Spray Off Mosquito

With the onset of heat there is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently - mosquitoes. Evening walk does not bring joy, if bloodsucking insects are annoying. Off - offers reliable protection, provides a pleasant stay. Off mosquito spray can be applied to the body, clothing.

Spray and aerosol

The brand is known worldwide, there are many drugs off mosquitoes in a different form. Particularly popular spray spray.Means differ in the concentration of the active component.

On a note!

It is recommended to spray fabrics with a spray and open areas of the body with an aerosol. However, manufacturers allow the use of aerosol on clothing, spray on the skin.

Active component

The active substance of any spray productsThe aerosol acts as an insecticide - diethyl toluamide. The component was originally used to protect the military from harmful arthropods in the field, indoors. Over time, on the basis of this insecticide began to produce drugs around the world.

Diethyltoluamide as part of insect repellent is contained in different amounts. Use in acceptable doses does not harm the person. But violation of the rules is fraught with an allergic reaction on the skin, poisoning, deterioration of health.

Spray and Spray Off mosquito
Spray and Spray Off mosquito


To eliminate the smell of insecticide in the preparations add fragrances. Thanks to them, they smell good, seem completely safe. However, before using it is necessary to study the instructions, strictly follow the rules.

Application Instructions

Spray off mosquitoes, as spray must be used outdoors.It is recommended to carefully handle clothing, open areas of the body lightly. Keep a can at a distance of 20 cm from the surface to be treated.

  • Post things on the street. Spray thoroughly until wet. Wear after drying.
  • Skin treatment should be carried out immediately before a walk or approaching the area where mosquitoes fly.

Off mosquito spray does not leave marks on the fabric surface, a feeling of stickiness on the body.

Product range

The company produces several products in cans.

  • Off! Extreme. It has a high concentration of the active component - 30%. Acts against all bloodsucking insects. Recommended mosquito repellent: when visiting forests, wildlife areas, with a large number of insects.
  • OFF! Smooth & Dry with a dry spray effect. The active ingredient - DEET with a concentration of 15%. It is recommended to use with a moderate number of insects. Suitable for evening walks near the house, in the park. The mosquito spray OFF creates a thin protective film on the surface of the skin, dries quickly, is absolutely not felt on the body.
  • Off water spray mosquito. Contains 15% active ingredient. It has a cooling effect.Soothes skin after mosquito bites.
  • Tool off mini spray for treatment of insect bites. Soothes the skin, removes puffiness, swelling, contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissue.

Product Range Off Balonchiki
Product Range Off Balonchiki

Off means in the form of a spray, aerosol is not allowed to apply to children under 12 years. Baby sprays produced by other companies. The cost of the drug depends on the region, the average price of the drug is 400 rubles.


Insecticide on contact with air gradually loses its properties. How much protection will act depends on the concentration of the substance that has fallen on clothing, the skin when using the drug. The mean values ​​are:

  • When processing things protective properties are present within 4 hours. According to manufacturers, if you store the processed clothes in a closed plastic bag, the protection lasts up to 30 days.
  • An insecticide acts on the skin for only 4 hours.

Efficiency depends on the number of bloodsucking individuals. The greatest protection against mosquitoes is provided by spray, an aerosol with a content of 30% or more DEET.

special instructions

To the use of drugs Off mosquitoes only harm insects,It is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • do not spray near fire;
  • handle clothes in the open air;
  • Do not use more than 3 times a day on clothes, 2 times on the body;
  • not for people with sensitive skin, children, pregnant women.

Reviews of mosquito spray Off confirm the absence of side effects when using the tool according to the rules.


For me, Off - the best mosquito repellent. For a long time the drug was not looking. Bought, tried, liked. Well helps Extreme in the country, in the forest. Mosquitoes fly around, squeak, but do not bite. As soon as I felt the bite, I work on clothes and skin again. During the day it is enough 2 times.

Marina, Perm

Buy Off with the amount of insecticide 15%. You can safely walk in the warm evenings around the city, in the village acts weakly. I tried - I went to my grandmother. Bite more like.

Alina, Moscow

I like Off with a cooling effect. On the body does not feel good smell mosquitoes are afraid. After applying a pleasant sensation for 5 minutes. Allergic reactions and other side effects never happened.

Svetlana, St. Petersburg

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