Lantern Raptor for protection against mosquitoes

Lantern Raptor for protection against mosquitoes
Lantern Raptor for protection against mosquitoes

Lantern mosquito Raptor is used for protection against insects in the open air. The range is 20 m². The device consists of a plastic removable canopy, a candle, a plate with an active component. The expiration date is specified by the manufacturer - 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Operating principle

The active component is a plate soaked in insecticide. d-allethrin is a substance of a new generation, which causes insect paralysis, early death. The person does not feel the negative impact of the insecticide on himself, since the dose is extremely small.

On a note!

Lantern Raptor mosquitoes acts as an analogue electric fumigatorwhich is installed indoors. Identical records are used. Makes an outdoor stay comfortable and relaxing.

Is inserted into the special hole mosquito plate. Initiates a candle insecticide. When heated, d-allethrin begins to be released into the air. Impact radius specified by the manufacturer - up to 20 m².

Application Instructions

A lantern to protect against mosquitoes is activated in minutes:

  • disconnect the cover from the base;
  • fix the candle in the center, light it;
  • put on the cover until it clicks;
  • insert a plate into a special opening;
  • Install the device in a convenient, stable place.

The device Raptor interesting design creates a romantic atmosphere in nature, helps to organize a relaxing holiday. Lantern from mosquitoes Raptor reviews collected on the Internet on the forums.

Efficiency according to reviews

Products Raptor mosquitoes in the warm season is very popular. Manufacturers delight customers with novelties and do not stop producing the old proven tools. Ceiling, candles are made in China, the Italians are engaged in the manufacture of plates.

You can buy the device in specialized stores or order it online. Positive feedback about him:

Very handy thing. We like to spend time in nature on quiet, warm evenings, but mosquito bites do not allow to fully enjoy the pleasant atmosphere. Priborchik we really liked. Install in a convenient location, and squeak of mosquitoes heard only from afar.

Marina, Moscow

We put a mosquito lantern in the veranda. In the evening we spend time there - we have dinner, we rest from a hot day. Of the shortcomings - the candle quickly burns out, but you can use any, not necessarily a special Raptor. We buy big, cut into several parts, insert into the lantern. We have been using the second summer.

Alina, St. Petersburg

Acts fast. Just install the device, mosquitoes begin to metushitsya and gradually release the territory. That they fall dead, I did not notice, but it becomes less. You can safely enjoy a quiet summer evening without bloodsuckers.

Andrey, Voronezh

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