Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 Turbo PRO
- Dimensions of the device
- Device Komaram no KRN-5000 Turbo PRO
- The use of the device against mosquitoes
- The operation of the shredder
Annoying mosquitoes annoy not only their squeakbut painful bites. And if on the premises it is quite simple to cope with them, then in open spaces the task becomes much more complicated. Spirals, smoke bombs do not always show high efficiency. The Russian company "Aifo-Technology" developed an innovative device Komaram no KRN-5000 turbo PRO. This is one of the few aggregates that does not scare away, but destroys insect populations.It is recommended for use on country, personal plots, in recreation areas.
Principle of operation
It is proved that mosquitoes find their prey by the smell of carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and warm-blooded animals. His insects feel at a distance of hundreds of meters. The second an attracting factor for mosquitoes is the specific aroma of lactic acid contained in the secret of sweat glands. Approaching the victim, the insects feel the heat emanating from the body. The principle of operation of the device is based on a combination of factors.
During operation, the mosquito exterminator KRN-5000 turbo PRO lures blood-sucking insects, imitating a person:
- the body is covered with a special porous coating resembling the skin, which, after turning on the device, is heated to a temperature as close as possible to the human body
- temperature index varies in the range of 36-38 ° C, creating the illusion of a moving object;
- the unit cyclically emits carbon dioxide;
- the smell of attractant attractant substance, nonanal, is also released.
On a note!
As a result of experiments conducted by American entomologists, it was foundthat the neural receptors of mosquitoes respond to even a small concentration of aldehydes nonanal. In the course of the study, in which 2000 female mosquitoes took part, it was established that 1.5 times more individuals responded to the addition of nonanal to the mixture with carbon dioxide than to the composition of CO₂.
Attracted insects by means of a powerful fan are drawn into the device and enter a special tank, where they are destroyed by a high-voltage discharge of electric current.
Dimensions and technical specifications
Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 turbo PRO can be operated in a temperature range from + 10 ° C to + 50 ° C. The height with a mounted tripod is 1 m 40 mm. Installation weight 31 kg. Area of impact up to 0.5 ha. The design consists of several elements:
- tripod - necessary to install the device on a horizontal surface;
- block-destroyer - weight 22 kg;
- compartment for installation of carbon dioxide;
- module for attracting components;
- gas reducer;
- additional catcher.
The kit also includes brackets, nuts for mounting on vertical surfaces, 1 bottle with nonanal, mesh for tracking the dynamics of destruction, instructions. The device works from a network of 220 V, at maximum mode consumes 350 watts.
The carbon dioxide cylinder bundle is not provided. It is purchased independently. For Mosquitoes there is no KRN-5000 turbo PRO applicable or a 5-liter balloon - it will be enough for 5-7 days of uninterrupted operation, or a 10-liter large cylinder that will ensure the operation of the device for 8-10 days.
On the block-killer there are 13 sensors to control the unit. There are 2 main modes of operation:
- Day - shredder works smoothly without taking into account the degree of illumination.
- Night mode supposes switching off during daylight hours, automatic switching on at peak activity of mosquitoes at twilight and at night. Allows you to save electricity and carbon dioxide.
Also for each of the modes additional settings can be selected:
- normal;
- aggressive - increased suction power, increased consumption of CO, it is advisable to use this variant of work in numerous populations of insects;
- economical - optimal mode with low activity of mosquitoes, significantly saves consumables.
Distinctive features of the exterminator
Previously, the mosquito exterminator was presented to consumers. There is no KRN-5000. The new model has been significantly improved:
- increased radius of action - the device covers a large area of the territory;
- 3 additional modes of operation appeared;
- the release of carbon dioxide is carried out automatically and directly proportional to the number of killed individuals on the grid: the more there are, the more attractive components the destroyer allocates;
- in contrast to the prototype, the number of algorithms for simulating a moving object has increased in the upgraded version;
- a more powerful fan is installed that leaves no chance for the flying insects;
- rack holder is a monolithic element, which had a positive impact on the quality and reliability of the design.
On a note!
The “advanced” version of Mosquitoes is not available. KRN-5000 turbo PRO creates protection not only against mosquitoes, but also against midges, gadflies, and gnats.
Nuances of operation
Mosquito exterminator shipped unassembled. The assembly sequence is described in detail in the instructions and clearly displayed in the diagram. If the collection process is difficult, you should seek help from a counselor.
The KRN-5000 turbo PRO is installed in early May, in June.Of great importance is the location of the unit. It is recommended to install it at a distance of 6 m from places of localization of people (gazebos, pools, verandas). The best location would be in the middle of the trajectory between the territory that needs to be neutralized from blood-sucking insects and the hotbed of mosquitoes (lowlands, forest vegetation, water).
The first results are noticeable after 20-30 minutes after switching on the device. Dead individuals will be visible on the grid. During the day, the possible destruction of 2000 insects. But it will take 5-7 days to completely clean the area. This fact should be taken into account when planning large-scale events.
Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 turbo PRO can only be used outdoors. It is forbidden to install the device in closed rooms in order to avoid the risk of gas poisoning.
The price of the exterminator and consumables
Buying Mosquitoes no KRN-5000 turbo PRO will cost 41000-45000 rubles. You can buy it in specialized outlets or online stores. During operation, several components will need to be replaced:
- Bottle with attracting substance nonanal.If you use the night mode, it lasts for one season. If the device is turned on around the clock, the attractant will last for 50 days. Purchase of a new bottle will cost 1500 rubles.
- Refueling a balloon with 5.10 liters of carbon dioxide costs 200–300 rubles, respectively. The price of a new cylinder, which is not provided for a complete set, is 3,000 rubles. The most effective acid, which is a by-product of the production of beer, alcohol, is evidenced by reviews of the KRN-5000 turbo PRO.
For the exterminator Komaram no KRN-5000 turbo PRO suitable food carbon dioxide or high-purity gas. The use of gases with impurities negatively reduces the efficiency of the device.
I got a mosquito destroyer. There is no KRN-5000 turbo PRO and I don’t regret the money spent. Now sitting in the gazebo in the country - a pleasure. You no longer need to excel at building all kinds of oil coolers, mosquito traps, surround yourself with pyrotechnic compositions of glowing spirals or smear the body essential oils. It is enough to remember to press the button, and the destroyer silently does all the work himself.
Michael, Moscow
Such a destroyer was acquired by my neighbor in the cottage settlement.Thanks to him, there are no mosquitoes on my site. However, I would never have decided to give that kind of money for the device, you can use folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in the open air - It turns out much cheaper.
Alexey, Chekhov
I bought a shredder to give only this year. But I do not observe the effect of its use yet. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I arrive at the cottage exclusively for the weekend. And as written in the instructions, tangible results are noticeable only after five days of constant use. Apparently you have to look for others mosquito repellent at the cottage.
Oleg, Voronezh