Mosquito coils
- Mosquito coils
- Terms of use
- Spiral safety
- Mosquito repellents
Camping is a favorite pastime of urban residents. However, annoying gnats can spoil the event, mosquitoes and other insects. To protect against nasal disease, there are a huge number of chemical agents, among which emit repellents and fumigators. The first are special creams, sprays, lotions that repel parasites peculiar smell. The fumigators, which include mosquito coils, not only repel insects, but also paralyze them, thereby contributing to the subsequent death of the midge.
Mosquito repellent and other blood-sucking insects has the shape of a spiral, made from a special paste. It contains wood flour and a potent insecticide. The starting material has good flammability. When burning and subsequent smoldering poisonous smoke does not allow mosquitoes to approach a person on a picnic, hiking, fishing, on the terrace or veranda of a country residence, as well as other open spaces.
The mosquito coil, despite an extensive range of products from various manufacturers, contains the active ingredient allethrin or its more modern counterparts with an improved formula. The insecticide belongs to the first generation of pyrethroids. It has a low toxic effect on all warm-blooded creatures, high - on the inhabitants of water bodies and approximately 80% on insects.The composition, which is impregnated mosquito fixture, includes the following chemical components:
- allethrin (esbiotrin or d-trans-allethrin);
- pyrethrin (feverfew);
- butylhydroxytoluene (additional component);
- N-octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide.
Alletrin, in contact with mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers, affects their nervous system. The action of the drug leads initially to increased irritability and loss of orientation by insects, then to convulsions, paralysis and death. Mosquitoes, when rotting a spiral and spreading smoke, are not able to overtake their prey, as they die in flight. Knowing how the device operates, observing all instructions of the instruction, you can confidently take mosquito repellent.
It is strictly forbidden to set fire to strips near ponds or in rooms where there is an aquarium, without additional measures to ensure the safety of their inhabitants.
Terms of use
The device does not require constant monitoring by a person, it is enough to burn it with a lighter or matches, but we should not forget about the fire safety technique.In the purchased set is a special metal stand and 10 spirals. They are 5 discs of greenish or black color, made up of two interlaced plates.
Many consumers are interested in how to use a spiral from mosquitoes and other blood-sucking pests. The procedure does not require special skills and consists of the following steps:
- Print the package and remove the disc from it.
- Carefully separate the spirals, taking care not to damage them.
- Install the insecticide on the enclosed refractory base. It must be located at a distance of no closer than 1.5 m from a person or animal and at a height of 40-50 cm from ground level. The device is not very reliable, so the drug can be hung vertically with a wire.
- Ignite the free edge of the helix and extinguish it when the flame appears so that the base continues to glow. Due to this, it is consumed gradually and constantly releases into the air toxic substances for insects.
On a note!
To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to set fire to several devices at a small distance from people. Peculiar smoke barrier scare mosquitoes and will not allow insects to approach people, will serve as reliable protection.
To stop processing space, you need to know how to extinguish the helix. To do this, just smoldering edge just break off from the main array, or sprinkle it with water.
With the help of an insecticide can get rid of mosquitoes indoors, but for this it is necessary to remove people, animals from it, and in the presence of an aquarium, close it carefully. Processing takes about 20 minutes with windows open. After that, the room must be well ventilated to eliminate all toxic substances.
To prevent mosquitoes from flying into the room, it is recommended to close the windows mosquito net or thick tulle. In order to avoid negative consequences of contact with the drug, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations contained in the instructions. To achieve the greatest efficiency, the helix should be set on fire in calm weather.
Mosquito coil safety
With proper use and compliance with the manufacturer's instructions, the mosquito coil cannot cause harm to humans and animals.Despite this, it must be remembered that there are insecticidal components in the composition of the fumigator, so after each contact with the product you should wash your hands thoroughly, and use a respirator when processing the enclosed space. To minimize the damage to the spiral for a person, the following factors should be considered:
- not to be in a cloud of insecticidal smoke for a long time;
- do not use the fumigator in the presence of lactating and pregnant women, small children, allergies and asthmatics;
- at the first sign of poisoning, drink plenty of water and go to fresh air.
Observance of elementary precautionary measures will allow to enjoy outdoor recreation, protected from mosquito bites and midges. According to reviews of mosquito coils, devices have a number of positive qualities, among which are the following factors:
- availability and low cost of funds;
- compactness and long period of work;
- prostate use.
Despite this, it is necessary to use a poisonous drug wisely and carefully.
Overview of mosquito repellents
For outdoor recreation it is quite easy to find an effective mosquito repellent. Modern chemical industry provides an opportunity to choose the preferred tool from a huge range on the market. The best spirals from eminent manufacturers are fundamentally different in terms of smoldering and color palette, the principle of the same action is identical for all fumigators. Consider the most popular and popular brands. mosquito repellent.
The Raid brand offers a highly effective insecticide based on d-allethrin. One helix, emitting a pungent, unpleasant smell, lasts for 8 hours. One fumigator can handle up to 20-25 sq.m. square A feature of the products from Reid is that it retains its performance even with a strong wind. The standard package contains 10 plates. The cost of the drug is within 70 rubles.
For us, the best remedy for mosquitoes are spiral Reid. We constantly take packing with us to the dacha and with the invasion of the nasal we light several devices at a short distance. Great effect. With means raid you can always rest easy.
Olga, St. Petersburg
Spiral Raptor against mosquitoes - one of the most effective. In its composition, it contains d-allethrin and a special fragrance. The device smolders for 7 hours, and the first results become noticeable within a quarter of an hour after the start of use. The radius of effective protection is 3 meters. The drug copes not only with mosquitoes, but also with other bloodsuckers. Included is 10 spirals and stand. The cost does not exceed 100 rubles.
Very good remedy for mosquitoes and other annoying insects. We use Raptor products for several years now and satisfied with the result. 10 spirals last for a long time, so you can not worry about biting. mosquitoes in the country. The husband takes with him a few pieces whenever he goes fishing.
Elena, Kostroma
Mosquito Spiral against mosquitoes - the leader among similar drugs. Smoke is odorless. The fumigator is equipped with a special tin can, which provides easy storage and use of the drug. A special handle allows you to hang the device in a convenient place.The maximum duration of a decay of a spiral reaches 8 hours. Included are 16 products. The price of the drug reaches 200 rubles.
The most reliable protection against mosquitoes - Moskitol spiral. I liked that the smell of burning is not felt at all, and the effect is felt rather quickly. Very good means Moskitol.
Oleg, Volgograd
Other manufacturers
In addition to the above, there are still popular tools:
Spirals Pure Mosquito House. The active ingredient is d-allethrin. Weak inconspicuous smoke, aromatized pleasant fragrances, has a protective effect for 8 hours. The manufacturer supplied the kit with two holders, which is very convenient in the presence of 10 spirals.
Fumitoks. The package contains 15 spirals. Standard active ingredient provides protection for 7 hours of decay.
A large number of domestic and foreign drugs are on the market. Which one to choose must decide on their own. Spiral against mosquitoes - reliable protection against insects, requiring proper use with strict observance of instructions.