Essential oils from mosquitoes
- Essential oils from mosquitoes
- Essential little citronella and lavender
- Essential oils in the fight against insects
With the onset of warm days, the peak of activity of annoying insects, including mosquitoes. The incessant buzz of pests deprives sleep, and their bites may even cause strong allergic reaction. Especially such damage to the skin is dangerous for people with allergies. In addition, do not forget the fact that mosquitoes carry various diseases. Therefore, it is important to be able to protect against them as much as possible.For this you can use as chemical repellents, and natural remedies, among which have gained great popularity essential oils from mosquitoes.
Essential compounds are in great demand among the population, as they have a lot of advantages:
- First of all, these are natural oils, as their basis is made by vegetable components. According to consumer reviews, when used correctly, they do not cause negative consequences, therefore they are practically safe. The exception is made by the people having individual intolerance to certain substances. That is why it is allowed to use mosquito essential oils for children.
- Availability is another important factor that attracts the attention of many consumers. After all, a concentrated substance is enough for a sufficiently long period.
- A wide range of applications - use essential oils from mosquitoes and midges, as well as ticks and other harmful insects.
- A simple and convenient method of application that does not require supplements (batteries or a source of electricity). What creates convenience for use folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in field conditions.
- Unlike chemicals, essential extracts have a pleasant aroma.
Many people wonder what essential oils scare mosquitoes. After all, pests do not react to all odors.
On a note!
Especially effective aroma oils from mosquitoes of grass and wood composition. They are made from citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus or bergamot.
Pine, cedar or fir oil is a good protection against mosquitoes. No less effective lemon or orange oil, as well as clove extract, lavender or geranium. Do not like mosquitoes rosemary, cinnamon oil, and coconut oil.
Vegetable essential oils from mosquitoes are used separately and in a combined form, mixing with each other. They can also be used to prepare the ethereal solution - spray, balm or cream that is applied directly to the skin or clothing. Below is a list of the most popular oil extracts.
The most effective against mosquitoes recognized citronella essential extract. It not only discourages pests, but also stimulates the brain,providing an invigorating and refreshing effect on the body. In addition, it normalizes the blood circulation process and has a rejuvenating effect. Removes the inflammatory process on the skin, cleansing its pores. A lot mosquito repellent This extract is contained.
To protect against mosquitoes, it is enough to mix the essential oil of citronella with children's or other body cream, after which the resulting composition should be applied to open areas of the body. Mosquitoes will not be able to bite if you use an aromabrashlet, which is easy to make yourself To make anti-mosquito bracerit is enough to apply a few drops of the product onto a fabric ribbon or bracelet consisting of wooden elements.
Also, on the basis of citronella essential oil, it is possible to prepare an emulsion for treating clothes and premises: 5 drops of an oil agent are mixed with 100 g of alcohol. Such a composition is applied in a dotted manner, both on the skin and on things.
No less effective is the lavender oil from mosquitoes. It can be bought at any pharmacy. So that mosquitoes disappear within a few metersIt is necessary to pour the lavender oil in a flat container and leave it for a while. Or you can use fresh flowers for this purpose.
On a note!
Lavender extract also helps relieve inflammation and is used to treating mosquito bites in children and adults. Which in turn prevents wound infection.
In addition, lavender has antiviral and antimicrobial action. Perfectly soothes, thereby improving sleep. Promotes healing of the skin with wounds and burns.
Eucalyptus oil is another versatile plant insecticide that effectively repels mosquitoes. Due to the presence in the composition of eucalyptus extract at least four dozen different compounds, it is also effective against flies and cockroaches. It can be used as a spray, sprayed in the air or on things, as well as applied in a dotted manner on the skin. Often the component is used for cooking liquid in a fumigator Essential oils in the fight against insects [/ caption]
Tea tree
Perfectly repels mosquitoes and tea tree oil. To do this, you can use both 100% tea tree extract, and cosmetic, which also includes soybean oil.To prevent mosquitoes from attacking, it is enough to apply it in several places on the skin of the body.
Essential composition of tea tree relieves itching and sore feeling when bitten by a bloodsucker. It is necessary to treat the bite site with concentrated extract every hour to relieve the inflammatory process. To enhance the antiseptic effect, you can use a combination of oils of lavender and tea tree (in a ratio of 1: 3).
On a note!
Tea tree extract is ideal for treating the skin. With numerous mosquito bites, it is used to prepare a soothing bath, adding 10 drops of concentrate to the water.
Geranium Oil - Another Mosquito Repeller, which together with citronella extract is used in ready-made repellent agents. To protect against bloodsuckers, ethereal extract is added to the cream from 1 drop to 30 ml of the product (depending on age), mixed with alcohol and water to prepare a spray (10 ml of extract and alcohol per 100 g of water). And you can use a more simple way of protection: it is necessary to soak a fabric napkin with an ethereal composition, putting it in a pants pocket or placing it near a bed.
Those who in the fight against annoying pests prefer folk remedies, very often use mint oil. This natural repellent with a pleasant fresh scent very well repels mosquitoes and midges. It is used both in pure form and for the preparation of creams, sprays and aroma lamps.
Apply mint extract and for the treatment of bites, which results in allergy. The mixture of oil extracts of bergamot (5 k.), Peppermint (10 k.) And tea tree (10 k.) Relieves inflammation especially well. The composition can be applied to the damaged area several times a day.
Peppermint essential oil helps to stimulate the secretion of the glands of the digestive organs, relieves headaches, and has a calming and antispasmodic effect.