How to deal with mosquitoes in an apartment or house

Mosquitoes relate to seasonal insects that are hated "neighbors", nightly attacking, biting and keeping people awake. Every person in the summer months dreams about how to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment or house in the most effective and safe way for their loved ones.

Mosquito hazard

Mosquito bites not only deliver discomfort, but can also harm people with their consequences:

Therefore, the solution to the problem of how to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment is relevant for all people, especially on summer days when annoying beeping prevents them from falling asleep.


Attack people and drink blood only female mosquitoes, but the males prefer vegetarianism and eat floral nectar.

Ways to enter the house


First you need to find all the places and loopholes where do mosquitoes come from and how they penetrate the apartment. These insects love high humidity, so you must first inspect the basement of the house: if there is water or flooding, even with closed doors, mosquitoes will be able to penetrate into the apartments, especially on the lower floors. Opening the entrance doors each time, the residents themselves let them into the room.

Another source of their entry into the apartment are windows, because on summer hot days they are always open to fresh air. And mosquitoes always smell the person and are able to “leak” even into the smallest gap. Optimal protection is provided by plastic windows with special anti-mosquito netswhich are made of stainless metal.

If the windows in the apartment are wooden, then it is necessary to purchase a good grid or gauze and nail it with special buttons to the frames, without leaving the slightest crack to the mosquitoes. This method is the best insect repellent. Similarly, should be closed and ventilation holes, leaving them "no chance".

On a note!

Each individual has more than 70 receptors that help to capture a variety of odors. Attract mosquitoes aromas: human sweat, ethanol in alcoholic beverages. There are also suggestions that mosquitoes do not bite all people, and prefer to attack people with 1 and 2 blood groups, children and pregnant women.

Folk means of fighting mosquitoes

Folk means of fighting mosquitoes
Folk means of fighting mosquitoes

For those who prefer completely safe ways,How to get rid of mosquitoes at home, the use of various plants to repel mosquitoes of the “army” in an apartment is suitable:

  • Houseplants, including geraniums, have repellent properties for mosquitoes. It is enough just to place the plants in pots on the window sills to protect themselves from the raid of the “bloodsuckers” through the windows.
  • Mosquitoes do not like and the smells of flowers: lilacs, bird cherries, chamomiles, which will help ward off them by placing cut branches of plants in vases or using them in dried form.
  • Similar effects have the leaves of walnut and elderberry, which can be decomposed in the room.
  • Essential oils spicy and coniferous plants (eucalyptus, cypress, citronellafir, anise, clove oil, tea tree), able to expel mosquitoes from the premises. They can be dropped on the window frame, added to candles or in shower gels so that insects do not smell the "body odor".
  • Tomato seedlings can be good mosquito repellent in the spring months.
  • A heated piece of camphor in the pan will help to escape from mosquitoes and get rid of "unwelcome neighbors", scaring them off with a smell.
  • The branches of peppermint, basil, laid out in the apartment, will help bring out the mosquitoes.It is recommended to make “odorous” strips of fabric from dried grass, on which crushed plants are glued with PVA glue, they are hung near the window. You can also wipe the frame, handle the surface liquid ammonia, a solution of vinegar with shampoo or birch tar.

How to find and catch a mosquito?

If a lonely "bloodsucker" is heard at night, it is not at all necessary to use means from them. It is better to turn on the light of a flashlight or lamp to find a mosquito. Wait for him to sit on the wall or on the surface, and then kill him with a rolled up newspaper or suck in a vacuum cleaner. For what it is necessary to sharply impose a pipe on the prey and turn it on so that the insect does not have time to fly away. This method is especially good if the mosquito sits in a hard-to-reach place.

Another way is to catch on your body, for which you need to lie on one side, cover completely with a blanket, leaving only half of the face available. Place your hand in a comfortable position in order to have time to quickly deliver a “fatal blow” when the mosquito dives onto the skin (most often it sits on the cheek). The main thing - do not hurt yourself!

Self-made means: traps and fumigators

Home-made devices and structures will help to get rid of mosquitoes at home, for the manufacture of which you can always use any available tools available in each apartment:

  • You can make a mosquito fumigator from lemon and cloves. To do this, take a half of citrus and stick pieces of 8-10 clove buds.
  • Make a do it yourself mosquito trap You can from a plastic bottle. Such a simple design will help catch mosquitoes at night, for which the container is cut below the neck: 200 ml of hot water is poured into most of them, 50 g of sugar and 1 tsp of yeast are added, mix everything up, put a funnel from the neck on top so that it does not reach liquids, for a decor the design is wrapped up in color paper. Its action is based on the formation of carbon dioxide during the fermentation of the yeast mixture, the smell of which is capable of attracting mosquitoes: they crawl inwards and cannot get out.
  • Mosquito repellent can be made independently from several glass containers: rosemary branches are placed in each, covered with lemon slices, then water is poured up to ¾ of the height of the jar, add 5-10 drops of essential oil (mint,lavender, cedar), floating candles are lowered from above and set on fire - this will help to spend a romantic evening with friends without the raid of “bloodsuckers”; the contents of the containers should be changed every week. Mosquito candles may be industrial.

Chemical control agents

The most traditional and popular way to fight mosquitoes in an apartment is the use of fumigators. Such means allow you to poison the "bloodsuckers" in the room with the help of chemicals in a short time. The most popular ones are: Raptor, Moskitoll, Fumitoks, Raid, Family Picnic and etc.

Mosquito fumigator
Mosquito fumigator

Mosquito fumigator - the device working from the power supply network into which are inserted interchangeable plates or insecticidal liquids. After switching on, they are heated, as a result of which poisonous vapors are emitted into the air, which for 30-40 minutes. will help kill the mosquitoes in the room or chase them away. Also possible make a fumigator and liquid yourself.

As a poison, pyrethroid insecticides, which are synthetic analogues of permethrin, esbiotrin, pralletrin, are commonly used.

Each plate is designed for 8-15 hours of work, the bottle with the liquid is valid for about 45 nights. The standard area of ​​the room covered by the fumigator is 10-12 square meters. m, which will allow to clean the room from insects.

There are also other means of destroying and scaring mosquitoes using chemicals:


You should know that fumigators should not be left in the apartment included overnight. The device needs to be used only 20 min. in the absence of people and animals in the room, then it is necessary to ventilate the room and close the windows. You can sleep without a fumigator. Certain danger of such funds are for patients who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract.

Ultrasonic scarer

Ultrasonic mosquito repeller
Ultrasonic mosquito repeller

Ultrasonic devices-repellents - small portable devices operating from the mains or batteries, are effective means of mosquitoes in the apartment. The principle of operation is based on the production of an ultrasonic signal, which is analogous to the sounds of the males, which they emit, signaling danger. For a person, these sounds are inaudible, therefore they do not cause any discomfort.

Hearing the ultrasound signals, all insects fly away. Action area mosquito repeller ultrasonic directly depends on the sound power. Its advantage is the absence of any chemical toxic substances, so that such a device is allowed to be installed in a residential area. You can also make mosquito repeller do it yourself.

Picking up the most effective mosquito repellent for your home, you should take into account the health status of residents, the presence of children and allergies, choosing from the popular and store ways to combat "bloodsuckers."

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