Means for processing the area from mosquitoes and ticks

Tick-borne encephalitisstrong allergic reaction to mosquito biteshelminth infection tick borreles - This is only a small part of the dangerous diseases with which a person can become infected during a bite by insects. To protect against them will help the correct method of struggle and prevention.Treatment of the site from mosquitoes and ticks - an event that requires careful preparation and special skills. Modern drugs have a certain class of toxicity, so it is very important to observe precautions while working. To avoid negative consequences, you should carefully consider the choice of means and method of treatment.

Processing by special means

To treat the area from mosquitoes and ticks on their own, you must purchase special tools. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the precautions to avoid the negative effects of poisons on the body.

Rules of preparation for processing:

  1. Wear protective clothing. This should be a long tight robe made of natural fabric, gloves, glasses, a mask.
  2. The procedure should be carried out only in dry and windless weather.
  3. You can not harvest another 40 days after processing the site.

During work, make sure that the drops of the drug do not fall on the mucous membranes. Otherwise, the infected area should be washed with plenty of clean running water and, if necessary, contact the specialists.

Of particular importance is the lack of precipitation in the next few days after tillage. Rain will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. At the end, take off your clothes and wash. Then wash your hands with soap.


The optimal time for spraying the site: April-May and October-November.

During work, the foliage, grass and trees should be carefully sprayed up to 1.5 m from the ground, where mites love to dwell. Pay special attention to areas along the paths, paths, near the entrances to the buildings.

When choosing a drug should take into account the area of ​​the site and the type of pests that must be eliminated.

Means for processing from mosquitoes of the territory
Means for processing from mosquitoes of the territory


The active ingredient is alpha-cipermetrin. Available in the form of a white powder that must be diluted in water. It has a wide range of actions and is aimed at the destruction ticks ixodic, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches. Price from 2000 rubles per 1 kg. Consumption rate of 0.4-1 kg per 1 ha of land.


Fought with the help of Akaritoks with mites on the site. At the time of the treatment of the children sent to her grandmother. There was no tall grass on the plot, so the product was used very sparingly.1 kg for 6 acres will last for several years - that's for sure.

Dmitry, Mytishchi

Sipaz Super

The treatment for mosquitoes and ticks is based on cypermetrine. The main objective of the drug is to destroy ticks and mosquitoes. Destroys pests at all stages of the life cycle. Sold in liquid form, for 1 l will have to pay about 2000 rubles. Have a similar effect Digox, Cypermethrin and Samarovka insecticide. Concentrated emulsion of Cifox with a volume of 500 ml costs from 950 rubles. Samarovka insecticide will cost 6,500 rubles for 5 liters of funds.


We live near the pond, so every summer we suffer from mosquito bitesespecially children. We decided to try to cultivate the plot and bought Zifox. The tool was very effective and after the first treatment gave an excellent result. For the whole year were saved from the bloodsuckers.

Victor Sergeevich, Krasnodar


The active substance is zetacermethrin. The drug against flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and ants. Safe for the environment, leaves no residue and has no odor. 1500 rubles for 1 l. Consumption rates are determined by the nature of the site, the type of pests and available crops garden.


Means Taran - very strong insecticide. They even use special services. It is easy to process the plot yourself, but the efficiency will not be at the highest level. Only professional equipment can spray every blade and blade of grass. After self-use, they were able to completely get rid of ticks and mosquitoes at their summer cottage. Satisfied with the result.

Andrey, Yaroslavl

Also, for self-treatment of the site against ticks and mosquitoes, you can use Sinuzan, Agran, Hacks, Medilis Tsiper and Yurax. These drugs have a large number of positive reviews and have proven to be insecticides with high efficiency.

Professional Pest Control

Professional treatment of the territory from mosquitoes
Professional treatment of the territory from mosquitoes

The most reliable way to get rid of mosquitoes and ticks on the territory is to contact a special service. Almost in every region and region there are companies that are engaged in such activities.


  1. Professional pest control has the longest result, as it acts on the source of the problem.
  2. High quality.Experts use only high-quality products that have a 100% result.
  3. High speed. In most cases, one treatment is enough to forget about annoying insects forever.
  4. Security. During operation, the disinsectors use only biological preparations that are of a highly targeted nature. They do not pollute the soil, do not have a negative impact on the cultivated crops and do not affect the biocenosis in any way.


  1. Higher cost. In stores you can buy a variety of tools that are much cheaper.
  2. The use of toxic substances. Despite the promised safety, you can not argue about complete harmlessness.

In most cases, for professional treatment against ticks and mosquitoes, services use the cold mist method. Its essence lies in spraying at the site of very small particles of water and chemical reagent. For this purpose, water and the active substance are added to a special device. After processing, the result can be assessed within a day.

Cold fog kills not only adults, but also their eggs, along with the larvae.


The duration of this method may depend on the weather conditions and the insecticide chosen. The average duration is from one to four months.

Professional treatment of the territory from mosquitoes
Professional treatment of the territory from mosquitoes

The cost of processing the suburban area depends on numerous factors:

  • territory dimensions;
  • selected drug;
  • expense funds.

Also, additional fees may be charged for the remoteness of the object and the urgency of the order. Professional services offer to carry out a separate treatment against ticks or mosquitoes, and general. Complex cleaning of the territory will allow to get rid of two types of pests at once as soon as possible. In Moscow and the region for 1 hundred parts of the treated area from one type of pest will have to pay about 700-900 rubles, comprehensive measures cost 800-1200 rubles.


In our family there are small children and 2 dogs. In the summer, we love to live in a country house to protect our family, we decided to order a professional disinsector service. Appealed to the "Disinsection Service number 1". Immediately ordered a complex of mosquitoes and ticks. More worried about the presence of ticks, but at the same time decided get rid of mosquitoes at their summer cottage. The price difference was only 100 rubles. They are very pleased with the result, because they have forgotten about these pests for the whole summer.

Lyudmila, Moscow

Thus, the fight against ticks and mosquitoes on the site is a complex and expensive procedure. Only professional exterminators can fully protect people and animals. The use of high-precision products and special equipment significantly increase the chances of complete destruction of pests. But only regular insect control will make your stay at the cottage safe.

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