Lights from mosquitoes for the street and at home

Many people like to gather in the summer warm evening with a friendly company or with their family in the gazebo, on the veranda, to relax after working days and enjoy the pleasant evening coolness. Here are just darken the pleasure can easily mosquitoes. The bites of these blood-sucking insects are accompanied severe itching, allergic reactiondelivering great discomfort to the person. A real salvation in this situation will be mosquito lamps, which not only perform the function of a trap, but also serve as an additional source of illumination. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

Features of the device

Mosquito exterminators There are two types: an electric lamp from mosquitoes with UV radiation and a lamp with the use of insecticides.

UV lamp

UV lamp
UV lamp

In appearance, such a mosquito lamp resembles an ordinary street lamp weighing from 1 to 2 kg. The size of the protective device does not exceed 30 cm. This device has special LEDs emitting ultraviolet rays. They are protected by a grid through which a weak electrical discharge of current passes. It is he who acts on the mosquitoes flying in the bright light of the lamp.

Street lamps from mosquitoes can be fed both from the electrical network and from solar panels.

On a note!

An ultraviolet mosquito lamp is also effective against butterflies, moths and even flies.

Depending on the brand of mosquito repellent bulbs, they have a certain radius of action within which the device guarantees protection from blood-sucking insects. The area of ​​impact may vary in the range of 30-100 square meters. m


A device of this type has many advantages:

  • Safe from an environmental point of view. The street lamp against mosquitoes is completely harmless to children and pets.
  • A simple and convenient way to use - just enough to connect the device to the mains. There are also mobile options on batteries or batteries.
  • Long term of operation at observance of recommendations of the producer.
  • Practicality - the combination of functions of the backlight and traps.


However, lamps with UV radiation have several disadvantages:

  • Effective device only in the dark. However, if the mosquito will fly next to a person, then he is unlikely to give up the opportunity to "have lunch."
  • When contacting with a metal grid, a small discharge of current is unavoidable.
  • The need for regular cleaning of dead insects.
  • You can not install such electric traps in wet rooms.

Insecticidal lamp

Insecticidal lamp
Insecticidal lamp

Repellent lamps for the destruction of mosquitoes - a more effective protection against bloodsuckers. The principle of their operation is very similar to the usual classic fumigator. The devices are equipped with special gas tanks and plates that, when heated, emit the active ingredient.

Insecticidal lamp against mosquitoes has its positive and negative nuances.


  • The effectiveness of the device is achieved by the spread in the air of insecticidal components. Therefore, the device will affect all insects that are in the room.
  • A device of this type has a simple principle of use and a long service life.


  • Insecticide fumes entering the air are not safe for human respiratory tract. In addition, they quickly erode, and therefore stops the impact of the device on insects.
  • Devices of this type have a small radius of action.

Overview of the most popular devices

Below are the devices that are very popular with the consumer.

ThermaCell Scout Camp Lantern

Mosquito lamp ThermaCell Scout Camp Lantern repellent type, which can be used both indoors (with an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters.), And on the street. The device weighing 1 kg has 4 modes of lighting, works from finger-type batteries.The kit contains a butane cartridge and 3 spare plates.

After a few minutes of work ThermaCell devices the required amount of insecticidal substance is released, which contributes to the creation of a protective zone with a radius of 2.25 m. The cost of such a mobile device is within 4,000 rubles.

Popular insect lamps
Popular insect lamps


Lamps Terminator are made in several variations. Among them, you can pick up a lantern for the garden, and a lamp for the house. Some models are included in the grid, while others operate on batteries.

  • Model number I is the most affordable option, its average cost ranges from 650 rubles. The device working from the power supply network is designed for an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. m
  • Model number II is an electric lamp from flies and mosquitoes, which has a twice as large impact area. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Model number III is a device of the same area of ​​impact in which functions are combined mosquito traps and a lighting lamp. If desired, they can be used separately. The presence of offline mode and charging from the mains are another advantage of the device.The price range varies within 1300 rubles.
  • Model number IV - is an advanced device with a robust case. Due to this, many people use such a mosquito lamp for the street. Its approximate cost is 1700 rubles.
  • Model number V is a device with powerful ultraviolet radiation that attracts all winged insects, including mosquitoes. Such a lamp is meant for the house, the reason for this is the lack of a visor. The device costs about 3,500 rubles.


Acquired lamp Terminator on the advice of neighbors. Now the evening tea can be held in the yard - mosquitoes do not interfere. Previously used folk remedies, but there was no such effect. I advise.

Igor, Vinnitsa


Ultraviolet and white light-emitting diodes are built in to the lamp working from the solar battery. The former serve to attract insects: a mosquito that is in contact with the grill is killed by an electric current. The second - do not affect the pests, they are used only as lighting. Special photo relay automatically turns off the backlight mode during daylight hours. The price of the lamp varies in the range of 2000-2200 rubles.

Mosquito devices
Mosquito devices


Saving ourselves from mosquitoes in the country Skat lantern. Very pleased with this invention of mankind: and you can sit in the gazebo, and spend the night is not terrible.

Natalia, Grozny


Devices of this brand belong to mosquito repellent on the street, made in several configurations. Can work both from a network, and from solar batteries. Thanks to special rods, lamps can stand firmly on the ground, they can also be hung with hooks on the ring. Depending on the model, the impact area also varies (the maximum is 60 sq. M.).

The principle of using the lamp is quite simple: the charged lamp is put in the desired position (for lighting or catching mosquitoes). With the onset of darkness, the device automatically begins to work. The device is switched off by switching the lever to the zero position. The cost is within 900-1200 rubles.

SWISSINNO Mosquito Stop Lantern

Repellent flashlight - effective mosquito repellent in the conditions of the street, has a flawless design. Powered by batteries or battery. The heating element is a candle, which is also included. When heated, the repellent plate begins to evaporate the active substance (1 piece is designed for 4 hours). The lamp can also be used in an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters. mIts cost is about 2300 rubles.


We often go fishing, so the Mosquito Stop Lantern lamp is a real find for us. You can sit all night and not find a single mosquito bite. It acts almost immediately after switching on. In addition, it takes very little space. Super thing. Recommend.

Leonid, Moscow

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