Efficient spray and mosquito spray
- Use of mosquito spray
- Mosquito spray
- Popular insect sprays
- Sprays Gardeks
- Moskitol and Miko Lavender from insects
Spray mosquitoes - the most popular products of the hot period of the year. The market of products is represented by domestic and foreign goods. When choosing effective anti-mosquito difficult to navigate, to choose for themselves the best option. Spray mosquitoes should act quickly, not cause side effects, retain the properties for several hours.
The effective component of the spray, aerosol
In 1974, an insecticidal substance - DETA was obtained in the laboratory of England. It began to be used for the production of insect repellents to protect soldiers in the field, indoors. After 10 years, the substance was officially registered, a wave of production of mosquito repellents, midges, pincers, bedbugs, wasps and others began, causing insects to people. Most modern preparations for flying blood-sucking insects are produced on the basis of DETA. Only concentration is different.
On a note!
Safe for humans is the dose of insecticidal substance DETA to 35%. In universal sprays from many insects or from a large number of them, the drug DETA is introduced into the composition of 30%. For mosquito and black fly protection under conditions of a moderate number of insects, a concentration of 15% is enough.
Substance belongs to the 2nd class of danger. Spray from mosquitoes does not affect the well-being of the person, does not cause side effects, except in cases with individual intolerance or violation of instructions for use. An increased concentration of the insecticidal component on the skin leads to the development of an allergic reaction — reddening of the skin, rash, swelling, itching, burning.
For this reason, the tool is prohibited to use an adult more than 3 times a day, there are age restrictions, you can not apply mosquito repellent during pregnancybreastfeeding. Allergy to spray often develops in young children.
Application Instructions
Since the active component is applied identical. Rules for the use of spray, aerosol of different types are the same for all:
- The mosquito spray is designed to handle clothes. In this case, it is valid from 12 hours to 30 days, if you store the processed clothes in a closed plastic bag. Clothes hang out on the street, sprayed to a wet state, waiting for drying, used for its intended purpose.
- In addition to clothing, it is allowed to use aerosols of mosquito repellents for treating tents, awnings, and fabric surfaces of a country house.
- It is allowed to use on open areas of the body, but it is undesirable to process a large area of skin. The drug is applied from a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the skin in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. The tool should be washed off after returning home from a walk.
On a note!
The universality of the spray, aerosol depends on the concentration of the poisonous component. The higher it is, the more varied the protection. The same remedy is used from mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, ticks.
Top Rated
Which spray is better, you need to understand on the basis of what is expected from the drug. Also consider the number of insects. In the city park, the tool will show itself as a good spray, and in the forest it will be ineffective. Rating spray is based on the degree of efficiency, affordability, safety.
Products Off mosquitoes known around the world. Available over 10 years. During this time, the brand managed to establish itself at its best. In the line there are old proven tools and new items.
The active ingredient is the substance DETA, auxiliary - essential oils, plant extracts. The mosquito and black fly spray provides universal protection against all flying insects for 4 to 8 hours. On clothes, the drug remains valid for up to 30 days.
On a note!
Aerosol Off smells good, does not leave marks on clothes, does not irritate the skin. There is a special line of products for children. Spray use from 1 year.
The average price of spray Off 300 rubles. Product reviews confirm the effectiveness, safety of funds.
Bought Off Extreme. Went for berries, needed a strong defense. Well processed clothes on the street, sprinkled on exposed skin. Mosquitoes squeaked, flew around, but did not bite. Enough protection for 4 hours, as promised by the manufacturer, everything is fair. She sprinkled again, and calmly went home. Quality pleased. Smell too.
Irina, Moscow
Patriotic Picnic products - one of the most common brands. The popularity of the brand has won thanks to a wide range, affordable price. Body spray smells good, does not cause irritation, additionally soothes the skin, relieves itching after bitesdone by mosquitoes earlier.
Children's protective aerosols for mosquitoes Picnic contain at least DEET, 7%, therefore it is allowed to apply from 1 year of life. There is an aerosol for super sensitive skin. The cost of aerosol brand Picnic from 120 to 200 rubles.
I bought a mosquito picnic for the whole family. Needed for evening walks around the city. Insects do not teem, but even a few mosquito bites annoying. The picnic was very helpful. It smells good, does not make passersby turn around, there was not a single bite while it was walking. When it got dark completely, the insects diminished. Light spray is ideal for walking in the fresh air in the park.
Anna, Saint Petersburg
Gardex products European quality attracts buyers with quick effect and safety. Although the composition of the spray has all the same DEET, there are Gardeks funds at times more expensive.
There are several lines of products to protect the whole family. Gardex drugs for children it is allowed to use from 3 years, some drugs from the Extreme line - from 12.
On a note!
Universal aerosols of red color Gardeks Extreme provide protection against mosquitoes in extreme conditions - on hunting, fishing, overnight in nature. And also protect against blackflies, ticks, gadflies, other flying insects.
Children's spray Gardeks will keep the properties for 2 hours, an adult - about 8 hours. Products belong to the average price category. Spray spray from a different line costs from 200 to 600 rubles.
If you need protection from mosquitoes and other filth on fishing, immediately buy a red Gardeks.The active ingredient in it is 30%. Kills insects at the first contact. It does not smell very nice, but tolerable. If you process the clothes and leave to air for half an hour, you hardly feel it. In addition to clothes, I spray my hands and a tent. Night fishing without obstacles provided.
Andrey, Voronezh
Moskitol - products with a wide range of sprays from mosquitoes, midges, ticks. Combines an active insecticide - DETA and essential oils. Valid for 4 hours, funds with enhanced formula - up to 8 hours. It smells good, the smell quickly disappears, does not stain clothes, does not cause discomfort when applied to the skin. The cost of spray Moskitol from 250 rubles.
I bought a universal aerosol against mosquitoes, midges, gadflies. The consistency is such that you can splash on the palm, then calmly distribute it over the body. I lubricated my arms, legs, neck, even my face. No discomfort, protection lasts 4 hours. Helps in the country from mosquitoes, gathering near the house on the bench and on the river also saves.
Inna, Kiev
Miko lavender
Drug from a series of safe products on a natural basis.It has a deterrent effect, the action lasts no more than 2 hours.
On a note!
Permitted to use remedy about mosquitoes to children from 1 year, pregnant, lactating.
Active ingredients - essential oils of geranium, carnations, citronellalavender You can spray on clothing, or open areas of the body. The most effective spray from domestic producers on a natural basis. Cost of drug against mosquitoes and ticks is about 450 rubles. For sale tool in the pharmacy.
When my son was six months old, she did not know how to protect him from mosquitoes. She herself also suffered from bites, because sprays should not be used during feeding. In the pharmacy I was offered Miko, and I was pleased, a hundred times grateful. We walked quietly in the evening on the street, no bites.
Albina, Moscow
Also popular are sprays. Taiga, My Sunshine, Det, Fumitoks.
Having made a review of the most effective means of mosquitoes, you can decide how much the best spray costs. Price within 500 rubles. However, you should always pay attention to the concentration of the active ingredient. From this depends directly on the effectiveness of the aerosol. Cream differs only in auxiliary components, a way of drawing.