Mosquito traps

Mosquitoes and they can spoil the long-awaited rest away from the noisy metropolis. Annoying insects bite, spread dangerous infectionsleave itchy puff marks on the body of children and adults, provoke the development allergic reaction to bites, nullifying the positive impression of communicating with nature.Manufacturers offer a large number of various substances and devices to minimize the negative impact of dangerous midges. The electric mosquito trap is one of the most effective and safe inventions that can save a person from blood-sucking parasites, both within the house and in the backyard or other areas.

Varieties of fixtures

Industrial devices for the destruction of mosquitoes and other harmful insects operate on the same principle. They lure the parasites into the space from which they are no longer able to get out. Inside, the bloodsucker dies from electrical discharge, poison or dehydration.

On a note!

Komarov attracts the smell of the human body, light, heat and water. This is the basis for the actions of various traps.

As bait in the instruments can use one or several mosquito "lures". All of them are associated with pests with food or breeding, so they tend to reach the trap.

Types of electric insect repellent
Types of electric insect repellent

On the market are these types of electrical mosquito killers and other bloodsuckers:

  1. Devices with ultraviolet lamps. They attract insects with their light. Mosquitoes come into contact with a metal plate under high voltage and die from the discharge of an electric current. The traps are completely safe for humans and pets, as they do not emit any harmful odors and are aimed only at destroying blood-sucking insects. To enhance the effect of the devices, safe attractants are used that mimic the smell of the human body. Consumer reviews posted on the site confirm the high efficiency of innovative technology.
  2. Special devices with a fan installed inside like a vacuum cleaner suck mosquitoes, flies and other insects approaching the trap. The device attracts with the light of a lamp and a small amount of carbon dioxide, which resembles the insect smell of human skin.
  3. Carbon dioxide trap. The device is equipped with a lamp made of special technology that emits carbon dioxide and simulates the heat emitted from all warm-blooded animals, including humans.

All devices work on the principle of light emission, heat and carbon dioxide emission, due to this, mosquitoes take traps for living organisms.The models are equipped with a fine-meshed metal mesh that permits an electric current that is disastrous for insects.

Benefits of Electric Mosquito Traps

Instrument models are different original design, allowing them to quite easily fit into any interior. Inventions equipped with LED lamps can perform the function of a night light. The brightness of their glow is regulated by special switches. Most street mosquito trap designs resemble lanterns in appearance. Such mosquito lamps attract insects with carbon dioxide and destroy the built-in emitter.

Mosquito traps
Mosquito traps

The mosquito exterminator has a whole arsenal of positive aspects, among them the following significant factors stand out:

  • noiseless operation;
  • lack of foreign odors;
  • simplicity and ease of maintenance;
  • energy saving;
  • safety and reliability;
  • affordable price.

The devices are manufactured in compliance with all technological and technical requirements. For ease of use in many models, replaceable containers are provided where the destroyed pests enter.

In order for an electric trap to be beneficial, it is necessary to choose the right model that meets specific needs. There are such devices:

  • stationary and portable;
  • for indoor, street or universal devices;
  • for maintenance of a specific area.

Given all these factors, you can purchase a device that will reliably protect against bloodsuckers.


On the advice of friends bought an electric trap on the dacha - lamp terminator. Good fit. It can be placed anywhere as it is equipped with convenient fasteners. He hung a lamp on the veranda, and now enjoy the whole family relaxing time in the fresh air. Mosquitoes fly to the device, but not to us.

Yevgeny, Saratov

Popular traps

Electronic trap for mosquitoes - an indispensable device in the season of the greatest activity of parasites. It allows you to protect people from the bites of bloodsuckers on the street and indoors.

SWI-20 electric shredder

The device made in Switzerland effectively copes with mosquitoes in the territory which area reaches 250 sq. m, if there is a connection to the mains 220-240 V.The device may be used indoors and outdoors, provided that the trap is protected from precipitation.

SWI-20 electric shredder and Stinger Indoor Insect Trap trap
SWI-20 electric shredder and Stinger Indoor Insect Trap trap

The main element of the invention is 40 watt ultraviolet lamps each. They attract insects with their light, which are trying to fly up closer to the radiator through the lattice, which is under voltage. As a result, an electric charge destroys mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers.

On a note!

The manufacturer has provided various options for installing fixtures - it can be mounted on the wall, ceiling, or simply placed on the floor.

Similarly, it works and mosquito killer SITITEK Garden-M

Stinger Indoor Trap Insect Trap

Eco-friendly device is equipped with a replaceable UV-lamp and a fan. Retractable container is easy to clean from dehydrated mosquitoes. This procedure must be performed at least once a month. The price of an effective device is within 2 thousand rubles.

Photocatalytic trap brand Dinatrap

Branded products is a leader in sales. This is due to the safety of structures, as they lack a gas cylinder.Carbon dioxide that is attractive to mosquitoes is released as a result of a chemical reaction - exposure to ultraviolet light on a titanium dioxide-covered trap. A small amount of gas produced cannot harm humans, but for insects this amount is quite enough.

Users prefer the Dinatrap DT2000XL Insect Trap, 1-Acre shredder. The trap is not very expensive (about 10 thousand rubles) compared with peers. It can be used indoors and outdoors. In addition to mosquitoes, the device is designed to destroy bugs, wasps, hornets and other parasites.

The manufacturer supplied the device with a 2-meter cord for connection to the electrical grid. To enhance the effect, the gas lure is equipped with a UV light and a fan. When the power is turned off, the trap closes and mosquitoes and other insects that fall into it cannot get out.


The device became our salvation, even though initially wanted to buy installation Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 Turbo PRObut embarrassed by the prospect of changing gas cylinders. We use it in a large area of ​​the mini-farm. The trap performs its task perfectly. It has to be cleaned every two weeks due to the abundance of mosquitoes and otherpests. Good adaptation, and most importantly - safe for both people and animals. Recomend for everybody.

Vladimir, Ryazan

Pestkiller mosquito trap lamp

Pestkiller mosquito trap lamp
Pestkiller mosquito trap lamp

The invention is equipped with 2 UV lamps, with a capacity of 20 watts each. In front of them there is a metal grid through which current flows. The body is made of special aluminum alloy, resistant to mechanical damage. The safe device is authorized to be used in rooms and on the open, protected from rainfall space.

In the upper part of the case there is a special mounting ring. Electric mosquito trap is equipped with a chain that allows you to hang it in a convenient place for the owner, which greatly increases the efficiency of the device. The range of the device reaches 40 square meters. m


We bought a miracle device and do not regret a single minute. Now you can safely feel in our country house, located in the "mosquito" place - near the river, forest. The trap works fine, just clean it is not very nice, but it's better than make mosquito traps by yourself. Now we want to buy another device, more powerful, for the street.

Veronica, St. Petersburg

There are a huge number of various mosquito traps on the market. They differ not only in design, but also in price, which is in the range from a few hundred to tens of thousands of rubles. The consumer can choose a suitable device, depending on their preferences and financial capabilities.

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