The best repellents against mosquitoes and blackflies

Mosquito repellents gain special popularity with the onset of heat. Funds are divided into 2 large groups - on the basis of insecticides, natural ingredients. The first drugs contain the same active ingredient, only in different concentrations, so their actions are similar.

The composition of insecticidal repellents

The active ingredient is the substance DEET in different variations. Initially used to protect the military from insects in the field. After 10 years, the insecticide was officially registered, a wave of production of insect repellents began, and continues to this day.

DETA - a toxic substance that causes the blocking of nerve impulses in mosquitoes, muscle paralysis, death. Belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances for humans. In a small dosage does not affect a person's health, health status.


When applied to the skin, the substance can cause an allergic reaction in the form of redness, rash, swelling, itching, burning. Before the start of active use, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. Apply a small amount of the product to the elbow bend, observe your own sensations, the condition of the skin for an hour.

Contraindications are individual intolerance, high sensitivity of the skin, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 3 years.

Mosquito repellents
Mosquito repellents

The composition of natural repellents

The active substance is a natural insecticide - feverfew or etoc.Both components are derived from a special type of chamomile mountain. A mosquito repellent acts similarly to chemical agents - causes muscle paralysis, death. Absolutely safe for humans. Part of children's products from mosquitoes up to a year and other insects.

Natural repellents are made based on mosquito essential oils: citronella, eucalyptus, carnationslavender Substances have a persistent smell, repel insects. Mosquitoes and midges in nature valid for 4 hours. The radius of influence is 50 cm.

Application Instructions

Terms of use are the same for all drugs with the same active ingredient.

DEET and his combinations

Processing of clothes, tents, backpacks should be carried out in the open air. To use for designated purpose only after their full drying. The properties of the active substance are stored up to 6 hours with a concentration of DETA 30%, 4 hours - 15%. Permitted to handle no more than 3 times per day.

Spraying onto exposed skin is not recommended so that a high concentration of insecticide does not work. It is necessary to splash on the palm, then apply on the skin. Some repellents are allowed to be applied to the face.Funds in the form of a cream used in a minimum amount, without much rubbing. You can process the skin no more than 2 times a day. Action lasts up to 4 hours.

Repellent application
Repellent application

Pyrethrum, essential oils

Repellents in shape spray, aerosol, cream designed to handle clothes, open skin. Action lasts up to 4 hours. Preparations can be used for children from different ages.

On a note!

The most popular are repellents in the form bracelets, stickers on clothes, wet wipes. The fabric is impregnated with the active substance, retains the properties for about 4 hours. Radius of action is about 1 m.

It is also necessary to use drugs on a natural basis in compliance with the instructions. It is allowed to process clothes 3 times per day, skin - up to 2 times.

Every summer there are new items that are trying to win the attention of customers, the old proven tools do not yield to the position, the rating of the best drugs changes every season.

Release form

Repellents are the largest group of insect repellents.

The choice of the form of the drug is an individual decision. Each of them shows high efficiency, safety at the correct application.

Rating of the most effective means

The best repellents provide reliable protection against mosquitoes, do not harm human health.


Spray for skin treatment. The special composition ensures uniform application of the agent, fast drying. The drug creates an invisible and imperceptible film on the surface of the skin. Additional components care for the epidermis, relieve itching after bites.

Spray OFF SMOOTH and spray Gardeks Extreme
Spray OFF SMOOTH and spray Gardeks Extreme

The spray has a faint odor that erodes over time. Easily washed off with soapy water.It is necessary to spray from a distance of 20 cm from the treated surface. The cost of spray is 270 rubles.


Love means off mosquitoes. Aerosol always helps out. Feel free to go to the forest for berries, to the country, in the evening for a walk. Spray Off protects against mosquitoes, black flies and other nastiness.

Albina, Moscow

Gardeks Extreme

Aerosol repellent is used to protect against insects in the wild. Provides protection for 6 hours. It is recommended to use for processing clothes, curtains on windows, doors. An excellent protective drug for outdoor enthusiasts, fishermen, hunters. For evening walks in urban environments, the aerosol can be picked up more weakly. It is forbidden to pregnant and lactating children under 12 years. The price of the drug is about 400 rubles. Also have Gardex series for children.


Mosquito repellent - The best tool for walking through the forest with a lot of insects. Protects from mosquitoes, midges, ticks. The action lasts for 4 hours, then splashed again and enjoy nature calmly.

Tatyana, Voronezh


French products. Available in the form of a spray, cream. The first is designed for processing clothes, the second - the skin.Pleasant smell, does not leave marks, stains. If the clothes after processing are stored in closed plastic bags, the properties of the active substance are maintained for up to 1 month.

There is a separate series of drugs for children. Permitted to use from 3 years. In the composition there are additional components that soothe the skin, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, so that you can use tools for treating mosquito bites in children. The price of the spray is 500 rubles, the cream is about 250 rubles.


Quality products at an affordable price. Protects against insects from mosquito bites also. Does not irritate the skin, it smells nice. I buy for myself and children.

Daria, St. Petersburg


Mosquito repellents
Mosquito repellents

The company produces various repellents, but liquids and plates are popular. Means Raptor provide collective protection. Use fumigators in the room. Begin to work after 5 minutes of work, do not lose their effectiveness even with the windows open. A bottle of liquid is enough for 30 nights. Separate product line for children Nekusayka made on the basis of a natural insecticide - pyrethrum. Can be used for children from 3 years.The cost of the Raptor kit is about 400 rubles.


Like the fumigators Raptor, now every summer with them. Only at first I bought plates, now it's liquid. No smell, the device works silently. We sleep with the windows open, there are no mosquitoes. To scare mosquitoes in the country use Raptor to protect the territory.

Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don


Bugstop mosquito bracelets for adults and children of bright colors. You can wear on the arm, foot, the length of the accessory is adjusted using the buttons. To enhance the effect, it is allowed to immediately put on 2 items on the arm, leg. You can wear no more than 8 hours in a row.

Store in closed plastic bags out of the sun. Saves properties up to a month. BugStop sold kits to protect the whole family. The active ingredient is citronella oil with a citrus scent. The cost of one bracelet is about 200 rubles.


The best repellent option funds for children from the year. Stylish, colorful and useful. You can safely walk the whole evening, do not carry with you spray cans, tubes of cream. Mosquitoes fly around, but do not sit down. More effect, if simultaneously cling to the arm, leg.

Irina, Tver

The repellent products of the following manufacturers are also popular:

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Bed bugs

