Means of Medilis Tsiper against mosquitoes

Today the shelves of shops and markets are replete with a mass of various tools designed to combat mosquitoes. After all mosquito bites can turn into a serious problem for a person, starting from the appearance allergic reaction and ending transmission of infections such as malaria or encephalitis, especially if the role of aggressor was seen anopheles mosquito. Therefore, the question of selection effective mosquito repellent remains relevant in our day.One of such effective drugs is Medilis Tsiper against mosquitoes.


Medilis Tsiper is a domestic-made insecticoacaricidal drug with a broad spectrum of action: it is effective against fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, hornets, as well as other synanthropic insects.

Medilis Ziper, a mosquito repellent, is produced in the form of a concentrated oily emulsion based on cypermethrin (25%) - an insecticide that enters the pest's organism in a contact way and blocks its nerve impulses, causing paralysis and, later, death of the insect. The yellowish liquid has an unpleasant specific odor, after combining with water it forms a milky-colored solution. It affects not only adults, but also their eggs, as well as maggots. The effective effect of the drug lasts for 30-90 days.

The cost of Medilis Ziper varies depending on the volume, so 50 ml of an insecticide costs about 230 rubles. Available in ampoules (1 ml), bottles (10 ml), plastic bottles (50 ml, 100 ml), as well as in 5 l cans.

How to apply

Means of Medilis Tsiper against mosquitoes
Means of Medilis Tsiper against mosquitoes

Subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, the tool will be safe for human health and pets. Violation of the rules of treatment may cause severe poisoning. Instructions for use Medilis Ziper attached to each package.

  1. Dilute Medilis Ziper need water, the amount of which depends on the type of pest. To get rid of mosquitoes, it is necessary to dilute 1 ml of the emulsion in 2.5 l of water.
  2. To obtain a homogeneous solution, the insecticide is diluted in a small volume of water at room temperature, after which its volume is adjusted to the required rate. Then, using a spray dispenser, the basement or sheds should be treated, as well as the places of possible occurrence of pests, based on the norms of 100 ml of solution per 1 square meter. m. square. To get rid of mosquitoes in the country or on the street, the emulsion is mixed at the rate of 2 liters of the finished solution per 1 hundred parts of the earth.
  3. It is also possible processing and residential premises, after which the room is thoroughly aired. In addition, after 12 hours, it is necessary to produce a wet treatment of the surfaces with which the inhabitants of the housing contact,using a soap-soda solution. In the rest of the territory, the insecticide will continue to act on insects: the parasites present in the room die almost immediately, individuals that have survived, try to stay away from the danger zone.
  4. It is better to prepare the working solution immediately before the treatment, since its properties remain only for 8 hours. After this time, the tool will not bring the desired result.
  5. The container in which the insecticidal composition was located must be disposed of or treated with a solution of slaked lime and water (1:10).

On a note!

To ensure that there are no mosquitoes in the living room, it is enough to carry out one treatment with Medilis Ziper in early summer.

What you need to know

Use of Medilis Ziper
Use of Medilis Ziper

When using Medilis Ziper, you must take precautions:

  1. Use insecticidal solution against mosquitoes is possible only if you have personal protective equipment (respirator, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing).
  2. During the treatment in the room should not be people and pets.
  3. It is forbidden to treat insecticide substances to people suffering from allergies, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
  4. It is contraindicated to spray Medilis Ziper berry bushes and vegetable beds during the ripening period of the fruit.
  5. The storage place of insecticidal composition of Medilis Ziper mosquitoes should be away from heating devices and sources of fire.

Numerous reviews of Medilis Ziper talk about the effectiveness of this tool.


In our suburban area, mosquitoes were a real problem - children constantly had to smear itchy bitesit was impossible to sleep folk remedies for mosquitoes acted weakly. This continued until we acquired Medilis Ziper. It was enough to treat the site once in order to spend the evenings normally. Recommend.

Artem, Novgorod

Last year there was an incredible amount of ticks in the country. More than once the pests bit the child. Medilis Tsiper solved this problem - not only the mites were gone, but the mosquitoes were gone. Inexpensive and efficient outdoor mosquito repellent, even despite the unpleasant peculiar smell. I advise.

Vasily, Kursk

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