How to escape from mosquitoes folk remedies
- Smells that repel mosquitoes
- Aromas to fight mosquitoes
- Mosquito odor
- Essential oils from mosquitoes
Features of life of mosquitoes
Nature has given bloodsucking insects an excellent sense of smell.It is with his help that they catch the smell of the victim at very long distances.
Mosquito diet is different. Scientists have proven the fact that they drink blood females. Males are vegetarians in terms of food and do not even have an oral apparatus with which they could bite.
Before saying what smell repels mosquitoes, you need to figure out what attracts them and on what basis the female finds her victim.
- Increased carbon dioxide concentration. It is secreted by humans during breathing, so it is easy for insects to locate their prey.
- Sweat. Especially true for sultry summer nights.
- Heat. Body temperature becomes another clear indicator for mosquito females.
The task of man in the home to pick up a substance that will smell stronger than its natural odors. In this case mosquito can not get to the victim. When using very strong flavors, the insect completely loses its spatial reference points and turns into a chaotic flight.
The strongest smells that repel mosquitoes
Smells that repel mosquitoes are both natural and chemical. All of them provide reliable protection. Their diversity allows the use of aromatherapy in the fight against insects at home or on the street. Mosquitoes are very afraid of plants with a strong odor. Often their fragrance is very pleasant for people, but unbearable for insects. This provides an additional advantage in the use of natural methods of protection. Mosquito repellent plants can be planted in the garden, lay out bouquets, herbariums in the house or apartment.
- Elder. Is one of those plants whose juice and smell do not like bloodsuckers. When choosing a place to picnic, you can settle closer to this perennial bush. To provide protection at home, you will need to chop the leaves of elderberry and decompose on plates. Put the dishes on the windowsills. Insects will not be able to penetrate the house until the strength of the smell is reduced. Change the material should be drying.
- Bird cherry This smell is associated with the onset of spring. The pleasant and delicate aroma of the plant will perfectly repel mosquitoes. You can plant trees in the area near the house or break into lush bouquets of branches.
- Conifer.Inhaling the aromas of pine needles is very useful to a person, therefore this method of protection against mosquitoes has a double effect. Insects do not tolerate the smell of spruce, pine, juniper and fir. It is used as the needles themselves, and cones. In Siberia, spruce cones have learned how to make home-made scarers.
- Citronella and geranium. These two plants should be separated into a separate group. Since it is their extracts or essential oils that are used to make synthetic mosquito repellents. In small concentrations, plants are used to prevent mosquitoes from biting the child. It is enough to put a few drops of essential oil on the hood of the stroller to protect the baby during the walk.
- Citruses. Also, mosquitoes repels the smell of lemons, lime, grapefruit or orange. You can even make yourself special repellentswhich are easy to make from lemon and cloves. For protection it will be enough to place the saucers with such devices around the perimeter of the table or in the room.
- Carbolic acid. This tool is known as an effective antiseptic and can have a bactericidal effect. This ingredient is also used in the fight against bloodsuckers.It is enough just to sprinkle the head of the bed and the wall or to wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth moistened with a solution.
- Fish fat. Not only children, but also blood-sucking insects do not like it. If you cover the open areas of the body with this ingredient, the insects will not be able to bite. In this way, provide salvation from mosquito bites and many other flying insects.
- Smoke. The easiest way to ward off bloodsuckers from a person during a picnic is to make a fire. Smoke completely deprive insects of the ability to navigate in space. For effect, you can throw dry grass into the fire. It will provide a large amount of smoke. It is also worth remembering the fact that mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of conifers, and add to the fire fir branches or cones.
- Soy sauce. For humans, he has almost no smell, but is able to provide relief from bites throughout the night. To do this, simply put a small bowl of liquid on the bedside table.
On a note!
Also bloodsucking insects are afraid of smells of valerian, mint, lemon balm, cinnamon, birch tar, thyme and garlic.To protect them, you can lay out in the room, prepare infusions or millet apply cooked decoctions to the body and clothing.
How to deal with mosquitoes using odors
Many modern preparations are based on the ability of sharp odors to frighten off bloodsuckers. But long before the advent of chemistry, this feature was used to fight insects with folk remedies. Reliable and effective ingredients are found in every home.
Vanilla syrup
Fragrant baking with vanilla to the liking of adults and children. For mosquitoes, this smell has the opposite effect. Bloodsuckers lose the opportunity to smell the victim. To protect the used classic vanilla powder. To prepare the mosquito repellent, you should dissolve 1 sachet of the product in 1 liter of cold water. The resulting liquid is poured into a container with a spray and treat skin and clothing.
On a note!
Also prepare vanilla cream. To do this, you need to take any children's soft cream and add vanillin to it. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and anointed with the resulting substance. It is safe and effective vanillin can be used even by the youngest children.
Clove Cocktail
Another representative of the world of spices, the aroma of which permanently removes blood-sucking insects:
- Pour 200 water to 5 g of dried clove buds. Bring to a boil, boil for another 15 minutes. After this, cool the broth and strain. The resulting liquid is poured into the spray and process clothes.
- Mix the clove water with any cologne available. Before you go on nature, just spray on yourself updated perfumes.
Essential oils
Aromatherapy can not only soothe and stimulate, but also help to escape from mosquitoes. The power of essential oils is used to protect the home or on the street. In order not to bite mosquitoes in nature, you should put a few drops on the pulsating points.
Essential oils from mosquitoes they leave greasy marks on clothes; therefore, they should be applied very carefully to the body.
The most effective have the following varieties:
- citronella;
- geranium;
- eucalyptus;
- geranium;
- clove oil;
- anise;
- tea tree;
- lavender.
You can add essential oil to any cream. This will slightly reduce its concentration and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.You can also use balm asteriskwhich is also used to repel insects and eliminate the effects of their bites. Before use, be sure to conduct a test on the sensitivity of the skin.
The oils have a very high concentration and are not recommended for people with super sensitive skin.
You can get rid of mosquitoes in the room with an aromatic lamp. Just add a few drops of any of the listed oils. As a result, a light and pleasant aroma will float in the room, and mosquitoes will try to stay away from this place.
Strong odor liquid ammonia able to provide full sleep all night. To do this, moisten the flap of fabric in the ingredient and treat the surface in the house. Particular attention should be paid to window sills, window and door frames.
A person will cease to smell in a few minutes, and for insects this will become a real obstacle on the way to the victim. Mosquitoes simply lose the landmark and will not be able to get to the right place. Has a similar effect and vinegar combined with shampoo.
On a note!
It is important to understand that folk remedies for mosquitoes act exactly as long as their fragrance is felt on the skin or clothing. Therefore, it is often necessary to reuse them to update the protective forces of the fragrance.
Thus, knowing what repels mosquitoes will help provide protection for the whole family, without having on hand special remedies for blood-sucking insects. And the safety of these methods allows you to effectively apply them even to protect small children.