Mosquito repellent during pregnancy
- Sprays during pregnancy
- Cream against mosquitoes for pregnant women
- Remedies for flying insects
Remedies for mosquitoes for pregnant women should be safe for the woman’s body, not affecting the development of the fetus. Because the action is not fully understood. insecticide repellents, preference should be given to products based on natural ingredients.
The expediency of the use of repellents
Mosquito bites in our area have never been treated as dangerous, harmful.They simply do not pay attention, or disposed of using any alcohol tinctures. However, during pregnancy, a woman’s body is unpredictable; a single mosquito bite can cause serious complications.
In the period of gestation, the risk of developing allergic reaction to mosquito bite. It appears as a rash on the skin, redness and swelling, inflammations. One bite can turn into a huge stain, bothering severe itching. But this is not the worst! Mosquito bites during pregnancy are dangerous because they can cause breathing problems, anaphylactic shock.
Completely abandon repellent agents impossible, but the choice should be approached with great seriousness. What means can be pregnant, what to look for?
Spray against mosquitoes for pregnant women on the basis of the common substance DEET is not recommended. Manufacturers themselves warn about this. Other sources allow the use of drugs with a low concentration of the substance no more than 15%. Explaining that the active ingredients do not penetrate the bloodstream,concentrated only in the upper layers of the epidermis.
These tools include sprays for childrenthat recommend the use of 2 years. A vivid example of this category of funds is Gardex, Deta Bebi. Spray spray on clothes in the open air, put on after drying. Protection lasts no more than 4 hours.
Pregnant mosquito spray should be with extreme caution. At the first occurrence of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to wash off the composition, stop further use.
Cream gel
Preparations for the skin for pregnant women are released on the basis of natural ingredients - essential oils. Means are allowed to use young children who are pregnant, provided that there is no individual intolerance to the components.
The preparations of this category include Babycoccole cream of Italian origin. It consists of essential oils of geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass. Cream milk Our mother on the basis of chamomile oils, yarrow, carnations. Facilities scare mosquitoes persistent odor, protect the skin from irritation, help to recover faster after bites.
The tool is squeezed on the palm, spread on the skin in unprotected places. Repellent properties last for 2 hours. Reapply the drug is allowed no more than 1 time. It is recommended to use twice per day.
Enjoy special popularity. Accessories put on the hand, foot, cling to a handbag, in any convenient place. The active ingredient is citronella oil. A plate impregnated with this substance, a capsule, a cloth is inserted into the bracelet.
To wear anti-mosquito bracer pregnant women should only be on the street, no more than 8 hours. The radius of protection against mosquitoes is about 50 cm. To increase efficiency, it is allowed to wear 2 accessories at once on a hand, foot.
Citronella oil is not in contact with the skin, which eliminates the development of an allergic reaction. The aroma has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman - it soothes, improves breathing and relieves fatigue.
Vivid representatives of this category of products are products. Bugstop, Bugslock, Gardex, Farewell squeak. Provide protection for up to 4 months, if you store the bracelets according to the rules. Each time put in a package with a clasp.
Mosquito repellent stickerssoaked in essential oils. Retain properties up to 12 hours. The action is similar to bracelets. The patches of the domestic manufacturer Magicoplast are very popular. The company produces medicinal children's stickers based on the extract of plant components. Their smell repels bloodsucking insects.
During pregnancy is allowed to apply plates, liquid indoors from a children's series. They are made on the basis of a natural insecticide - pyrethrum. The active component is obtained from special varieties of chamomile.
Fumigator lasts 10 hours, provides a restful sleep, good rest. In the room there is a smell of chamomile, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.
On a note!
During pregnancy you can protect yourself from mosquitoes. vanilla, essential oils or other folk remedies. Each woman selects an effective drug for herself. Because so bright smells can provoke nausea, dizziness. Some future mothers tolerate the smell of lemon balm, others lavender.
Remedies for mosquitoes during pregnancy are selected individually. In the first place you should always put your own health, the life of your unborn child. Protection against mosquitoes during pregnancy should be effective and safe.