Mosquito repellent stickers for kids

Mosquito stickers for kids - a fashionable novelty that provides a relaxing stay. in nature without mosquitoes little children and their mothers. Includes only safe ingredients. Stickers smell good, except for the repellent effect they have a positive effect on the nervous system and respiratory system.

Mosquito repellent design

The products are round stickers with the image of children's pictures - smiles, faces, animals.Polyester or microfiber is impregnated with active substances. An adhesive is applied to the bottom layer, which allows the mosquito stickers to be attached to clothing and skin.

Application Instructions

Remove from the packaging, detach the paper that protects the adhesive from drying out. Stick in the desired place - a cap, pockets, sleeves, stroller, etc. You can attach the arm, leg to children after 2 years.

Mosquito repellent stickers for kids
Mosquito repellent stickers for kids


Leave mosquito stickers on the skin for no more than 8 hours, clothes - about 12. The first effect is observed for the first 4 hours. At the same time, you can apply no more than 3 pieces in different parts of the body.

Children under 2 years old can glue stickers on clothes only in those places where the child is lacking. On the back, cap, visor stroller. Otherwise, the mosquito sticker runs the risk of being in the baby’s mouth.

Active ingredients

The active substance is essential oils. Stickers on clothes from mosquitoes for children soak citronella oil, eucalyptus. Substances have a persistent odor, reminiscent of citrus scent. On mosquitoes oils act as a deterrent, children ease breathing, calm the nervous system, stimulate mental processes.


Use mosquito stickers on the skin, clothes can be children from 2 years. This is due to the risk of an allergic reaction. Before active use it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. Stick a sticker, observe the skin condition for 30 minutes. In the event of a rash, red spots, swelling, use the tool can not.


Essential oils from mosquitoes keep a persistent smell within the first 4 hours, gradually protection weakens. For one evening walk near the house, on the playground, the park leaves 2 pieces. After 3 years, children can glue 2 stickers at the top of the body, on their legs. The range of one protective agent is 40 cm.

Products of famous brands

Mosquito stickers
Mosquito stickers

Fashionable products are very popular, but several brands have become popular.

  • Bugslock. Bright smilies attract the attention of kids, look stylish on any clothes, hats. Worth packing 90 rubles. It smells of citrus. The same company produces and Bugslock mosquito bracelet.
  • Moonbiffy Bright stickers of different colors with the image of comics. In the package of 6 pieces. Actions are enough for 5 hours.The smell is weak citronella, eucalyptus. Packing cost 70 rub.
  • Moskito green. Packing cost 60 rub. Natural stickers are suitable for people with sensitive skin, young children. Produced in Russia, you can buy at the pharmacy.

Mosquito repellents in the form of natural oils used since ancient times. Funny stickers with soaked cloth - an improved version.


Mosquito stickers - products are new, but already popular. I bought anti-mosquito bracerthe child takes it off. Stickers remain in place, act in a similar way. With pleasure I glue on myself. Easy walk in the evenings.

Alina, Moscow

Funny images on Mosquito green and bright colors appealed to me, my son. With pleasure he glues every evening before a walk. The smell is pleasant, not strong. Actions are enough for 4 hours, then appear mosquito bites. We always take with you a spare thing. If there are few mosquitoes, one is enough.

Tatyana, Tver

Bought from Moonbiffy mosquitoes. Interesting stickers. The child really likes, mosquitoes are not annoying. Every day he chooses his mood. Stylish, fashionable, safe and insect proof.

Anna, Voronezh

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