeller
Portable mosquito repeller

The stylish design, compact dimensions make it easy to hang the repeller on the keys,locks in clothes, bags, put in pockets. The tiny, but powerful device, provides protection against mosquitoes in a radius up to 5 m.

In order for the S 310 key fob to start working, you need to move the switch in the desired direction. Ultrasonic repeller can be used indoors, outdoors, in the car. The cost of 266 rubles., Sold through the Internet.

It is powered by the sun, 2 batteries. Available in different variations, some models contain a compass, a flashlight.


I heard about charms repeaters for a long time, then I saw in action with a friend. Unplanned we went out into nature to relax a little after a hard day. Mosquitoes began to annoy. A comrade took a keychain out of his pocket, pressed a button. I still laughed, said that with our mosquitoes is not a ride. But for 20 minutes we sat quietly in the car, not a single insect. I had to buy myself a very necessary thing.

Oleg, Moscow

Fumigators on a natural basis

Products based on safe ingredients are made for children, pregnant women, nursing, owners of extremely sensitive skin. And also for those who do not trust ultrasound, it is afraid of insecticides.

Action features

As part of a trinket capsule containing essential oilswhose smells are afraid of bloodsucking insects. Impregnated fabric may be used. The range of the key fob is 1 m, although manufacturers say more.

The drug is not in contact with the skin, which reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Keychain cling to accessories, clothing, shoes, handbags, strollers. Validity from manufacturers - about 4 months subject to the rules of operation.

Pigeon - an elephant against blood-sucking insects

Pigeon Pendant Key Ring
Pigeon Pendant Key Ring

The Pigeon pendant keychain for protection against mosquitoes is available in the form of a blue elephant. Children's products are made on the basis of citronella essential oil, natural insecticide pyrethrum - derived chamomile.

Citronella Extract repels mosquitoes sharp, persistent aroma, pyrethrum emits substances into the air that can cause insect muscle paralysis.

Inside the fabric is impregnated with active ingredients. Validity after opening the package is 60 days. Made keychain elephant in Japan. Permitted to apply mosquito repellent for children from birth, hang over the cot indoors, on the stroller during the walk. The cost of about 350 rubles.


As with any remedy, citronella oil acts within a radius of 50 cm, not more. The aroma is well felt in calm weather, if the wind blows, you can not take an elephant with you. I hang up on a carriage during a walk. Mosquitoes around peep, but almost do not sit down. It helps with bites, but it is rather weak. I want more, yet baby mosquito sprays more effective. After each use, it is necessary to hide in a sealed bag with a clasp, despite the fact that there is a special valve in the elephant, which is adjusted to "turn on and off" the device.

Victoria, Moscow

Trinkets against mosquitoes are produced by many manufacturers, but the principle of their operation is similar. All ultrasonic devices protect in the open air with a maximum of 5 m, on the basis of essential oils - about 1 m. This is evidenced by numerous reviews.

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