Mosquito Breeze Remedy
- Insectoacaricidal Breeze
- Mosquito Breeze Remedy
On the shelves you can find a lot of different mosquito repellentdesigned to deal with annoying insects indoors or outdoors. Most often, the principle of their action is based on the use of insecticidal components, detrimental effects on pests. These include Breeze mosquito repellent.
About the tool
Mosquito breeze is an insecticoacaricidal drug, which is produced in the form of a transparent concentrated emulsion of yellow-brown shades.Thanks to the components which are its part means has a wide range of application. It is effective against mosquitoes, encephalitis ticks, fleas, ants, flies and even cockroaches.
Cypermethrin, an insecticide that kills insects, acts as an active ingredient. Concomitant substances are synergist, solvent and emulsifier.
The effect of insecticidal acaricide emulsion can be seen already 20 minutes after the end of treatment. Moreover, the emulsion is destructive not only for adults, it is intended for the destruction and mosquito larvae. Means Breeze has a long residual effect: in the aquatic environment it lasts for 20 days, in nature - up to 1 month, in closed rooms - up to 4 months.
Emulsion Breeze is not intended for use in water bodies of economic importance, which are used for breeding poultry, fish, as well as for swimming.
Emulsion Breeze is packaged in glass or polymeric bottles with a capacity of 0.5 and 1 l. Also on sale you can find this composition in canisters with a capacity of 5 liters. The cost of a liter capacity in the range of 1,700 rubles.
Rules of application
Before use, the drug is diluted with water in accordance with the concentration specified in the instructions (depending on the type of insect). To get rid of mosquitoes, the solution is made at the rate of 1 ml of insecticide per 2.5 l of water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous composition. The finished solution is placed in a container with a spray and used for spraying the habitats of mosquitoes, as well as their larvae.
On a note!
The diluted formulation should be used within 6 hours of preparation. The solution consumption is 100 ml per 1 sq. m. treated area.
Precautionary measures
Subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, the product will not harm human and animal health. Instructions for use Briza is available on each bottle.
- Treatment with Breeze is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as people with allergies and sensitive skin.
- When spraying an insecticide, the use of personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing) is mandatory.
- Processing of the room is carried out with the window open.No children, pets or birds should be present in the room. Aquariums should be tightly closed by turning off the air supply.
- If an insecticidal solution is accidentally applied to the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, they should be washed with plenty of running water.
On the Internet, people leave feedback on Breeze, and for the most part they are positive.
Not once used this tool for treatment of the site from ticks, mosquitoes. Very effective ..
Igor, Tyumen
Once the room was sprayed at the end of spring and not a single mosquito appeared during the summer. Cool stuff.
Dmitry, Tolyatti