Mosquito for mosquitoes
- Spray Moskitol from insects
- Aerosol Moskitol
- Mosquitol mosquito plates
- Protection kit for adults
- Children's series of mosquitoes
Mosquito against mosquitoes - Swiss quality products. The original name is Mosquitall. Produced in Russia by the company Biogard under the license of the manufacturer - Arnest. In 2015, the Moskitol brand received the award for the best innovative products. The line covers several drugs aimed at the destruction of blood-sucking insects.
Active component
The composition of drugs Moskitol may differ slightly depending on the form. But the active ingredient is always the same - insecticidal substance DEET. Belongs to the second class of danger. Does not harm the person, a pet at observance of the instruction. At low concentrations in the air, it acts as repellent - repels bloodsucking insects. With sufficient concentration - causes muscle paralysis, instant death.
The substance DEET can cause an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with the skin. To avoid trouble, you should first conduct a sensitivity test. Do not use on the skin more than 3 times a day.
The minimum concentration of insecticide in the air does not affect human well-being. Mosquitoes die with a minimum dose of poison.
Product line
Means Moskitol is available in the form of preparations for the treatment of leather, clothing, protection of the premises. Operates with equal efficiency in the open air, indoors.
Universal preparation for mosquitoes and other harmful insects with a protective effect up to 8 hours.Available in a can of 100 ml, designed for processing fabric surfaces, clothing.
Instructions for use:
- shake the can;
- hang clothes on the street, distribute the product over the entire surface to a state of moisture;
- wait for clothes to dry, use as directed.
If spraying clothes occurs on a person, spray should be kept at a distance of 15-20 cm from the treated surface. We can not allow the mixture fell into the eyes, mucous nose, mouth.
- Mosquitol mosquito spray allowed to use three times a day;
- the drug provides reliable protection during the evening walk, outdoor recreation;
- it has a slight odor that disappears in minutes;
- does not leave stains, marks on clothes, the fragrance is completely eliminated after washing.
Mosquitall mosquito spray is worth about 230 rubles. Sold in specialized stores, supermarkets, on the market. Reviews of spray Moskitol confirm high efficacy.
In the country in the evening because of mosquito bites It is impossible to work if you do not use additional protection. Always apply spray Moskitol.The smell evaporates quickly, does not irritate, begins to act immediately after application. The effect is enough to complete all the work until the deep evening. We use preparation for mosquitoes in the country the whole family. I recommend to everyone!
Marina, Moscow
Spray can
Significant differences in the application, no. Mosquitol mosquito spray is sold in bottles with a spray. Different from spray concentration of the active component.
Application instruction:
- shake the bottle;
- put on the palm;
- spread over all skin areas that are not protected by clothing.
It is allowed to apply on the face, neck, hands. The action lasts for 4 hours. Processing of clothes in the open air is allowed, but the procedure should be repeated after 3 hours. Frequency of use per day should not exceed 3 times for adults.
Moskitol aerosol smells good, absorbs quickly, creating a protective film on the skin surface. Does not cause irritation, burning, stickiness. The cost of the aerosol is about 300 rubles.
On a note!
Unpleasant sensations on the skin appear with individual intolerance to the components. If this happened, anti-mosquito spray it is necessary to wash off with warm water and soapy solution, apply a moisturizing cream or an antiallergic preparation for external use.
Protection for adults - set
The active agent is a clear, odorless liquid. Inserted into electric fumigatorwhich enviably differs from many other similar devices. The device is equipped with a timer, fan.
Thanks to the timer, the fumigator turns itself on, turns off after 12 hours of operation. The fan helps the active component to evaporate faster from the liquid, filling the room. The effect is felt after 5 minutes of the device. The whole stock of insecticide lasts for 30 nights.
Mosquitol mosquito liquid contains as an active ingredient transfluthrin, pralletrin. Insect components cause instant death, even with open windows. The cost of a set is 600 rubles. Replacing a bottle with a liquid preparation will cost 200 rubles.
On a note!
There is a common electric fumigator without a fan, a timer. To get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment, it must be plugged in the evening, turned off after 12 hours.It is recommended to use indoors when there are no small children.
You can not use mosquito liquid in a room with an area of less than 12 square meters. m., in order to avoid the accumulation of a high concentration of poison in the air. In large rooms, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.
Products in terms of efficiency, principle of action, composition of the active components are no different from liquids. The difference in form. Mosquito mosquito plates are produced in separate bags of 10 pieces per pack. One plate is enough for 1 night.
Application instruction:
- extract mosquito plates from packaging;
- place on fumigator;
- turn on the device in the electrical network.
Effective mosquito repellent does not smell, does not cause discomfort during work, does not affect the well-being of humans, domestic animals.
The means in the form of a spiral is intended for protection against mosquitoes in nature, but it is successfully used indoors - in holiday cottages, in the country.
Application instruction:
- remove the spiral from the packaging;
- choose a suitable place - 1-2 m from a person;
- install the tool on a non-flammable surface;
- set fire to one end;
- blow up to intensify smoldering.
Spiral starts to act after 5 minutes after ignition, protection is maintained until the spiral smolders. The set is enough for several nights.
Children's products
Mosquitoes plague children with more activity. For them, manufacturers have produced products of different types - from baby spray and cream, to liquid, plates. Different means lower concentration of the active component.
- Spray Moskitol for children contains up to 7.5% of the substance DETA. The maximum allowable dose is 15%. It acts not only on mosquitoes, but also on blackflies and ticks. It is allowed to use children's spray no more than 2 times a day. The age limit is 3 years. To apply, spraying on clothes.
- Mosquito spray for children is applied twice a day. Adults sprinkle the product on their palm, then spread it on the baby’s skin. It is recommended to use after 2 years.
- Mosquito repellent products for children under one year old presented in the form of children's plates, liquid. The rules of application are similar.
- Mosquitol cream against mosquitoes protects against blood-sucking insects, relieves itching after bites. Properties persist for 2 hours.The tool is massaged in open skin. Permitted to use funds for children after 1 year.
Mosquito bites have a special cream or also called an ointment. The drug quickly soothes the skin, relieves itching, inflammation, removes puffiness and redness.
Cream of mosquitoes very much helps out. Before him, my son was returning from a walk bitten, in spots and blisters. Only you had to look for different means than to smear a child with mosquito bites. The cream is only 2 hours, but we have enough to stroll before bedtime.
Inna, St. Petersburg
Products Moskitol - highly effective means of protection for the whole family from blood-sucking insects.